Timebinder, v. 2, issue 2, whole no. 6, Spring 1946
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AN ANALOGY. ((We are very pleased to have received permission to print a portion of this copyrighted book, from the golden Dawn Library, from its author, frater VIII. We think it one of the finest and most logical analogies of the relationship between Man and the Infinite God, that we have ever read. ((The teller, “Ronald”, refers to a previous vision when he speaks of his “little men”, for he had seen the various cells of his body – blood, nerve, muscle and brain cells – as little men who were exact replicas of himself. He is here telling of a later dream. – EEE)). “I dream I was back among my little ‘cell men’, “Ronald began. “Of course, they couldn’t see me, but I could see them. It seemed a number of my ‘little men’ were engaged in a heated argument which had been going on for some time before I arrived. Before going further, please understand that if any part of this seems sacreligious, remember that it is a dream. “To my amazement my little ‘cell men’ – it was the red blood cells – were arguing about a ‘supreme being’. Part of my little ‘red men’ stoutly affirmed that there definitely was such a being, and not only that, they knew his name – it was ‘Ronald’. This shocked me, for I have no idea they – the believers – reckoned me as their ‘supreme being’. “Where is this ‘God’ – ‘Ronald’ – why don’t you show him’, sneered the little skeptics. ‘Where is he giding?’ And then came the withering question: ‘Have you ever seen him?’ “’God is up there’, pointing upward, said the little red men. ‘he is up above, in Heaven. Heaven is where our “God” – “Ronald” – lives.’ “ ’Just to prove to you that there is no such being,’ replied the skeptical ones, ‘let us all go up there and see if there is such a being.’ And so all of them leaped into a huge highway, and started racing toward ‘Heaven?, the brain. When they arrived the skeptics remarked: ‘Well, here we are in “Heaven”, and where is your “God”?’ The little believers began to search me out. Even the skeptics pretended to be looking, too – but they were only pretending. They had a half-formed idea that there might be something to the ‘rumor’ after all, and if the ‘rumor’ proved to be a fact, they would be highly embarrassed – and probably very frightened, too. “when the ‘God’, ‘Ronald’ was not located – although I was right there all the time – they couldn’t have existed without me -19-
AN ANALOGY. ((We are very pleased to have received permission to print a portion of this copyrighted book, from the golden Dawn Library, from its author, frater VIII. We think it one of the finest and most logical analogies of the relationship between Man and the Infinite God, that we have ever read. ((The teller, “Ronald”, refers to a previous vision when he speaks of his “little men”, for he had seen the various cells of his body – blood, nerve, muscle and brain cells – as little men who were exact replicas of himself. He is here telling of a later dream. – EEE)). “I dream I was back among my little ‘cell men’, “Ronald began. “Of course, they couldn’t see me, but I could see them. It seemed a number of my ‘little men’ were engaged in a heated argument which had been going on for some time before I arrived. Before going further, please understand that if any part of this seems sacreligious, remember that it is a dream. “To my amazement my little ‘cell men’ – it was the red blood cells – were arguing about a ‘supreme being’. Part of my little ‘red men’ stoutly affirmed that there definitely was such a being, and not only that, they knew his name – it was ‘Ronald’. This shocked me, for I have no idea they – the believers – reckoned me as their ‘supreme being’. “Where is this ‘God’ – ‘Ronald’ – why don’t you show him’, sneered the little skeptics. ‘Where is he giding?’ And then came the withering question: ‘Have you ever seen him?’ “’God is up there’, pointing upward, said the little red men. ‘he is up above, in Heaven. Heaven is where our “God” – “Ronald” – lives.’ “ ’Just to prove to you that there is no such being,’ replied the skeptical ones, ‘let us all go up there and see if there is such a being.’ And so all of them leaped into a huge highway, and started racing toward ‘Heaven?, the brain. When they arrived the skeptics remarked: ‘Well, here we are in “Heaven”, and where is your “God”?’ The little believers began to search me out. Even the skeptics pretended to be looking, too – but they were only pretending. They had a half-formed idea that there might be something to the ‘rumor’ after all, and if the ‘rumor’ proved to be a fact, they would be highly embarrassed – and probably very frightened, too. “when the ‘God’, ‘Ronald’ was not located – although I was right there all the time – they couldn’t have existed without me -19-
Hevelin Fanzines