State University of Iowa Code for Coeds, 1956-1962
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AWS This pamphlet you are reading, Code for Coeds, is an orientation publication sponsored by AWS. The staff of three writes and illustrates Code, gaining experience in journalism in addition to being members of an AWS committee. As a undergraduate woman you are a member of the Associated Women Students. AWS is your link with all the other women on SUI's campus. Intercollegiate Association of Women Students co-ordinates all the member groups in colleges and universities across the nation. Elected officers, chairmen of the committees and representatives from the Panhellenic Association, the women's residence halls, and Independent Town Women compose AWS General Council with Miss Helen E. Focht, counselor to women, as their addviser. Linda Gamble, president; Marsha Brubaker, vice-president; Joan TePaske, secretary; Carol Stientjes, treasurer, and Ruth Hale, Sophomore representative, were chosen in spring elections by SUI's women to form this year's AWS Executive Council. Commmittee chairmen are selected from applications for their dependability, interest, and enthusiasm. Once a chairman has been appointed, she often chooses her committee members from the other applications and has them approved by General Council. When you find your special interests in AWS and are filling out an application, be sincere and complete in your suggestions. You may not be selected for a position the very first time you apply this fall, but your interest will be remembered. Throughout the year as new appointments are scheduled to be made, you can obtain application blanks from your housing unit or at the Office of Student Affairs. We are eager to meet you, so you'll want to sign up for an AWS new student interview at the all-University activities program or at the special AWS open house. An AWS Council member will try to help you in finding those committees that best suit your interests. THE AMERICAN RED CROSS UNIT—Many university coeds enjoy participating in ARC's activities at the Veterans Hospital. Early last year several groups organized a Hallowe'en party, later followed by a Valentine Day program. The Carnival of Fun concluded the year in May and certainly lived up to its title! In addition to the parties, many girls join in the program by showing slides, reading, dancing, and playing cards with the veterans. CENTRAL JUDICIARY BOARD—Jean Stock, chairman, presides over weekly meetings of the board which administers SUI's regulations for women. Representatives to the board are chosen by dormitory, town, and Pan- 23
AWS This pamphlet you are reading, Code for Coeds, is an orientation publication sponsored by AWS. The staff of three writes and illustrates Code, gaining experience in journalism in addition to being members of an AWS committee. As a undergraduate woman you are a member of the Associated Women Students. AWS is your link with all the other women on SUI's campus. Intercollegiate Association of Women Students co-ordinates all the member groups in colleges and universities across the nation. Elected officers, chairmen of the committees and representatives from the Panhellenic Association, the women's residence halls, and Independent Town Women compose AWS General Council with Miss Helen E. Focht, counselor to women, as their addviser. Linda Gamble, president; Marsha Brubaker, vice-president; Joan TePaske, secretary; Carol Stientjes, treasurer, and Ruth Hale, Sophomore representative, were chosen in spring elections by SUI's women to form this year's AWS Executive Council. Commmittee chairmen are selected from applications for their dependability, interest, and enthusiasm. Once a chairman has been appointed, she often chooses her committee members from the other applications and has them approved by General Council. When you find your special interests in AWS and are filling out an application, be sincere and complete in your suggestions. You may not be selected for a position the very first time you apply this fall, but your interest will be remembered. Throughout the year as new appointments are scheduled to be made, you can obtain application blanks from your housing unit or at the Office of Student Affairs. We are eager to meet you, so you'll want to sign up for an AWS new student interview at the all-University activities program or at the special AWS open house. An AWS Council member will try to help you in finding those committees that best suit your interests. THE AMERICAN RED CROSS UNIT—Many university coeds enjoy participating in ARC's activities at the Veterans Hospital. Early last year several groups organized a Hallowe'en party, later followed by a Valentine Day program. The Carnival of Fun concluded the year in May and certainly lived up to its title! In addition to the parties, many girls join in the program by showing slides, reading, dancing, and playing cards with the veterans. CENTRAL JUDICIARY BOARD—Jean Stock, chairman, presides over weekly meetings of the board which administers SUI's regulations for women. Representatives to the board are chosen by dormitory, town, and Pan- 23
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