Timebinder, v. 1, Issue 1, 1944
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the crew may change from time to time, some dying off and being replaced at the next port of stop; some being promoted and others demoted; some showing unexpected greatness of character while others show their true baseness which they had been able to keep covered for a time -- yet The Ship itself keeps on its steady progression towards its ultimate port. It weathers each storm; it pays no attention to the changes of personnel, even to the changes of command. The Ship's purpose is to make the trip, and it does. So with Mankind as a while. ((This simile is also Dr. Douglas'.)) Or, consider it as a country such as our own United States. We change our leaders constantly; we enter and emerge from wars of every nature and for every type of purpose; we suffer depressions; we have catastrophes of nature and of economics, yet still our country continues onward, ever growing, ever becoming greater. So with mankind. Knowing those things from our studies, can we then not find reason enough for achieving a Personal Philosophy which will carry us through any travail of war, depression, illnesses, financial loss, or the loss of friends and family? Can we not, from such a viewpoint made firmly part of our very boring, achieve a Personal Adequacy which will enable us to rise above the potty and major annoyances and disasters of life, to achieve the best that is in us? Humbly I do report that I do honestly believe that I've been able to do so. Not that I have achieved all my goals -- far from it. Not that I have perfected myself to a point where I am satisfied with what I have made of my life. Far from it. Not that I have stopped trying to grow over greater spirit. Far from it. But I do feel that I have achieved the Time-Binding outlook on life and events; that I can more properly evaluate them in terms of The Procession along The Road; that I can now see my place in that Procession, and can hold up my end of its burdens to a far greater extent than if I did not have such vision. Even before I had heard either the expression "Time Binding", when Heinlein used it in his magnificent speech at the Denvention; or "Personal Adequacy", when I read it in Lloyd Douglas' "Green Light", I had been searching for something of the sort to round out my personal philosophy, to fill up the vacancies that I intuitively sensed were there, I realized that something was lacking to make me the kind of man I wanted to be; to make me satisfied with myself. Groping thus, it came to me some years ago, in a startling thought, that it should not be impossible for an indi 8
the crew may change from time to time, some dying off and being replaced at the next port of stop; some being promoted and others demoted; some showing unexpected greatness of character while others show their true baseness which they had been able to keep covered for a time -- yet The Ship itself keeps on its steady progression towards its ultimate port. It weathers each storm; it pays no attention to the changes of personnel, even to the changes of command. The Ship's purpose is to make the trip, and it does. So with Mankind as a while. ((This simile is also Dr. Douglas'.)) Or, consider it as a country such as our own United States. We change our leaders constantly; we enter and emerge from wars of every nature and for every type of purpose; we suffer depressions; we have catastrophes of nature and of economics, yet still our country continues onward, ever growing, ever becoming greater. So with mankind. Knowing those things from our studies, can we then not find reason enough for achieving a Personal Philosophy which will carry us through any travail of war, depression, illnesses, financial loss, or the loss of friends and family? Can we not, from such a viewpoint made firmly part of our very boring, achieve a Personal Adequacy which will enable us to rise above the potty and major annoyances and disasters of life, to achieve the best that is in us? Humbly I do report that I do honestly believe that I've been able to do so. Not that I have achieved all my goals -- far from it. Not that I have perfected myself to a point where I am satisfied with what I have made of my life. Far from it. Not that I have stopped trying to grow over greater spirit. Far from it. But I do feel that I have achieved the Time-Binding outlook on life and events; that I can more properly evaluate them in terms of The Procession along The Road; that I can now see my place in that Procession, and can hold up my end of its burdens to a far greater extent than if I did not have such vision. Even before I had heard either the expression "Time Binding", when Heinlein used it in his magnificent speech at the Denvention; or "Personal Adequacy", when I read it in Lloyd Douglas' "Green Light", I had been searching for something of the sort to round out my personal philosophy, to fill up the vacancies that I intuitively sensed were there, I realized that something was lacking to make me the kind of man I wanted to be; to make me satisfied with myself. Groping thus, it came to me some years ago, in a startling thought, that it should not be impossible for an indi 8
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