Timebinder, v. 1, Issue 1, 1944
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ting that ALL men everywhere, whether American and European whites, Hottentots, Chinese coolies, American or African negroes, the "Untouchables" of India -- yes, and the Germanic and Japanese races -- are "equal", then we shall not have won that for which we really are fighting. And though it may not come out of this war, that ideology WILL come, for it is here now in principle, and the fact must follow the realization of the principle as surely as night follows the day. For, reading the scroll of history through our Time-Binding vision, we find that Men (especially those "men of power") have fought hardest to stop some new idea, WHEN THAT IDEA IS ALREADY HERE TO STAY -- and he knows it. He is merely making a final "fight against the pricks". Therefore, the Men of Tomorrow will admit truly that "ALL men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights". ((And please do not give me all those old, worn-out and time-shattered platitudes about all men not being equal, because some have rich parents, or some have better brains, etc. That is NOT what I mean, and you know it as well as I. I speak in the broad sense of Brotherly Communion.)) Having thus sketched in lightly the main facts about Time-Binding, and how it is an integral part of the proper viewing of History, let us consider more carefully how this can be used in our personal lives. How, through it, we can achieve that Personal Adequacy which makes for a full and a complete life. First of all, it helps immeasurably to remove the pessimistic feelings one cannot help but get when viewing the messiness of this present world conflict; the messiness of graft, racketeering, slums, extremes of wealth and poverty, and all these things which so often make us stop and wonder if there is any use in trying to live and work for a better life. It helps remove this pessimism, I say, because it shows us that while there have always been those periods of regression from the high points on the onward road, Man has always -- I repeat, always -- moved to a higher point than ever before, after them. That great march, slow and painful as it seems while we are enduring it, has always been onward and upward -- and will so continue. Using the simile of a ship on a long voyage, although 7
ting that ALL men everywhere, whether American and European whites, Hottentots, Chinese coolies, American or African negroes, the "Untouchables" of India -- yes, and the Germanic and Japanese races -- are "equal", then we shall not have won that for which we really are fighting. And though it may not come out of this war, that ideology WILL come, for it is here now in principle, and the fact must follow the realization of the principle as surely as night follows the day. For, reading the scroll of history through our Time-Binding vision, we find that Men (especially those "men of power") have fought hardest to stop some new idea, WHEN THAT IDEA IS ALREADY HERE TO STAY -- and he knows it. He is merely making a final "fight against the pricks". Therefore, the Men of Tomorrow will admit truly that "ALL men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights". ((And please do not give me all those old, worn-out and time-shattered platitudes about all men not being equal, because some have rich parents, or some have better brains, etc. That is NOT what I mean, and you know it as well as I. I speak in the broad sense of Brotherly Communion.)) Having thus sketched in lightly the main facts about Time-Binding, and how it is an integral part of the proper viewing of History, let us consider more carefully how this can be used in our personal lives. How, through it, we can achieve that Personal Adequacy which makes for a full and a complete life. First of all, it helps immeasurably to remove the pessimistic feelings one cannot help but get when viewing the messiness of this present world conflict; the messiness of graft, racketeering, slums, extremes of wealth and poverty, and all these things which so often make us stop and wonder if there is any use in trying to live and work for a better life. It helps remove this pessimism, I say, because it shows us that while there have always been those periods of regression from the high points on the onward road, Man has always -- I repeat, always -- moved to a higher point than ever before, after them. That great march, slow and painful as it seems while we are enduring it, has always been onward and upward -- and will so continue. Using the simile of a ship on a long voyage, although 7
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