Spaceways, v. 4, issue 1, whole no. 24, December 1941
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24 SPACEWAYS THE READERS ALWAYS WRITE 7. A library like this would be swell, though I don't think it would win many new fans or influence stf. For instance, would a new fan, knowing nothing about stf., write in and ask for a good magazine? I doubt it greatly. How would he know about the library if he knew nothing about stf.? It could be a swell thing, tho. Ask for a librarian, I'm willing and able, but far from well known. " .....Beacon Light--9. Palmer's stand against the fans seems rather pathetic to me..... " To LRC: since when was Alan Quatermain a "tough bozo"? (Readers column, August) He was one of the most heroic heroes, and very modest, that I've read of. And believable! [[writing to left of paragraph]] NB [[end writing]] Bob Tucker, Box 260, Bloomington, Illinois announces: Greetings. It took the cover on this latest issue of Spys to bring me from my shell. What a ghod-awful cover! It reminds me in a way of a somewhat similar sketch Johnny Michel once did for my Nova in 1939--only Johnny's cover didn't appear so "hurried". S'matter, did you allow Doc only forty minutes to finish it in? It seems so to me. This, methinks, is both Lowndes and "art" each at the lowest ebb. What was Doc thinking of, and if so, why did he push it off on you?! I gleefully consign it to your well-known corner in hell and hand it a zero. " .....20,000 Leagues tops the issue with 9. Is there anything more interesting in fanzines than articles of this nature? There is? Tell me what. The length helps this one a great deal. I hope you run his future articles (of trips) to such length, for the added interest. Would hate to see them split in two chapters. " How To Win Fans a la Beling isn't all a bad idea. Workability is the bugaboo that confronts every fan project thought of or even actually started. Will it work? I have never thought to inquire just how the Indiana library was coming along. The next time I see Ted Dikty in person and in private I'll force the information from him! 7 to Beling. " Collector Speaks, another 7. I found myself wondering only one thing...well, no. To be fair, I was wondering two things after finishing this installment. What price did Farsaci pay for The Recluse and who was the opposition collector? It was tormenting not to answer the former (and natural) question. " Johnathan Hale can take his rare books and shove them. Writing not at all bad, despite some cliches that were meant to be serious drama...but gosh...the lightning got him again. Harry, you used to have some right smart fan fiction...5. Beacon Light. Why does the guy pretend he ain't Doc Lowndes? Why? Oh well, 8. Something's Wrong...ah, comes that age-old question, forever popping up in fandom when a new name appears' WHO is Roger Powers? Roger gets a 6 from me. Harry Jenkins, Jr., 2409 Santee Ave., Columbia, South Carolina, writes: Front cover: 3. Doc is a good writer, an excellent one, but his artwork just can't get across. The lettering is about the only thing that keeps it that high. " From the Control Room: interesting as usual, so--6. " 20,000 Leagues over the Road: omigawd, another Chicon article? Well, it's not about the Chicon, thank foo! Widner has an outstanding ability to write articles, but this trait leaves him when he starts in on columns or fiction. This article is no exception to the highly individual Widner type of humor, and therefore deserves the ultimate--a TEN. Which, the reader concludes, makes me palpitate in expectation of the Denver article. And he is right. " How To Win Fans and Influence Science Fiction: 7. An interesting idea, but might not, shall we say, John Fann, age 15, send for some magainzes, and per has your suggestion, the librarian would ship him Astoundings? Well, John Fann is a young fellow who likes slambang action, but can't assimilate Astounding as yet. If the librarian would send him Amazing, he'd be dully pleased, toss aside his westerns and turn to ts-f. After a couple of months of "conditioning" then he'd be ready to take on Astounding. Whereas, if he were given Astounding as the first dose, it might not taste so good. But that's the Palmer type of argument! Which, incidentally, I agree with to a certain degree. " .....Beacon Light: 9. All right, it's improved. It's improved a helluva lot! I agree with most of the comments on Heinlein, in fact they so closely parallel my own that I'm taken aback, or sumpin. But what's this--what's this? Quote: "And coming up, according to re-
