University of Iowa Code of Student Life, 1968-1969
Code of Student Life, 1968-69
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CODE OF STUDENT LIFE, 1968-69 General Conduct Regulations Preamble Academic institutions exist for the advancement of knowledge, the pursuit of truth, the development of students, and the general well-being of society. Free inquiry and free expression are indispensable to the attainment of these goals. As members of the academic community, students are encouraged to develop a capacity for critical judgment and to engage in a sustained and independent search for truth. Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are inseparable facets of academic freedom. The freedom to learn depends upon appropriate opportunities and conditions in the classroom, on the campus, and in the larger community. Students are expected to exercise their freedom to learn with responsibility and to respect the general conditions conducive to such freedom. Accordingly, the University has developed the following general regulations pertaining to student conduct which provide and safeguard the right of every individual student to exercise fully his freedom to learn without undue interference by others. Any student who commits any of the following acts of misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary action by the University, including disciplinary probation, conditional registration, suspension, or dismissal, in accordance with established disciplinary procedures; provided, however, that these regulations shall apply only where a student’s misconduct has adversely affected some University process or function or some other distinct and clear interest of the University as an academic community. 1. Academic dishonesty, including the acquisition of honors, awards, certification or professional endorsements, degrees, academic credits, or grades by means of cheating, plagiarism, or falsification with respect to any examination, paper, project, application, recommendation, transcript, or test, or by any other dishonest means whatsoever, or aiding or abetting another student to do so. Violation of this section is also an academic offense which will normally be handled within the College concerned. 2. Knowingly making any false, inaccurate, or misleading statement, written or oral, to any member of the faculty or staff of the University, or to any office, department, or committee thereof (including the Committee on Student Conduct), or making any such statement or otherwise misrepresenting to anyone, with or without the University community, his status with or the support, sponsorship, or approval of his services or activities by the University, or the status, support, sponsorship, or approval of any other person, group, or organization with or by the University. 3. Willful failure or refusal of any student to obey or comply with any proper order or summons of any authorized University official acting within the scope of his authority, or willful failure or refusal of any student to identify himself by stating his name and showing his student identification card upon request of any dean, faculty member, campus security officer, or other authorized University official acting in the performance of his duties. 4. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any University record, document, or student identification card. 5. Alone or with others, purposefully— (a) disrupting, hindering, or impeding the functions or orderly processes of the University; (b) obstructing or denying access to services or facilities by those entitled to use such services or facilities as provided by the University; or (c) interfering with the lawful rights of other persons on the campus or with the free, convenient, or normal use of University buildings, facilities, or campus, or inciting, urging, or encouraging others to do so; provided, however, that this section shall be construed so as not to abridge any student’s First Amendment Constitutional rights of free expression of thought or opinion, peaceable assembly, or the petition of authorities. 6. Alone or with others, willfully picketing or otherwise demonstrating— (a) within the interior of any University building or structure, except areas specifically authorized for such purposes; (b) at any place or in any manner which unduly obstructs, hinders, impedes, or otherwise unduly interferes with the entrances to or passageways within any University building or other structure or with the normal flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on or to the campus; (c) at any time or place or in any manner which unduly disrupts, hinders, or otherwise unduly interferes with the normal operation or function of any University classroom, office, library, dormitory, or other function, including the normal functioning of the physical plant; (d) in a disorderly or disruptive manner or in any manner which results in or creates an imminent and unreasonable risk of injury to persons or destruction of property; or (e) after having been properly ordered to stop doing so and/or to disperse by a campus security officer or other authorized University official who reasonably believes such action is necessary to preserve public order and safety. 7. Unauthorized entry into or occupation of any room, building, or area of the campus at any time or of any public building or area at any unauthorized time, or any unauthorized or improper use of any University property, equipment, or facilities. 8. Intentional setting of fire in any University building or on the campus without proper authority, or intentional sounding a false fire alarm in any University building or on the campus. 9. Theft or wrongful appropriation, or willful destruction, damage, defacing, or mutilation of any property belonging to or in the possession or custody of another member of the University community, the University, or the State of Iowa. 10. Assaulting, threatening, physically abusing, unduly harassing, or endangering in any other manner the health or safety of any person on the campus or at any University sponsored or supervised function or event. 