Timebinder, v. 1, Issue 2, 1945
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head and prove it. I wish you could. Oh yes! An opinion on your side can be found interestingly presented in James Harvey Robinson's 'MIND IN THE MAKING'." ((I was trying not to argue. -- EEE) **** WILLIS A. BOUGHTON "The copy of THE TIME-BINDER has come. I've read it with very much interest, tho slowly, some parts twice or three times. It takes slow reading. "There's no doubt that you have a document that's worth all the effort and thought you have undoubtedly given to it. As a credo of discovery and belief it is a monument. There comes a time in the life of almost every man when he realizes that man does indeed not live by bread alone, but by every word. And it is wise and necessary for most of us to give expression to that discovery in one way or another. Not to do so will make it quickly wither and be worthless. It was my own experience, and I know how wholly necessary that expression is. Even if this particular version is not your first, nor your hundredth, it is, I should say, necessary to you and your growing influence. So you ought not to think of stopping with volume 1 and number 1. "I find only approval of what you have written in the general pronouncement. You evidently do not need to be warned of the dangers of the ivory tower, or told of its solaces. There must be the ivory tower, but life must be lived outside of it. In some things your words remind me of some people I've met in books. At the moment I think Mr. Isaacs of F. Marion Crawford, and two in The House of Fulfillment by Mrs. L. Adams Beck. There have been others, all characterized by being busy at doing good. And I would add only one suggestion to your words -- that the work at doing good much be free, and not bount up with any expectation of thanks or rewards or gratitude. That seems to me to be part of what is meant by 'the gift without the giver is bare'. Anyone who expects thanks or gratitude, though he gives himself with his gifts, immediately takes himself back if he does not get it, and so chains the gift to himself. ((Splendid!)) "The ways of attaining more out of life are many. We do not begin to tap all the resources available to us for development of our powers. There seems to be almost no limit. I have gone rather deeply into many such matters, from Christian Science to Hindu philosophy. At the end of it all I know that each has its value, but I also feel that the foundation of it all, for me, for our life today, is a simple Christianity. Everything I have read and studied has helped me to build on that foundation without making me aware of it much of the time. The final survey seems to show that there must be faith in a loving Father, and certain childlike qualities of guilelessness in daily life, of helpfulness wherever possible. I'm not trying to preach a sermon, but only give my conclusions, in comment on yours. I judge in many ways that they do not differ greatly. In any event, you have started something valuable with THE TIME-BINDER. Go on from 19
head and prove it. I wish you could. Oh yes! An opinion on your side can be found interestingly presented in James Harvey Robinson's 'MIND IN THE MAKING'." ((I was trying not to argue. -- EEE) **** WILLIS A. BOUGHTON "The copy of THE TIME-BINDER has come. I've read it with very much interest, tho slowly, some parts twice or three times. It takes slow reading. "There's no doubt that you have a document that's worth all the effort and thought you have undoubtedly given to it. As a credo of discovery and belief it is a monument. There comes a time in the life of almost every man when he realizes that man does indeed not live by bread alone, but by every word. And it is wise and necessary for most of us to give expression to that discovery in one way or another. Not to do so will make it quickly wither and be worthless. It was my own experience, and I know how wholly necessary that expression is. Even if this particular version is not your first, nor your hundredth, it is, I should say, necessary to you and your growing influence. So you ought not to think of stopping with volume 1 and number 1. "I find only approval of what you have written in the general pronouncement. You evidently do not need to be warned of the dangers of the ivory tower, or told of its solaces. There must be the ivory tower, but life must be lived outside of it. In some things your words remind me of some people I've met in books. At the moment I think Mr. Isaacs of F. Marion Crawford, and two in The House of Fulfillment by Mrs. L. Adams Beck. There have been others, all characterized by being busy at doing good. And I would add only one suggestion to your words -- that the work at doing good much be free, and not bount up with any expectation of thanks or rewards or gratitude. That seems to me to be part of what is meant by 'the gift without the giver is bare'. Anyone who expects thanks or gratitude, though he gives himself with his gifts, immediately takes himself back if he does not get it, and so chains the gift to himself. ((Splendid!)) "The ways of attaining more out of life are many. We do not begin to tap all the resources available to us for development of our powers. There seems to be almost no limit. I have gone rather deeply into many such matters, from Christian Science to Hindu philosophy. At the end of it all I know that each has its value, but I also feel that the foundation of it all, for me, for our life today, is a simple Christianity. Everything I have read and studied has helped me to build on that foundation without making me aware of it much of the time. The final survey seems to show that there must be faith in a loving Father, and certain childlike qualities of guilelessness in daily life, of helpfulness wherever possible. I'm not trying to preach a sermon, but only give my conclusions, in comment on yours. I judge in many ways that they do not differ greatly. In any event, you have started something valuable with THE TIME-BINDER. Go on from 19
Hevelin Fanzines