Timebinder, v. 1, Issue 2, 1945
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of our failure, we would be more interested in aiding other nations to have security and freedom the same as we desire for ourselves. "We see that it is necessary to make a choice in what one does with his own life. We have decided that we cannot participate in a system in which we do not believe nor in a philosophy of social and economic action which does not work for the security and freedom of all people. We are willing to sacrifice both for what we believe. We are sincere in believing that we are taking the only way that we see open to us. "Perhaps we are wrong, but we can only do as we believe, and recognizing that we are in discord with the majority of society, accept the results. "As for your fear that we shall suffer mental depression and from the loss of respect of our children -- perhaps these are dangers, but I know from past experience, that I am more depressed when I consciously do what I know to be wrong than when I do what I believe is right and take the consequences of it. "As for our children, if they do not honor us for our sincerity in standing by our principles and beliefs as stoutly as the men in military service have stood by their beliefs, then we will have done a poor job of training them to a real understanding of moral honesty and of human values. Children's attitudes, indeed, are a result of their training. "Dad has told us all our lives: if you believe something is wrong and yet you do it for any reason you are more sinful than if you do something which others believe to be wrong but which you yourself consider to be all right. I guess those teachings have stuck with me, along with Mother's influence which has shown how great is the desire for security, and Aunt's and Grandma's demonstration of love and forgiveness and acceptance of us for what we are. We have gained from our family an understanding of the real values of life, and my studying and experience has shown me that we must work for the good of ALL men. "You may not understand our lack of interest in material possessions. It is not just a matter of laying up treasure in Heaven. It is more a belief that it is immoral for any man to have more than he needs (and that means a voluntary restriction to actual needs and not desires) -- it is immoral for any man to have more than he needs as long as any other man has less than he needs. While there are people living on one bowl of rice every two days, how can I sincerely ask for luxury food which is beyond the needs of bodily health. While there are children barefooted in winter how can I have more shoes than I can ever wear out. And it does not mean that by refusing to have these things I make the lot of other people worse. "For example, I do not want a diamond ring because the men 13
of our failure, we would be more interested in aiding other nations to have security and freedom the same as we desire for ourselves. "We see that it is necessary to make a choice in what one does with his own life. We have decided that we cannot participate in a system in which we do not believe nor in a philosophy of social and economic action which does not work for the security and freedom of all people. We are willing to sacrifice both for what we believe. We are sincere in believing that we are taking the only way that we see open to us. "Perhaps we are wrong, but we can only do as we believe, and recognizing that we are in discord with the majority of society, accept the results. "As for your fear that we shall suffer mental depression and from the loss of respect of our children -- perhaps these are dangers, but I know from past experience, that I am more depressed when I consciously do what I know to be wrong than when I do what I believe is right and take the consequences of it. "As for our children, if they do not honor us for our sincerity in standing by our principles and beliefs as stoutly as the men in military service have stood by their beliefs, then we will have done a poor job of training them to a real understanding of moral honesty and of human values. Children's attitudes, indeed, are a result of their training. "Dad has told us all our lives: if you believe something is wrong and yet you do it for any reason you are more sinful than if you do something which others believe to be wrong but which you yourself consider to be all right. I guess those teachings have stuck with me, along with Mother's influence which has shown how great is the desire for security, and Aunt's and Grandma's demonstration of love and forgiveness and acceptance of us for what we are. We have gained from our family an understanding of the real values of life, and my studying and experience has shown me that we must work for the good of ALL men. "You may not understand our lack of interest in material possessions. It is not just a matter of laying up treasure in Heaven. It is more a belief that it is immoral for any man to have more than he needs (and that means a voluntary restriction to actual needs and not desires) -- it is immoral for any man to have more than he needs as long as any other man has less than he needs. While there are people living on one bowl of rice every two days, how can I sincerely ask for luxury food which is beyond the needs of bodily health. While there are children barefooted in winter how can I have more shoes than I can ever wear out. And it does not mean that by refusing to have these things I make the lot of other people worse. "For example, I do not want a diamond ring because the men 13
Hevelin Fanzines