Timebinder, v. 1, Issue 2, 1945
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stature have come to the conclusion that happiness, i.e. Utopia, is mainly resultant thru the cultivation of the inward self. So I hardly believe that THE TIME-BINDER can be a vigorous publication of continuing interest if confined mostly to philosophical exposition. The results in everyday practicality can hardly be debatable, altho cynics might deny its material rewawrd in the economic culture of the day. "You have, tho, I believe, a publication of merit if you open your pages to articles on the roots of philosophy. For articles give new information, and after all it is from your information or lack of it that you draw your philosophy. You could really do some good by presenting educational, political, and historical analyses. And scatter philosophical comment and essays in between. ((I want any kind of articles, just so they are serious and thought-provoking. -- EEE)). "Concerning the teaching of History. I have long known the schools were deficient in the teaching of the subject and suspect it is the result of erroneous ideas and a goody-goody policy as regards the actual facts. ((Or propaganda?)) "Statesmanship. Do not believe your ideas of a Senator at Large would work as we have at times had presidents of scarcely any capability, and secondly a senator at large might turn into vicious political practice as well as an ordinary senator. Rather the public should be educated to handle the vote properly and issues should be publicized for the public. A man will only do good political work constantly if he believes in it which belief may be controverted for personal gain occasionally or if the threat of removal from office is present. An informed and intelligent ballot is the answer." **** MY ELDER DAUGHTER, VIRGINIA "Now to THE TIME-BINDER. There are several outstanding thoughts that I would like to summarize first, and then I shall try to give you the notes I made on the margin as I read it thru the second time. "First, I think that the value of this manuscript is definitely its success in showing me, and I hope you, what you really are like. Not knowing you as an individual, I could still say many things about you. Most of the things are also common for many of us. You are a man who is seeking a satisfactory answer to the complexities of our life on this planet. You are seeking happiness for yourself and a feeling of personal adequacy which is also called ego-satisfaction. You have decided that optimism is an answer to the contradictions of life, and that developing of good relationships with other people brings greater happiness than otherwise. All of these things I believe are good. "My question would be, may you not be just at the beginning, may there be a next more difficult stop, perhaps even a stage 25
stature have come to the conclusion that happiness, i.e. Utopia, is mainly resultant thru the cultivation of the inward self. So I hardly believe that THE TIME-BINDER can be a vigorous publication of continuing interest if confined mostly to philosophical exposition. The results in everyday practicality can hardly be debatable, altho cynics might deny its material rewawrd in the economic culture of the day. "You have, tho, I believe, a publication of merit if you open your pages to articles on the roots of philosophy. For articles give new information, and after all it is from your information or lack of it that you draw your philosophy. You could really do some good by presenting educational, political, and historical analyses. And scatter philosophical comment and essays in between. ((I want any kind of articles, just so they are serious and thought-provoking. -- EEE)). "Concerning the teaching of History. I have long known the schools were deficient in the teaching of the subject and suspect it is the result of erroneous ideas and a goody-goody policy as regards the actual facts. ((Or propaganda?)) "Statesmanship. Do not believe your ideas of a Senator at Large would work as we have at times had presidents of scarcely any capability, and secondly a senator at large might turn into vicious political practice as well as an ordinary senator. Rather the public should be educated to handle the vote properly and issues should be publicized for the public. A man will only do good political work constantly if he believes in it which belief may be controverted for personal gain occasionally or if the threat of removal from office is present. An informed and intelligent ballot is the answer." **** MY ELDER DAUGHTER, VIRGINIA "Now to THE TIME-BINDER. There are several outstanding thoughts that I would like to summarize first, and then I shall try to give you the notes I made on the margin as I read it thru the second time. "First, I think that the value of this manuscript is definitely its success in showing me, and I hope you, what you really are like. Not knowing you as an individual, I could still say many things about you. Most of the things are also common for many of us. You are a man who is seeking a satisfactory answer to the complexities of our life on this planet. You are seeking happiness for yourself and a feeling of personal adequacy which is also called ego-satisfaction. You have decided that optimism is an answer to the contradictions of life, and that developing of good relationships with other people brings greater happiness than otherwise. All of these things I believe are good. "My question would be, may you not be just at the beginning, may there be a next more difficult stop, perhaps even a stage 25
Hevelin Fanzines