24 SPACEWAYS THE READERS ALWAYS WRITE 7. A library like this would be swell, though I don't think it would win many new fans or influence stf. For instance, would a new fan, knowing nothing about stf., write in and ask for a good magazine? I doubt it greatly. How would he know about the library if he knew nothing about stf.? It could be a swell thing, tho. Ask for a librarian, I'm willing and able, but far from well known. " .....Beacon Light--9. Palmer's stand against the fans seems rather pathetic to me..... " To LRC: since when was Alan Quatermain a "tough bozo"? (Readers column, August) He was one of the most heroic heroes, and very modest, that I've read of. And believable! [[writing to left of paragraph]] NB [[end writing]] Bob Tucker, Box 260, Bloomington, Illinois announces: Greetings. It took the cover on this latest issue of Spys to bring me from my shell. What a ghod-awful cover! It reminds me in a way of a somewhat similar sketch Johnny Michel once did for my Nova in 1939--only Johnny's cover didn't appear so "hurried". S'matter, did you allow Doc only forty minutes to finish it in? It seems so to me. This, methinks, is both Lowndes and "art" each at the lowest ebb. What was Doc thinking of, and if so, why did he push it off on you?! I gleefully consign it to your well-known corner in hell and hand it a zero. " .....20,000 Leagues tops the issue with 9. Is there anything more interesting in fanzines than articles of this nature? There is? Tell me what. The length helps this one a great deal. I hope you run his future articles (of trips) to such length, for the added interest. Would hate to see them split in two chapters. " How To Win Fans a la Beling isn't all a bad idea. Workability is the bugaboo that confronts every fan project thought of or even actually started. Will it work? I have never thought to inquire just how the Indiana library was coming along. The next time I see Ted Dikty in person and in private I'll force the information from him! 7 to Beling. " Collector Speaks, another 7. I found myself wondering only one thing...well, no. To be fair, I was wondering two things after finishing this installment. What price did Farsaci pay for The Recluse and who was the opposition collector? It was tormenting not to answer the former (and natural) question. " Johnathan Hale can take his rare books and shove them. Writing not at all bad, despite some cliches that were meant to be serious drama...but gosh...the lightning got him again. Harry, you used to have some right smart fan fiction...5. Beacon Light. Why does the guy pretend he ain't Doc Lowndes? Why? Oh well, 8. Something's Wrong...ah, comes that age-old question, forever popping up in fandom when a new name appears' WHO is Roger Powers? Roger gets a 6 from me. Harry Jenkins, Jr., 2409 Santee Ave., Columbia, South Carolina, writes: Front cover: 3. Doc is a good writer, an excellent one, but his artwork just can't get across. The lettering is about the only thing that keeps it that high. " From the Control Room: interesting as usual, so--6. " 20,000 Leagues over the Road: omigawd, another Chicon article? Well, it's not about the Chicon, thank foo! Widner has an outstanding ability to write articles, but this trait leaves him when he starts in on columns or fiction. This article is no exception to the highly individual Widner type of humor, and therefore deserves the ultimate--a TEN. Which, the reader concludes, makes me palpitate in expectation of the Denver article. And he is right. " How To Win Fans and Influence Science Fiction: 7. An interesting idea, but might not, shall we say, John Fann, age 15, send for some magainzes, and per has your suggestion, the librarian would ship him Astoundings? Well, John Fann is a young fellow who likes slambang action, but can't assimilate Astounding as yet. If the librarian would send him Amazing, he'd be dully pleased, toss aside his westerns and turn to ts-f. After a couple of months of "conditioning" then he'd be ready to take on Astounding. Whereas, if he were given Astounding as the first dose, it might not taste so good. But that's the Palmer type of argument! Which, incidentally, I agree with to a certain degree. " .....Beacon Light: 9. All right, it's improved. It's improved a helluva lot! I agree with most of the comments on Heinlein, in fact they so closely parallel my own that I'm taken aback, or sumpin. But what's this--what's this? Quote: "And coming up, according to re-
Hevelin Fanzines