Timebinder, v. 1, Issue 1, 1944
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toward it day by day. Know that the way may seem long and tedious, full of hardships and pitfalls, especially at first. But know also that you will achieve ever more swiftly, as you go onward and upward, those things you most want; and that thus your building becomes ever more solid and more real. Let one who has tried and really achieved, assure you sincerely that it IS possible; that it IS infinitely worth the trying; that there IS waiting for you an inner peace and happiness and security far beyond your first most exalted expectations and hopes! Thank you. 15
toward it day by day. Know that the way may seem long and tedious, full of hardships and pitfalls, especially at first. But know also that you will achieve ever more swiftly, as you go onward and upward, those things you most want; and that thus your building becomes ever more solid and more real. Let one who has tried and really achieved, assure you sincerely that it IS possible; that it IS infinitely worth the trying; that there IS waiting for you an inner peace and happiness and security far beyond your first most exalted expectations and hopes! Thank you. 15
Hevelin Fanzines