Timebinder, v. 1, Issue 1, 1944
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Still another important facet of building that Utopia you desire, is to cultivate a decided cheerfulness at all times. Not a simpering, put-on cheerfulness. That will not help you in the least, and people will spot it -- and you -- as a phoney in a second. No, get yourself a real joyousness of look, voice and features that comes from a peaceful and a happy heart. You've no idea how it will help both you and the fellow who is on the receiving end of that bright smile. It not only gives you continued joy, but puts a new song into [[underline]]his[[end underline]] heart -- maybe even gives him a lift just at the moment when things look the blackest for him -- when he might have quit cold had it not been for the sudden sunshine of that cheerful grin and word you gave him. A number of you have laughed when you've hard me reply to a "How are you today?" greeting, with my stock answer "I think i'm going to live!" Ah, but there is more there than meets the eye, my friends. I mean that statement seriously just as I say it -- or even more so. I mean that I am [[underline]]thinking[[end underline]] with all my heart and soul and will, that I am going to keep on living. I mean that I have [[underline]]decided[[end underline]] that I'm going to live and enjoy life. I mean that my [[underline]]will[[end underline]] is going to keep me living and enjoying life no matter what conditions may have decided otherwise. For does not the Master's teaching say that "as a Man thinketh, so is he"? That is not bunk, Friends; it is sound Psychology; sound religion. Thus, when one has learned how to start creating his own utopia, his own Pleasant Valley, neither wars nor hardships; depressions nor economic set-backs; sickness nor poverty, can totally erase that which has been builded within. And the further one goes with his building -- the strong he has laid the foundation of his Personal Adequacy -- the less the outer cataclysms can dim the luster of his happiness. You will soon learn that the [[underline]]apparent[[end underline]] disasters are all largely negative in character; that their importance will disappear when you cease to believe in their power to harm you. The old maxim that your worst troubles are the ones you never have" is literally true. It is the troubles you imagine, the ones you think are coming, that cause the greatest fear and worry and unhappiness. It is the ones you brood about before they come, that, somehow, mysteriously never really do come when you quit believing that they are coming, or that they can cause you damage or distress. So if you, too, have longed for a land of peace and security; a place or condition where there is joy and happiness and satisfaction, then seek it within yourself, and build it within yourself. Study for what goal you may desire in life; map out your desired structure, and then build 14
Still another important facet of building that Utopia you desire, is to cultivate a decided cheerfulness at all times. Not a simpering, put-on cheerfulness. That will not help you in the least, and people will spot it -- and you -- as a phoney in a second. No, get yourself a real joyousness of look, voice and features that comes from a peaceful and a happy heart. You've no idea how it will help both you and the fellow who is on the receiving end of that bright smile. It not only gives you continued joy, but puts a new song into [[underline]]his[[end underline]] heart -- maybe even gives him a lift just at the moment when things look the blackest for him -- when he might have quit cold had it not been for the sudden sunshine of that cheerful grin and word you gave him. A number of you have laughed when you've hard me reply to a "How are you today?" greeting, with my stock answer "I think i'm going to live!" Ah, but there is more there than meets the eye, my friends. I mean that statement seriously just as I say it -- or even more so. I mean that I am [[underline]]thinking[[end underline]] with all my heart and soul and will, that I am going to keep on living. I mean that I have [[underline]]decided[[end underline]] that I'm going to live and enjoy life. I mean that my [[underline]]will[[end underline]] is going to keep me living and enjoying life no matter what conditions may have decided otherwise. For does not the Master's teaching say that "as a Man thinketh, so is he"? That is not bunk, Friends; it is sound Psychology; sound religion. Thus, when one has learned how to start creating his own utopia, his own Pleasant Valley, neither wars nor hardships; depressions nor economic set-backs; sickness nor poverty, can totally erase that which has been builded within. And the further one goes with his building -- the strong he has laid the foundation of his Personal Adequacy -- the less the outer cataclysms can dim the luster of his happiness. You will soon learn that the [[underline]]apparent[[end underline]] disasters are all largely negative in character; that their importance will disappear when you cease to believe in their power to harm you. The old maxim that your worst troubles are the ones you never have" is literally true. It is the troubles you imagine, the ones you think are coming, that cause the greatest fear and worry and unhappiness. It is the ones you brood about before they come, that, somehow, mysteriously never really do come when you quit believing that they are coming, or that they can cause you damage or distress. So if you, too, have longed for a land of peace and security; a place or condition where there is joy and happiness and satisfaction, then seek it within yourself, and build it within yourself. Study for what goal you may desire in life; map out your desired structure, and then build 14
Hevelin Fanzines