11. Use or possession of serviceable firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, or other dangerous articles within any University building or University approved housing, on the campus, or at any University sponsored or supervised function or event, except in authorized storage facilities. 12. Possession or consumption of any alcoholic or other intoxicating beverage within any University building or University approved housing (except married housing), on the campus, or at any University sponsored or supervised function or event, except as expressly permitted under Social Regulations, Section 2, of the Code of Student Life. 13. Use, possession, or sale of any narcotic drug, marijuana, or other addictive or hallucinogenic substance, except as expressly permitted by law. 14. Gambling within any University building or University approved housing, or on the campus. 15. Students are expected to obey the laws of the United States and of the State of Iowa and ordinances of the City of Iowa City as they relate to personal conduct, and violation of any such laws or ordinances in which the University has an independent institutional interest shall be deemed a violation of the student conduct regulations. Evidence of previous criminal convictions for misconduct involving University interests may be considered in determining the sanction to be imposed in any subsequent disciplinary proceeding involving the student, notwithstanding that no disciplinary proceedings were undertaken by the University for such previous misconduct. 16. Violation of any other regulation contained in the Code of Student Life or any other rule, regulation, or policy which may be promulgated by the President of the University, or his authorized representative, by any college, department, dormitory, office, or other facility within the scope of its authority, or by the State Board of Regents, provided such rules, regulations, or policies were published, posted, or otherwise adequately publicized or the student had actual knowledge thereof. All provisions contained in University residence halls contracts which pertain to personal conduct shall be deemed rules subject to this regulation with respect to all dormitory residents. 17. Any other conduct or action which adversely affects the educational processes or other functions or operations of the University or unduly interferes with the rights of other members of the University community, or which demonstrates a student’s lack of fitness as a member of the academic community, provided that any conduct engaged in or action taken by a student anywhere, on or off campus, and whether or not such particular conduct or action is related to any University interest, is relevant and shall be considered in determining a student’s fitness as a member of the academic community. These general conduct regulations are applicable to all students attending the University of Iowa, including undergraduate, graduate, professional and part-time students, continuously at all times, whether or not the University is in session, from the date of their initial registration at the University for as long as they are students, regardless of whether or not they are currently registered at the University. It is the duty and responsibility of all students to acquaint themselves with these general conduct regulations and with the other rules and regulations pertaining to personal conduct contained in the Code of Student Life, and every student will be conclusively presumed to have knowledge of such rules and regulations from the date of his initial registration at the University. The Code may be amended at any time by authority of the President of the University. Amendments are effective as of the beginning of the semester in which they are first published in the Code of Student Life, provided that if the President deems an amendment of immediate importance it shall be effective from and after publication in The Daily Iowan (which will be conclusively presumed as adequate notice to all students). A full and complete text of all such general rules and regulations of personal conduct currently in effect, including all amendments, shall be on file in the Office of Student Affairs at all times and shall be available for inspection by students. The Office of Student Affairs shall also be responsible for making available to students copies of all amendments deemed of immediate importance and for distributing copies of such amendments to all housing units, affected student organizations, and otherwise as the Dean of Students deems appropriate, provided that failure to make such distribution shall not affect the effectiveness of such amendments. Social Regulations 1. Registration. Registration is the process of requesting and securing permission from the Office of Student Affairs to hold a social function. Permission shall be granted if the request complies with all applicable regulations of this Code. All mixed social functions, except exchanges, afternoon picnics and serenades, are to be registered with the Office of Student Affairs by the sponsoring recognized student organization at least one day in advance. Sponsorship is determined by an organization’s planning, promoting, and financing of the function rather than by the number of members attending the event. Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by an authorized member of the sponsoring student organization. No contracts or other financial commitments should be made or invitations issued by the sponsoring organization until registration has been completed. Registered social functions may be held at any place selected by the sponsoring organization. Sponsoring organizations are encouraged to invite members of the faculty or staff or alumni as guests to all social functions. All registered social functions must be concluded at least one-half hour before the closing time in approved women’s residences, except as specially authorized by the Office of Student Affairs upon request of the sponsoring organization. 