Timebinder, v. 1, Issue 1, 1944
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ACHIEVING "PERSONAL ADEQUACY" THROUGH TIME-BINDING. This subject is very dear to my heart, as some of you may have noticed from former small things I have written or said. In my own way I want to put down on paper such parts of my belief as I may, in the hope that some of you may see the glory of Man that I see, and lose some of your pessimism about the conditions of the world of today. I am not trying to preach a sermon, nor proselyte anyone into a new religious belief. I do not approach this problem from the religious angle at all, although I do, personally, believe that there is a Something or Someone who has planned this Universe, and who has laid out a Road along which Man may travel, as swiftly or as slowly as he will. And that the end of that Road is the complete utilization of all those inherent and innate powers with which Man has been gifted. Also, that when Man does reach that height, he will indeed be "but a little lower than the gods". Part of my beliefs and feelings on this subject have been gained from philosophies entwined in various stories I have read; part has been gained from my study of history, after I found out that there was more to the study of history than mere dates and the names of kings and warriors; and part from my thinking through the past couple of decades. I have felt the personal need of some philosophy or of some system of thinking which would seem to make plausible the whole of life. In my early childhood, what with much religious training, I thought I had found it in the Christian Church. Later studies and experiences began to shake that belief. In my young manhood I thought I had found it in the advances which Man was making mechanically and scholastically. Then came World War One, in which I participated, and our hope that we were fighting the "war to end all wars". And then the terrible realization that those whom we had put into positions of power and trust had betrayed us; had given us a "peace" that was no permanent thing. (While I do not hold my intelligence too highly, I foresaw this Second World War many, many years before it came. If I, as well as many, many thousands of other common men like myself should have been able so accurately to see it, why, then, did not our "leaders"?) About that time I began to entertain the belief (from which I am not yet even wholly divorced), that there was (or is) a group of those "behind the scenes", who want or foster war for the attainment of their own ends, without regard to 3
ACHIEVING "PERSONAL ADEQUACY" THROUGH TIME-BINDING. This subject is very dear to my heart, as some of you may have noticed from former small things I have written or said. In my own way I want to put down on paper such parts of my belief as I may, in the hope that some of you may see the glory of Man that I see, and lose some of your pessimism about the conditions of the world of today. I am not trying to preach a sermon, nor proselyte anyone into a new religious belief. I do not approach this problem from the religious angle at all, although I do, personally, believe that there is a Something or Someone who has planned this Universe, and who has laid out a Road along which Man may travel, as swiftly or as slowly as he will. And that the end of that Road is the complete utilization of all those inherent and innate powers with which Man has been gifted. Also, that when Man does reach that height, he will indeed be "but a little lower than the gods". Part of my beliefs and feelings on this subject have been gained from philosophies entwined in various stories I have read; part has been gained from my study of history, after I found out that there was more to the study of history than mere dates and the names of kings and warriors; and part from my thinking through the past couple of decades. I have felt the personal need of some philosophy or of some system of thinking which would seem to make plausible the whole of life. In my early childhood, what with much religious training, I thought I had found it in the Christian Church. Later studies and experiences began to shake that belief. In my young manhood I thought I had found it in the advances which Man was making mechanically and scholastically. Then came World War One, in which I participated, and our hope that we were fighting the "war to end all wars". And then the terrible realization that those whom we had put into positions of power and trust had betrayed us; had given us a "peace" that was no permanent thing. (While I do not hold my intelligence too highly, I foresaw this Second World War many, many years before it came. If I, as well as many, many thousands of other common men like myself should have been able so accurately to see it, why, then, did not our "leaders"?) About that time I began to entertain the belief (from which I am not yet even wholly divorced), that there was (or is) a group of those "behind the scenes", who want or foster war for the attainment of their own ends, without regard to 3
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