Timebinder, v. 1, Issue 2, 1945
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From that easy point on, the lessons grew harder. When we went to a show, they usually had to choose one we went to see. (Poor Jonne stood on the corner and cried many a time while she was learning, but now admits she HAD to learn the lesson.) The same with choosing their food from the menu in a restaurant, or in choosing their food from the menu in a restaurant, or in choosing some item of clothing, and then knowing they must wear it out once purchased. Friends thought us very fool-hardy for letting our son go alone to Chicago to the World's Fair, when he was only ten. But we knew he was properly trained to take care of himself. (Incidentally, I have just used the pronoun "we" here, rather than "I", because it just occurred to me that it was sounding as though only myself was concerned in the training of the children. The wife ((their mother)), also did a wonderful share of it.) When they advanced far enough in school to have electives, they picked their own, but always we talked it over, and Daddy have his advice while the child made the final decision. So, too, when college came, and the fuller beginning of their training for their life work. The rewards in love, affection and trust have been far, far greater than words can convey. And it has pleased em that they have usually done the things my judgment seemed to indicate were for the best, whereas if I had tried "telling them what to do", it would never have worked. For they are as little inclined to be "bossed" as is their Dad. I have tried to teach my children the fundamentals of Truth all along, and find them now fine, stalwart, upstanding young people of whom anyone could well be proud. I have failed often, but it was from wrong judgment, not from lack of desire. For the fundamentals of Truth are just that-- the building stones of which are formed the foundations of the right sort of life. So as my children have given my citations for good Fathership, I feel that I have earned the ultimate accolade of "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!"
From that easy point on, the lessons grew harder. When we went to a show, they usually had to choose one we went to see. (Poor Jonne stood on the corner and cried many a time while she was learning, but now admits she HAD to learn the lesson.) The same with choosing their food from the menu in a restaurant, or in choosing their food from the menu in a restaurant, or in choosing some item of clothing, and then knowing they must wear it out once purchased. Friends thought us very fool-hardy for letting our son go alone to Chicago to the World's Fair, when he was only ten. But we knew he was properly trained to take care of himself. (Incidentally, I have just used the pronoun "we" here, rather than "I", because it just occurred to me that it was sounding as though only myself was concerned in the training of the children. The wife ((their mother)), also did a wonderful share of it.) When they advanced far enough in school to have electives, they picked their own, but always we talked it over, and Daddy have his advice while the child made the final decision. So, too, when college came, and the fuller beginning of their training for their life work. The rewards in love, affection and trust have been far, far greater than words can convey. And it has pleased em that they have usually done the things my judgment seemed to indicate were for the best, whereas if I had tried "telling them what to do", it would never have worked. For they are as little inclined to be "bossed" as is their Dad. I have tried to teach my children the fundamentals of Truth all along, and find them now fine, stalwart, upstanding young people of whom anyone could well be proud. I have failed often, but it was from wrong judgment, not from lack of desire. For the fundamentals of Truth are just that-- the building stones of which are formed the foundations of the right sort of life. So as my children have given my citations for good Fathership, I feel that I have earned the ultimate accolade of "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!"
Hevelin Fanzines