2. Drinking. Alcoholic beverages may not be served on campus or in approved housing. It alcoholic beverages are served at a registered social function (not held on the campus or in approved housing), it is the duty and responsibility of the sponsoring organization to provide adequate supervision and to ensure full compliance with all applicable civil laws pertaining to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. 3. Open Houses. An open house is a registered social function during which rooms in an approved housing unit are open to the public; an open house is generally held in conjunction with a University or residence event. Open houses held by residence halls, fraternities, or sororities are to be registered with the Office of Student Affairs by the sponsoring residence unit at least one day in advance in accordance with the same procedure as mixed social functions. Off-campus housing units other than fraternities and sororities must obtain the prior written approval of the landlord who shall notify the Office of Student Activities. Open houses may be held during the following hours: Monday-Thursday 4:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Friday 3:00 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m.-12:30 a.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m.-11:30 p.m. 4. Visitations. A visitation is a registered social function during which the residents of an approved housing unit may invite guests, including guests of the opposite sex, into their own rooms. Visitations are to be registered with the Office of Student Affairs or its representative by the sponsoring residence unit at least one day in advance. Off-campus housing units other than fraternities and sororities must obtain the prior written approval of the landlord who shall notify the Office of Student Activities. The visitation procedure for University residence calls, fraternities, and sororities is as follows: a. Residence hall registration is to be by the smallest unit of government (house, floor, unit); fraternity and sorority registration by chapter. b. Residence hall units are to register with their respective head residents, who will act on behalf of the Office of Student Affairs; fraternities and sororities are to register with the Office of Student Activities. c. Each visitation must be approved separately by majority vote of the individual residents of the sponsoring unit or members of the chapter, and in the case of residence halls by the residence hall association government also. d. The frequency of visitations is to be established independently by each individual unit or chapter. e. At least one house officer will be on duty in the residence hall unit or chapter house at all times during a visitation and shall be responsible for adequately supervising the visitation. f. A residence hall staff member or the fraternity or sorority housemother is also to be present in the residence hall or chapter house at all times during a visitation. g. All guests must be registered with the register including the name and room number of the accompanying host (ess). h. When entertaining a guest of the opposite sex in his room, each resident is to keep his corridor door ajar. i. Visitations may be held during the following hours: Monday-Thursday 4:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Friday 3:00 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m.-12:30 a.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Housing and Hours Regulations 1. Reporting Correct Address. Each student is required to report his correct address at the time of registration each semester or session. This reported address must be the student’s actual place of residence. Any change of residence made during the semester or session must be reported within three days to the Registrar’s Office. Failure or refusal to comply with this regulation is cause for cancellation of registration. 2. Approved Housing. Single, undergraduate students who will not be twenty-one years of age on or before the last day of the semester are required to live in housing approved by the University or in parental homes. University approved housing includes University residence halls, social fraternity and sorority chapter houses, and approved rooming houses. Students subject to the approved housing regulation are responsible for determining that their housing is approved. Failure or refusal to comply with this regulation is cause for cancellation of registration. 3. Special Permission to Live in Unapproved Housing. Application for special permission to live in unapproved housing must be made in person at the Off-Campus Housing Office, 106 University Hall, prior to the beginning of the semester or session. Single, undergraduate students under twenty-one, upon application, may be given special permission to live in unapproved housing for the following reasons: 1. Living with adult relatives 2. Medical necessity 3. Religious necessity 4. Work situations in which the students receive at least one-half of the monthly rent in exchange for services. 