Spaceways, v. 4, issue 1, whole no. 24, December 1941
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SPACEWAYS 25 THE READERS ALWAYS WRITE port, is Harry Jenkins. He hasn't smashed thru as yet, but we hear that he's on his way." unquote. Phew, that convinced me that the Cynic was Thompson, but Gilbert still insists that it's good ol' Doc hiding under a pseudonym. Anyways --if it's Doc, I feel swell, if it's Don, I'm all right, but I don't feel swell. Poll Results: Before giving the averages, we wish to ask for your choice of the five best stories of 1941, and your favorite (one) cover. Only stories appearing in professional stf., fantasy, or weird magazines dated 1941 are to be counted, and please don't consider reprints. Only serials concluded in 1941-dated magazines are to be considered: that means "Quicksands of Youthfulness" is eligible, and "Second Stage Lensmen" is not. Please don't mark ties--flip a coin if you simply can't decide between two stores--and don't count fantasy appearing in books or general fiction magazines. (If you think it's too much of a job to decide on the best cover, don't let that keep you from sending your choice of fiction, or vice versa.) List your favorite five in order of preference, and next issue we'll publish results. We don't want you to ask all your friends to send their favorites, though; we're making no attempt to take a big poll. The sole aim is to find out what Spaceays' readers liked best during the past year. In 1940, you'll remember, Slan, Final Blackout, Fear, and Vault of the Beast finished in that order, three other stories tying for fifth. It'll be interesting to see whether the Campbell magazines have lost any of their predominancy this year. So don't forget--a postal will do just as well as a letter, and even if you don't want to take time to rate this issue of S, please send your story picks. We'd like twentyfive sets, if possible. " Now for the ratings on last issue. Leading was 20,000 Leagues over the Road, with the more or less stupendous figure of 8.7. Second came the latter section, with an even 8. Third, Beacon Light, at 7.9, the highest it has yet been. The editorial and "A Collector Speaks" Inseparably tied at 7.1 for fourth; following them come "How To Win Fans, &", at 6.8; next "Passing of Hastur", with 6.4; "An Oyster's Query" got 6.2, and "Something's Wrong", 5.9. The back cover and What they're about tied at 5.8; J. Hale got 5.7; "L'Ecole de Dieux": 5.4; and the front cover, 4.5. Issue as a whole: 6.62, which is .08 below the preceding one. Our prettiest thanks to comrades Mulrain, Senour, Spencer, Raines, Jenkins, Vogenitz, Tucker, Thompson, Farsaci, Shaw, Schwartz, de la Ree, Brazier, Widner, Gilbert, and Chauvenet, who did the dirty work this time. Don't forget to rate this issue and send those best stories and best cover choices. Oh, yes--at the last minute, Russell Chauvenet passed along the following ditty, which serves quite neatly as a sequel to "An Oyster's Query". Author of it is apparently unknown. A Roisterous Song An oyster met an oyster And they were oysters two; Two oysters met two oysters And they were oysters, too. Four oysters met a pint of milk And they were oyster stew. The world's most stirring times are beginning--NOW! All about you are new frontiers. Plastics, alloys, vitamins and vast social changes are building the civilization of tomorrow. SPACE TRAVEL IS INEVITABLE! Join the United States Rocket Society. The two-year Charter Mem- bership: $1.00 United States Rocket Society 4108 N. Kenmore Avenue, no. 501 Chicago, Illinois ADVERTISEMENTS Have you, by any chance, an extra-special correspondent? One with whom you've been exchanging letters for a long while; one who's interested in stf.? And have you perhaps been toying with the idea of sending him a Christmas present of some sort? If that's the case, why not sub-to Spaceways for the coming year for him? For the holiday season--until Dec. 31--we'll make a special subscription offer, the next eight issues for 60c. We'll also send a card announcing the gift. Don't wait too long, though, if you want him to receive his first issue before Christmas. P.S.: If he already subscribes, he'd appreciate your extending his subscription for one year. Same price.
