Tesseract, v. 2, issue 1, January 1937
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12, tesseract think over those lines... It'll be worth your while. Now that it has been revealed to all that "Karl Van Kampen" and "Don A. Stuart" are both JOHN W. CAMPBELL, JR. I may break my two year silence and let him give his reasons for the pen names. Mr. Campbell said: "Van Kampen exists because there is more than one type of story in science fiction. If you want a detective story, are expecting it, and it turns out to be a bill-and-coo love story, it may be a darned good bill-and-coo yarn. but its a blasted annoyance when you want a detective story. John W. Campbell, Jr. writes a type of story, and you expect that type from him. But if that man happens to be able to writer other kinds of stories - why tie him down, just because it would annoy you to find a different type under that name? You could count on Weinbaum for a good story, but it would have bothered you a bit if he wrote a story of the type Campbell did, all of a sudden. under his name. "I've chosen three names, for three different types of stories. Campbell for heavy science. Anything under that brandname will be heavy science. Van Kampen writes lighter science with more action. Don A. Stuart is the third, and it is all style, mood, and plot. Neither action nor science. I think [?] under Campbell would have confused the issue a bit. "Incidentally, of course, it gives me more magazine-room, but if you look at the record, you'll see that it doesn't give much more effectively. There's a limit to how fast you can write." Remember the Dec. 1934 Astounding! It carried a story by Campell, by "Van Kampen" and by "Don A. Stuart". CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rates: One cent a word. No exchanges Old Argony science fiction. Henry Leraire, 1120 Park Ave., New York City. For sale: Back numbers of TESSERACT - May, June & Dec., incomplete Nov. issues containing serial - 10c on. Rubber stamps [?] "Member S.F.A.A." 25c ea.-SFAA FREE: Each subscriber who secures one [new?] 7 or 12 issue subscription to TESSERACT by Jan. 9, will receive free a cross index of all s-f printed in Astounding, Amazing & Wonder in 1936. Act now! SCOOP! We have the honor to announce the engagement of miss Kathryn Kelly and Mr. Leo Hertzberg, of our SFAA Board of Trustees. Miss Kelly is associated with the Bank of America in San Diego, California and Mr. Hertzberg is a Junior at the Polytechnic College of Engineering in Oakland. No date has been set for the marriage as yet, but it will be in the very near future. We are sure the membership of the SFAA joins the staff and Board of Trustees in wishing them both a lot of happiness and good luck. PRIZE CONTEST! A book from the editor's library, "Burn, Witch, Burn" by A. Merritt, will be given to the subscriber who best answers the question: What shall the SFAA do in 1937 to advance and better science fiction! Entries will be judged principally on the practicality of the plan. Maximum length of article - 750 words. Entries must be postmarked not later than Jan. 9. All contestant must be, or become, subscribers before Jan. 9. You may submit two entries if you wish. CLARK ASHTON SMITH has made a number of small carvings during odd moments and is now trying to cast some in plaster. The carvings are of an imaginative and fantastic type and should appeal to fantasy lovers who are interested in sculpture. Many of the subjects are drawn from the weird fiction of Mr. Smith, Lovercraft, etc. One is the head of a Hyperborean sorcerer (Old Eibon himself, maybe!), another is a semi-canine critter that Mr. Smith calls The Dog Of Gommoriom. Other molds for Teathoggus, Unicorn's Head, and Double Faced Demon are in preparation, Announcement will be made in TESSERACT when the casts will be for sale and their prices. SFAA LIBRARY (continued) S-F excerpts, 5 cents each. A Matter of Size -Harry Bates; The Atom Smasher - P. Schuyler Miller; The Irrelevant - Karl Van Kampen; Twilight - Don. A. Stuart; Cosmic Rhythm- Harl Vincent; Cat's Eye - Vincent; Master of Dreams- Vincent; The World Wrecker - Raymond Z. Gallun; The Machine from Ganymode Gallun; Old Faithfuol - Gallun; The Wand of Creation - Gallun; Inflexure - C.C. Campbell; Age - Campbell; Discus Men of Ekta- C. Buchanan & Carr; The Mole Firate - Murray Leinster; Promima Centauri- Leinster; Sidewise in Time- Leinster.