4. Conditions for Approval of Off-Campus Housing. Approval of any off-campus housing located within the postal territory of Iowa City or Coralville will be granted by the Office of Student Affairs upon the following conditions: (a) premises found to satisfy University health and safety standards; (b) lessor agrees in writing to comply with University policy on fair housing practices; (c) lessor agrees to enforce all applicable University rules and regulations regarding students conduct, housing, and hours; and (d) adequate adult supervision is provided. A listing of all housing which has been approved is available to students in the Office of Off-Campus Housing, 106 University Hall. 5. Certified Housing. As a service to students eligible to live in unapproved housing, the Office of Off-Campus Housing maintains a listing of certified housing. Certification is granted to any off-campus housing upon the conditions that (a) the premises are found to satisfy University health and safety standards and (b) the lessor agrees in writing to comply with University policy on fair housing practices. A listing of available certified housing is maintained on the bulletin board on the ground floor of University Hall. 6. University Policy on Fair Housing Practices. It is the policy of the University that lessors, approved or certified, shall rent to all students on the basis of their individual merits as persons without exclusion or discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, or national origin. A signed non-discrimination pledge is required of all approved or certified lessors. Any complaint of discrimination in housing should be submitted to the chairman of the University Committee on Human Rights within sixty days of the alleged act of discrimination. The name of the current chairman of the Committee may be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs, 111 University Hall. The State of Iowa and the City of Iowa City also have fair housing codes which may be applicable. 7. Guests. Entertainment of guests of the opposite sex in approved housing is to be confined to the public areas except during registered open houses and visitations. For policies and procedures regarding open houses and visitations, see Social Regulations, Sections 3 and 4. Guest closing hours for all approved student residences are as follows: Sunday through Thursday 11:45 p.m. Friday and Saturday 12:45 a.m. 8. Closing Hours for Women’s Residences. Closing hours shall be defined as the LATEST hour for a student’s return to her housing unit. The regular closing hours are in effect whenever the dormitories are open for residency. This includes summer session, examination, registration, and vacation periods. All undergraduate women other than those included in the Privileged Hours Program have 12:00 midnight closing hours Sunday through Thursday, and 1:00 a.m. closing hours Friday and Saturday nights throughout the academic year with the following exceptions: 1. 2:00 a.m. closing hours on Friday and Saturday, Homecoming Weekend. 2. 1:00 a.m. closing hours the night before classes are suspended prior to University vacation periods (Thanksgiving and the night before Mercy Day continuing through the week of examinations). 9. Privileged Hours. Women who are sophomores, juniors or seniors or over twenty-one may request permission to participate in the Privileged Hours Program at a required orientation meeting. For sophomores permission of parents is required for their daughter’s participation. Freshman women are subject to 12:00 midnight and 1:00 a.m. closing hours with no exceptions for the first semester. Second semester freshman women have 12:00 midnight closing hours Sunday through Thursday and may request unlimited hours Friday and Saturday with parental permission. 10. Overnight Sign-Outs. Undergraduate women students may sign out to be away from their place of residence on Friday and Saturday nights in accordance with the AWS regulations. Overnight absence without proper sign-out is a violation of University regulations and may be cause for disciplinary action, including suspension from the University. Recognition of Student Organizations 1. Eligibility. Any group or organization which consists primarily of University students and whose purposes are consistent with the educational objectives of the University is eligible for recognition by the University. Recognized student organizations must comply with all regulations contained in the Code of Student Life and in the Student Organizations Handbook, and are entitled to certain privileges such as the use of University facilities and services as hereinafter provided. Recognition of a student organization by the University does not constitute an endorsement of its programs or purposes, but is merely a charter to exist. 2. Membership Policy. It is the policy of the University that all recognize student organizations be able to exercise free choice of members on the basis of their merits as individuals without restriction as to race, color, or national origin. Any student organization whose choice of members is subject to approval by national or other non-University organizations, or which is required by a non-University organization to procure a recommendation from an alumnus or any other person not currently an active member of the local organization prior to admitting a person to membership, is ineligible for recognition by the University. 3. Officers. Only registered University students or members of the faculty or administrative staff may hold office in a recognized student organization. 4. Recognition Procedure. Recognition of student organizations which are residential living units (residence halls, fraternities and sororities) is granted by the respective governing bodies (Associated Residence Halls, Interfraternity Council, and Panhellenic Council) with the concurrence of the Committee on Student Life. Recognition of all other student organizations is granted under the auspices of the Student Senate of the Iowa Student Association: (a) Charters are issued by the Student Senate to student organizations which are eligible for permanent recognition; (b) Provisional recognition not to exceed 12 months may be granted by the Office of Student Affairs with the concurrence of the Student Senate Committee on Student Organizations to ad hoc organizations which are eligible for temporary recognition. Application forms for recognition are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by the president or Chairman of the organization. 