Timebinder, v. 1, Issue 2, 1945
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XXIII - 2 There are men who have such training, but the public does not vote for them because they do not have the support of the political bosses. We must have a change, in the whole philosophy of life of people, we cannot accomplish much by just changing some of the symptoms of a bad philosophy. It is people and not the form of a government which is of primary importance. 4 Unfortunately such men are in government and handle it in a no more humanitarian way than they handled business. For the most part business men are not in touch with the problems of the common people and have actually been the ones who have led us down the road we're going -- and I don't mean toward Universal Brotherhood. ((True, of some, but not, thank God, of all. -- EEE)). XXIV - 2 This goes for the common man too. He's basically very selfish and insufficiently concerned about his fellows. 4 I'm afraid that even our children or our grandchildren won't see it. We are more likely heading for another Dark Ages -- and I don't mean to be pessimistic, just observant of trends in the world. Perhaps the Reformation will come afterwards, but there is much to suffer first. Well, that's enough. Hope this is helpful and not too negative. I really am glad you did this job. For the self-understanding it may have given you, and for the better understanding it has given me. I'll be glad to see others. **** AH! SWEET MYSTERY OF FRIENDSHIP! Perhaps, after all, the best comments and criticisms of my afforts in THE TIME-BINDER, are supplied by my dear friends and fellow inhabitants of Slan Slack. Of this work, which has meant so much to me, they each and severally commented, and I quote: " ". Unquote. **** One thing I have noticed with wonder and amazement as I read your letters and talk to you: WHY DO SO MANY OF YOU SEEM TO BE AFRAID OF "OPTIMISM"? 31
XXIII - 2 There are men who have such training, but the public does not vote for them because they do not have the support of the political bosses. We must have a change, in the whole philosophy of life of people, we cannot accomplish much by just changing some of the symptoms of a bad philosophy. It is people and not the form of a government which is of primary importance. 4 Unfortunately such men are in government and handle it in a no more humanitarian way than they handled business. For the most part business men are not in touch with the problems of the common people and have actually been the ones who have led us down the road we're going -- and I don't mean toward Universal Brotherhood. ((True, of some, but not, thank God, of all. -- EEE)). XXIV - 2 This goes for the common man too. He's basically very selfish and insufficiently concerned about his fellows. 4 I'm afraid that even our children or our grandchildren won't see it. We are more likely heading for another Dark Ages -- and I don't mean to be pessimistic, just observant of trends in the world. Perhaps the Reformation will come afterwards, but there is much to suffer first. Well, that's enough. Hope this is helpful and not too negative. I really am glad you did this job. For the self-understanding it may have given you, and for the better understanding it has given me. I'll be glad to see others. **** AH! SWEET MYSTERY OF FRIENDSHIP! Perhaps, after all, the best comments and criticisms of my afforts in THE TIME-BINDER, are supplied by my dear friends and fellow inhabitants of Slan Slack. Of this work, which has meant so much to me, they each and severally commented, and I quote: " ". Unquote. **** One thing I have noticed with wonder and amazement as I read your letters and talk to you: WHY DO SO MANY OF YOU SEEM TO BE AFRAID OF "OPTIMISM"? 31
Hevelin Fanzines