Timebinder, v. 1, Issue 1, 1944
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The Time-binder Volume I 1944 Number i Dedicated to the proposition that the animal, Man, in spite of his many faults and the terrible messes into which he allows himself to be led, is slowly but surely advancing along the road leading him from the jungle of prehistoric savagery to that final high pinnacle of manhood which is the goal he has for all his life envisioned. THE TIME-BINDER is published by Th'Ol'Foo, E. Everett Evans, of 25 Poplar Street, Battle Creek, Michigan. The date of future issues is problematical; there is no set price, although if, when you write your letter of comment, you wish to include a dime or three to help along the costs hereof, it will be gratefully accepted. But your letters I DO want.
The Time-binder Volume I 1944 Number i Dedicated to the proposition that the animal, Man, in spite of his many faults and the terrible messes into which he allows himself to be led, is slowly but surely advancing along the road leading him from the jungle of prehistoric savagery to that final high pinnacle of manhood which is the goal he has for all his life envisioned. THE TIME-BINDER is published by Th'Ol'Foo, E. Everett Evans, of 25 Poplar Street, Battle Creek, Michigan. The date of future issues is problematical; there is no set price, although if, when you write your letter of comment, you wish to include a dime or three to help along the costs hereof, it will be gratefully accepted. But your letters I DO want.
Hevelin Fanzines