5. Registration. On or before October 1 of each year, every recognized student organization must submit a registration statement to the Office of Student Affairs setting forth completely and accurately all of the information requested on the registration form. Such forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by an authorized member of the organization. Thereafter, during the year, recognized student organizations shall, within a reasonable time, report to the Office of Student Affairs any amendments to or changes in their constitutions, bylaws, officers, advisers, or programs. Recognized student organizations shall also submit any additional information or data requested from time to time by the Office of Student Affairs or the Committee on Student Life. 6. Annual Report. Before the close of each academic year, every recognized student organization must submit an annual report to the Office of Student Affairs. Such annual report shall consist of a clear and concise statement summarizing the activities and programs of the organization during the year and must be signed by the president or secretary of the organization. Failure to file a timely annual report is cause for revocation of recognition. 7. Revocation. Recognition may be revoked by the recognizing agency (Student Senate, Associated Residents Halls, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council) for good cause. The procedure followed must guarantee the student organization reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard prior to any action on the proposed revocation. 8. Appeals. Student organizations may appeal any adverse decision of a recognizing agency to the President of the University or his designated representative. 9. Advisers. Student organizations are encouraged to have advisers who are members of the University faculty or administrative staff; any recognized student organization which is financed, in whole or in part, by an allocation from student activity fees or through assessments collected by the University is required to have such an adviser. 10. Finances. Any recognized student organization financed in whole or in part by an allocation from student activity fees or through assessments collected by the University is required to utilize the services of and transact all business through the Auditor of Student Organizations. Any other recognized student organization may elect to utilize the services of the Auditor of Student Organizations on a voluntary basis. There is no charge for this service. All organizations electing to utilize the facilities of the Auditor must deposit all organizational funds and income with the Auditor and shall not deposit funds or maintain an account in any other place. For further information, consult the Student Organizations Handbook. 11. Official Listing. Only recognized and registered student organizations will be listed in the organizations section of the University Directory and other official University publications. Regulation of Student Organizations 1. Use of University Space and Facilities. Recognized student organizations may use University space and facilities subject to the requirements of the regular University program. Requests for reservations for the use of University rooms, auditoriums, and other facilities shall be submitted at least one week in advance to the Office of Space Assignment and Utilization, 102 University Hall. Exceptions: Requests for the use of Iowa Memorial Union facilities are to be submitted to the IMU Scheduling Office, located on the main floor of the Union, and requests for the Field House or the Armory are to be submitted to the Offices of the Director of Athletics and of the Commandment of the ROTC, respectively. 2. Charges for Use of Space and Facilities. Recognized student organizations will be permitted to use available University space and facilities without charge except to defray any extra costs or expenses incurred by the University in making the facility available; provided that if the student organization charges admission or otherwise solicits funds from the public, the normal rental fee for the facilities will be charged. 3. Fund Raising. Recognized student organizations may engage in fund-raising activities, provided such activities are registered with the Office of Student Affairs at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by the president of the sponsoring student organization. 4. Registration of Programs to which admission is Charged. Recognized student organizations may sponsor entertainment or lecture programs to which a general admission fee is charged, provided such programs are registered with the Office of Student Affairs at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by the president of the sponsoring student organization. No contracts or other financial commitments should be made by the sponsoring organization until registration has been completed. Organizations utilizing the services of the Auditor of Student Organizations must make all financial arrangements through the Auditor’s office. The sponsoring organization must have a balance on hand in its treasury sufficient to cover the cost of the program, including facility rental, speaker’s fee, advertising, and any other expense, or adequate funds must actually be deposited with the organization by an underwriter, which funds cannot be repaid until all costs and expenses incurred by the organization in presenting the program have been fully satisfied. No advertising or publicizing of any commercial product or trade name shall be permitted. In scheduling programs, sponsoring organizations must observe the calendaring regulations established by the Student Activities Board. 