SPACEWAYS 25 THE READERS ALWAYS WRITE port, is Harry Jenkins. He hasn't smashed thru as yet, but we hear that he's on his way." unquote. Phew, that convinced me that the Cynic was Thompson, but Gilbert still insists that it's good ol' Doc hiding under a pseudonym. Anyways --if it's Doc, I feel swell, if it's Don, I'm all right, but I don't feel swell. Poll Results: Before giving the averages, we wish to ask for your choice of the five best stories of 1941, and your favorite (one) cover. Only stories appearing in professional stf., fantasy, or weird magazines dated 1941 are to be counted, and please don't consider reprints. Only serials concluded in 1941-dated magazines are to be considered: that means "Quicksands of Youthfulness" is eligible, and "Second Stage Lensmen" is not. Please don't mark ties--flip a coin if you simply can't decide between two stores--and don't count fantasy appearing in books or general fiction magazines. (If you think it's too much of a job to decide on the best cover, don't let that keep you from sending your choice of fiction, or vice versa.) List your favorite five in order of preference, and next issue we'll publish results. We don't want you to ask all your friends to send their favorites, though; we're making no attempt to take a big poll. The sole aim is to find out what Spaceays' readers liked best during the past year. In 1940, you'll remember, Slan, Final Blackout, Fear, and Vault of the Beast finished in that order, three other stories tying for fifth. It'll be interesting to see whether the Campbell magazines have lost any of their predominancy this year. So don't forget--a postal will do just as well as a letter, and even if you don't want to take time to rate this issue of S, please send your story picks. We'd like twentyfive sets, if possible. " Now for the ratings on last issue. Leading was 20,000 Leagues over the Road, with the more or less stupendous figure of 8.7. Second came the latter section, with an even 8. Third, Beacon Light, at 7.9, the highest it has yet been. The editorial and "A Collector Speaks" Inseparably tied at 7.1 for fourth; following them come "How To Win Fans, &", at 6.8; next "Passing of Hastur", with 6.4; "An Oyster's Query" got 6.2, and "Something's Wrong", 5.9. The back cover and What they're about tied at 5.8; J. Hale got 5.7; "L'Ecole de Dieux": 5.4; and the front cover, 4.5. Issue as a whole: 6.62, which is .08 below the preceding one. Our prettiest thanks to comrades Mulrain, Senour, Spencer, Raines, Jenkins, Vogenitz, Tucker, Thompson, Farsaci, Shaw, Schwartz, de la Ree, Brazier, Widner, Gilbert, and Chauvenet, who did the dirty work this time. Don't forget to rate this issue and send those best stories and best cover choices. Oh, yes--at the last minute, Russell Chauvenet passed along the following ditty, which serves quite neatly as a sequel to "An Oyster's Query". Author of it is apparently unknown. A Roisterous Song An oyster met an oyster And they were oysters two; Two oysters met two oysters And they were oysters, too. Four oysters met a pint of milk And they were oyster stew. The world's most stirring times are beginning--NOW! All about you are new frontiers. Plastics, alloys, vitamins and vast social changes are building the civilization of tomorrow. SPACE TRAVEL IS INEVITABLE! Join the United States Rocket Society. The two-year Charter Mem- bership: $1.00 United States Rocket Society 4108 N. Kenmore Avenue, no. 501 Chicago, Illinois ADVERTISEMENTS Have you, by any chance, an extra-special correspondent? One with whom you've been exchanging letters for a long while; one who's interested in stf.? And have you perhaps been toying with the idea of sending him a Christmas present of some sort? If that's the case, why not sub-to Spaceways for the coming year for him? For the holiday season--until Dec. 31--we'll make a special subscription offer, the next eight issues for 60c. We'll also send a card announcing the gift. Don't wait too long, though, if you want him to receive his first issue before Christmas. P.S.: If he already subscribes, he'd appreciate your extending his subscription for one year. Same price.
Hevelin Fanzines