Timebinder, v. 1, Issue 2, 1945
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"We believe that the present war is a part of the historical process. That there is in the world a trend toward greater state control, toward national state control and fascism in all countries. Our country may win the battles against Germany and Japan but it is daily losing the battle against fascism, and the U.S. is slowly and surely moving towards its own brand of fascism and national military control. We see these things and understand that they are the inevitable result of a nation that hasn't been concerned about its own aggrandizement and empire, a nation that has not kept a clean house within its own boundaries but has allowed racial discrimination, poverty, unemployment and a moneyed leisure class to grow without great concern. A nation that can't handle its own internal problems with love and brotherhood can't be expected to handle international affairs that way. "War is still the only way we know. Punishment of criminals is still acceptable. "We have seen the efficiency of government control during war time and it is inevitable that we should seek to carry over this governmental control to peacetime conditions. Unemployment, and depression, are inevitable after this war without a complete change in our social attitudes and planning. Government control, peacetime army, and another war in this generation are probably the answers we shall see to the economic upsets which will come. "We realize all of htis and know that there is little that we can do. Primarily, we feel that we are still seeking. We could not map out a universal plan that would work, we could only suggest, let each man love his fellowmen and do unto others as he would have others do unto him. But we do not believe that we'll gain in understanding or help in any way by participating, in something which we believe to be totally wrong. "Therefore we must accept the punishment of our society and try to increase our understanding and to live in such a way that we may show to a few others that there is another way to live. All we can ask of you, Brother, is belief in our sincerity, and that you also seek to understand the meaning of life and of human relationships. "I would like to ask that you forget for the moment that you are white, that you are an American, that you are a member of our particular family. See yourself only as a young man with a wife and child, with certain interests and desires and abilities, but with only those which your particular culture and experience have brought to you. "Then think of the millions of other young men, with a wife and a child. Black men, yellow men, brown men, red men. Men with many names, of many countries, with many cultural traditions, interests, desires, abilities. As yourself, what does each one of these young men with a wife and a child want from life....I can imagine that what he wants can be summed into two words: security 11
"We believe that the present war is a part of the historical process. That there is in the world a trend toward greater state control, toward national state control and fascism in all countries. Our country may win the battles against Germany and Japan but it is daily losing the battle against fascism, and the U.S. is slowly and surely moving towards its own brand of fascism and national military control. We see these things and understand that they are the inevitable result of a nation that hasn't been concerned about its own aggrandizement and empire, a nation that has not kept a clean house within its own boundaries but has allowed racial discrimination, poverty, unemployment and a moneyed leisure class to grow without great concern. A nation that can't handle its own internal problems with love and brotherhood can't be expected to handle international affairs that way. "War is still the only way we know. Punishment of criminals is still acceptable. "We have seen the efficiency of government control during war time and it is inevitable that we should seek to carry over this governmental control to peacetime conditions. Unemployment, and depression, are inevitable after this war without a complete change in our social attitudes and planning. Government control, peacetime army, and another war in this generation are probably the answers we shall see to the economic upsets which will come. "We realize all of htis and know that there is little that we can do. Primarily, we feel that we are still seeking. We could not map out a universal plan that would work, we could only suggest, let each man love his fellowmen and do unto others as he would have others do unto him. But we do not believe that we'll gain in understanding or help in any way by participating, in something which we believe to be totally wrong. "Therefore we must accept the punishment of our society and try to increase our understanding and to live in such a way that we may show to a few others that there is another way to live. All we can ask of you, Brother, is belief in our sincerity, and that you also seek to understand the meaning of life and of human relationships. "I would like to ask that you forget for the moment that you are white, that you are an American, that you are a member of our particular family. See yourself only as a young man with a wife and child, with certain interests and desires and abilities, but with only those which your particular culture and experience have brought to you. "Then think of the millions of other young men, with a wife and a child. Black men, yellow men, brown men, red men. Men with many names, of many countries, with many cultural traditions, interests, desires, abilities. As yourself, what does each one of these young men with a wife and a child want from life....I can imagine that what he wants can be summed into two words: security 11
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