5. Solicitation on Campus. For the purposes of this chapter, the term “solicitation” means the seeking of funds or other support, such as signatures, food, or supplies, by a recognized student organization from persons outside his membership. Thus, solicitation could include, for example, such activities as the sale of goods or services, the distribution of literature, materials, or products, or the sponsoring of rallies, parades, or similar events. Recognized student organizations may solicit at reasonable times and places on the campus and under reasonable conditions imposed by University officials charged with control of areas involved, provided such solicitations are not inconsistent with the stated purposes of the sponsoring organization or with the educational purposes of the University, and provided such solicitations are registered with the Office of Student Affairs at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by an authorized member of the sponsoring student organization. General solicitation of students is ordinarily conducted in the Iowa Memorial Union and is normally restricted to the Gold Feather Lobby. Requests for reservations in the Gold Feather Lobby are to be submitted to the Office of Student Activities at least one week in advance. As nearly as space permits, each recognized student organization shall be entitled to one reservation (up to five consecutive days) per month. In addition to this reservation, unreserved space will be allocated to organizations by bequest on a daily first come-first-served basis. Special requests for space elsewhere in the Union or on campus may be granted due to unusual circumstances. The Office of Space Assignment and Utilization may also designate certain locations on the outdoor campus which may be used for solicitation subject to any reasonable conditions imposed. The organization conducting a solicitation must be identified at every location by means of a sign or an announcement. 6. Guest Speakers. Recognized student organizations may invite guest lecturers, panel participants, discussion leaders or others from off-campus to speak or otherwise participate in campus programs, provided such programs are registered with the Office of Student Affairs at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by the president of the sponsoring student organization. No arrangements with guest speakers should be made by the sponsoring organization until registration has been completed. In the event the speaker or the issues are controversial, the Office of Student Affairs may require the sponsoring organization (a) to secure a tenured member of the faculty to chair the program and (b) to provide for the speaker to be subjected to questions from the audience at sometime during the program. 7. Sponsorship. Sponsorship is determined by an organization’s participation, alone or with others, and planning, publicizing, and financing, rather than by the number of members attending or participating in an event. An event is considered to be sponsored by an organization if it is planned, announced, discussed, or financed by the organization, such as when organization members are notified in a regular or special meeting or by a special announcement or posting, or when the financial responsibility is met by the organization. 8. Posters. Recognized student organizations are permitted to advertise and publicize forthcoming campus activities or events by means of posters, banners, and other displays on University bulletin boards and elsewhere on campus as authorized by the Director of Space Assignment and Utilization, provided all such posters, banners, and displays must be approved in advance by the Office of Space Assignment and Utilization. Posters and other displays to be posted on campus bulletin boards may not exceed 11 x 14 inches in size. The name of the organization sponsoring a campus activity or event must appear on every display, and no advertising or publicizing of any commercial product or trade name is permitted. For further information, students may consult the Office of Space Assignment and Utilization, 102 University Hall. 9. Trips. Off-campus trips sponsored by recognized student organizations must be registered at least one week in advance with the Office of Student Affairs. Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by the president of the sponsoring student organization. 10. Enforcement. Any recognized student organization which violates any University rule, regulation or policy shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with established procedures, which may result in the loss or suspension of recognition or the imposition of other sanctions. University Policy on Undergraduate Fraternity Residence Groups 1. General Policy. Fraternity regulations are based upon a policy to: (a) Integrate the fraternity system into the general University student housing and group living program. University dormitories and fraternity houses are each to be considered as constituting an integral part of the general plan of University housing and every effort will be expended to insure full occupancy of all group living quarters whether University or fraternity owned; (b) assure, insofar as is possible, solvent, successful, and effective operation on the part of each individual fraternity chapter as a housing unit and living group; (c) maintain different types of living groups so that each student may have a choice of dormitory or fraternity group living as a part of his education program in order that he may utilize non-classroom time in such a way as to supplement the work of the classroom in his individual development. 2. House Residency. Only qualified members and pledges and authorized employees may reside in fraternity chapter houses. 3. Housemother. Each house must have a housemother or other authorized chaperon in residence. No housemother chaperon is to be employed or released by the fraternity without the approval of the Office of Student Affairs. 4. Vacation Operation. Fraternity chapter houses may remain open during school year vacations only with the permission of the Office of Student Affairs. 5. Financial Operations. All undergraduate fraternities must subscribe to participation in the Fraternity Business Service. 6. Governing Organizations. Undergraduate men’s and women’s fraternities shall be governed by the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council, respectively, which governing bodies may establish, consistent with provisions of the Code of Student Life, additional rules and regulations for recognition of new fraternities, membership selection standards, and standards of conduct. All amendments to the constitution or bylaws of the Interfraternity Council or Panhellenic Council shall be approved by the Committee on Student Life. University Policy on Graduate or Professional Fraternity Residence Groups The responsibility for the regulation and governing of graduate or professional fraternities shall be that of the Dean of the respective College (within the framework of general University policy).