12, tesseract think over those lines... It'll be worth your while. Now that it has been revealed to all that "Karl Van Kampen" and "Don A. Stuart" are both JOHN W. CAMPBELL, JR. I may break my two year silence and let him give his reasons for the pen names. Mr. Campbell said: "Van Kampen exists because there is more than one type of story in science fiction. If you want a detective story, are expecting it, and it turns out to be a bill-and-coo love story, it may be a darned good bill-and-coo yarn. but its a blasted annoyance when you want a detective story. John W. Campbell, Jr. writes a type of story, and you expect that type from him. But if that man happens to be able to writer other kinds of stories - why tie him down, just because it would annoy you to find a different type under that name? You could count on Weinbaum for a good story, but it would have bothered you a bit if he wrote a story of the type Campbell did, all of a sudden. under his name. "I've chosen three names, for three different types of stories. Campbell for heavy science. Anything under that brandname will be heavy science. Van Kampen writes lighter science with more action. Don A. Stuart is the third, and it is all style, mood, and plot. Neither action nor science. I think [?] under Campbell would have confused the issue a bit. "Incidentally, of course, it gives me more magazine-room, but if you look at the record, you'll see that it doesn't give much more effectively. There's a limit to how fast you can write." Remember the Dec. 1934 Astounding! It carried a story by Campell, by "Van Kampen" and by "Don A. Stuart". CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rates: One cent a word. No exchanges Old Argony science fiction. Henry Leraire, 1120 Park Ave., New York City. For sale: Back numbers of TESSERACT - May, June & Dec., incomplete Nov. issues containing serial - 10c on. Rubber stamps [?] "Member S.F.A.A." 25c ea.-SFAA FREE: Each subscriber who secures one [new?] 7 or 12 issue subscription to TESSERACT by Jan. 9, will receive free a cross index of all s-f printed in Astounding, Amazing & Wonder in 1936. Act now! SCOOP! We have the honor to announce the engagement of miss Kathryn Kelly and Mr. Leo Hertzberg, of our SFAA Board of Trustees. Miss Kelly is associated with the Bank of America in San Diego, California and Mr. Hertzberg is a Junior at the Polytechnic College of Engineering in Oakland. No date has been set for the marriage as yet, but it will be in the very near future. We are sure the membership of the SFAA joins the staff and Board of Trustees in wishing them both a lot of happiness and good luck. PRIZE CONTEST! A book from the editor's library, "Burn, Witch, Burn" by A. Merritt, will be given to the subscriber who best answers the question: What shall the SFAA do in 1937 to advance and better science fiction! Entries will be judged principally on the practicality of the plan. Maximum length of article - 750 words. Entries must be postmarked not later than Jan. 9. All contestant must be, or become, subscribers before Jan. 9. You may submit two entries if you wish. CLARK ASHTON SMITH has made a number of small carvings during odd moments and is now trying to cast some in plaster. The carvings are of an imaginative and fantastic type and should appeal to fantasy lovers who are interested in sculpture. Many of the subjects are drawn from the weird fiction of Mr. Smith, Lovercraft, etc. One is the head of a Hyperborean sorcerer (Old Eibon himself, maybe!), another is a semi-canine critter that Mr. Smith calls The Dog Of Gommoriom. Other molds for Teathoggus, Unicorn's Head, and Double Faced Demon are in preparation, Announcement will be made in TESSERACT when the casts will be for sale and their prices. SFAA LIBRARY (continued) S-F excerpts, 5 cents each. A Matter of Size -Harry Bates; The Atom Smasher - P. Schuyler Miller; The Irrelevant - Karl Van Kampen; Twilight - Don. A. Stuart; Cosmic Rhythm- Harl Vincent; Cat's Eye - Vincent; Master of Dreams- Vincent; The World Wrecker - Raymond Z. Gallun; The Machine from Ganymode Gallun; Old Faithfuol - Gallun; The Wand of Creation - Gallun; Inflexure - C.C. Campbell; Age - Campbell; Discus Men of Ekta- C. Buchanan & Carr; The Mole Firate - Murray Leinster; Promima Centauri- Leinster; Sidewise in Time- Leinster.
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