CODE OF STUDENT LIFE, 1968-69 General Conduct Regulations Preamble Academic institutions exist for the advancement of knowledge, the pursuit of truth, the development of students, and the general well-being of society. Free inquiry and free expression are indispensable to the attainment of these goals. As members of the academic community, students are encouraged to develop a capacity for critical judgment and to engage in a sustained and independent search for truth. Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are inseparable facets of academic freedom. The freedom to learn depends upon appropriate opportunities and conditions in the classroom, on the campus, and in the larger community. Students are expected to exercise their freedom to learn with responsibility and to respect the general conditions conducive to such freedom. Accordingly, the University has developed the following general regulations pertaining to student conduct which provide and safeguard the right of every individual student to exercise fully his freedom to learn without undue interference by others. Any student who commits any of the following acts of misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary action by the University, including disciplinary probation, conditional registration, suspension, or dismissal, in accordance with established disciplinary procedures; provided, however, that these regulations shall apply only where a student’s misconduct has adversely affected some University process or function or some other distinct and clear interest of the University as an academic community. 1. Academic dishonesty, including the acquisition of honors, awards, certification or professional endorsements, degrees, academic credits, or grades by means of cheating, plagiarism, or falsification with respect to any examination, paper, project, application, recommendation, transcript, or test, or by any other dishonest means whatsoever, or aiding or abetting another student to do so. Violation of this section is also an academic offense which will normally be handled within the College concerned. 2. Knowingly making any false, inaccurate, or misleading statement, written or oral, to any member of the faculty or staff of the University, or to any office, department, or committee thereof (including the Committee on Student Conduct), or making any such statement or otherwise misrepresenting to anyone, with or without the University community, his status with or the support, sponsorship, or approval of his services or activities by the University, or the status, support, sponsorship, or approval of any other person, group, or organization with or by the University. 3. Willful failure or refusal of any student to obey or comply with any proper order or summons of any authorized University official acting within the scope of his authority, or willful failure or refusal of any student to identify himself by stating his name and showing his student identification card upon request of any dean, faculty member, campus security officer, or other authorized University official acting in the performance of his duties. 4. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any University record, document, or student identification card. 5. Alone or with others, purposefully— (a) disrupting, hindering, or impeding the functions or orderly processes of the University; (b) obstructing or denying access to services or facilities by those entitled to use such services or facilities as provided by the University; or (c) interfering with the lawful rights of other persons on the campus or with the free, convenient, or normal use of University buildings, facilities, or campus, or inciting, urging, or encouraging others to do so; provided, however, that this section shall be construed so as not to abridge any student’s First Amendment Constitutional rights of free expression of thought or opinion, peaceable assembly, or the petition of authorities. 6. Alone or with others, willfully picketing or otherwise demonstrating— (a) within the interior of any University building or structure, except areas specifically authorized for such purposes; (b) at any place or in any manner which unduly obstructs, hinders, impedes, or otherwise unduly interferes with the entrances to or passageways within any University building or other structure or with the normal flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on or to the campus; (c) at any time or place or in any manner which unduly disrupts, hinders, or otherwise unduly interferes with the normal operation or function of any University classroom, office, library, dormitory, or other function, including the normal functioning of the physical plant; (d) in a disorderly or disruptive manner or in any manner which results in or creates an imminent and unreasonable risk of injury to persons or destruction of property; or (e) after having been properly ordered to stop doing so and/or to disperse by a campus security officer or other authorized University official who reasonably believes such action is necessary to preserve public order and safety. 7. Unauthorized entry into or occupation of any room, building, or area of the campus at any time or of any public building or area at any unauthorized time, or any unauthorized or improper use of any University property, equipment, or facilities. 8. Intentional setting of fire in any University building or on the campus without proper authority, or intentional sounding a false fire alarm in any University building or on the campus. 9. Theft or wrongful appropriation, or willful destruction, damage, defacing, or mutilation of any property belonging to or in the possession or custody of another member of the University community, the University, or the State of Iowa. 10. Assaulting, threatening, physically abusing, unduly harassing, or endangering in any other manner the health or safety of any person on the campus or at any University sponsored or supervised function or event. 11. Use or possession of serviceable firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, or other dangerous articles within any University building or University approved housing, on the campus, or at any University sponsored or supervised function or event, except in authorized storage facilities. 12. Possession or consumption of any alcoholic or other intoxicating beverage within any University building or University approved housing (except married housing), on the campus, or at any University sponsored or supervised function or event, except as expressly permitted under Social Regulations, Section 2, of the Code of Student Life. 13. Use, possession, or sale of any narcotic drug, marijuana, or other addictive or hallucinogenic substance, except as expressly permitted by law. 14. Gambling within any University building or University approved housing, or on the campus. 15. Students are expected to obey the laws of the United States and of the State of Iowa and ordinances of the City of Iowa City as they relate to personal conduct, and violation of any such laws or ordinances in which the University has an independent institutional interest shall be deemed a violation of the student conduct regulations. Evidence of previous criminal convictions for misconduct involving University interests may be considered in determining the sanction to be imposed in any subsequent disciplinary proceeding involving the student, notwithstanding that no disciplinary proceedings were undertaken by the University for such previous misconduct. 16. Violation of any other regulation contained in the Code of Student Life or any other rule, regulation, or policy which may be promulgated by the President of the University, or his authorized representative, by any college, department, dormitory, office, or other facility within the scope of its authority, or by the State Board of Regents, provided such rules, regulations, or policies were published, posted, or otherwise adequately publicized or the student had actual knowledge thereof. All provisions contained in University residence halls contracts which pertain to personal conduct shall be deemed rules subject to this regulation with respect to all dormitory residents. 17. Any other conduct or action which adversely affects the educational processes or other functions or operations of the University or unduly interferes with the rights of other members of the University community, or which demonstrates a student’s lack of fitness as a member of the academic community, provided that any conduct engaged in or action taken by a student anywhere, on or off campus, and whether or not such particular conduct or action is related to any University interest, is relevant and shall be considered in determining a student’s fitness as a member of the academic community. These general conduct regulations are applicable to all students attending the University of Iowa, including undergraduate, graduate, professional and part-time students, continuously at all times, whether or not the University is in session, from the date of their initial registration at the University for as long as they are students, regardless of whether or not they are currently registered at the University. It is the duty and responsibility of all students to acquaint themselves with these general conduct regulations and with the other rules and regulations pertaining to personal conduct contained in the Code of Student Life, and every student will be conclusively presumed to have knowledge of such rules and regulations from the date of his initial registration at the University. The Code may be amended at any time by authority of the President of the University. Amendments are effective as of the beginning of the semester in which they are first published in the Code of Student Life, provided that if the President deems an amendment of immediate importance it shall be effective from and after publication in The Daily Iowan (which will be conclusively presumed as adequate notice to all students). A full and complete text of all such general rules and regulations of personal conduct currently in effect, including all amendments, shall be on file in the Office of Student Affairs at all times and shall be available for inspection by students. The Office of Student Affairs shall also be responsible for making available to students copies of all amendments deemed of immediate importance and for distributing copies of such amendments to all housing units, affected student organizations, and otherwise as the Dean of Students deems appropriate, provided that failure to make such distribution shall not affect the effectiveness of such amendments. Social Regulations 1. Registration. Registration is the process of requesting and securing permission from the Office of Student Affairs to hold a social function. Permission shall be granted if the request complies with all applicable regulations of this Code. All mixed social functions, except exchanges, afternoon picnics and serenades, are to be registered with the Office of Student Affairs by the sponsoring recognized student organization at least one day in advance. Sponsorship is determined by an organization’s planning, promoting, and financing of the function rather than by the number of members attending the event. Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by an authorized member of the sponsoring student organization. No contracts or other financial commitments should be made or invitations issued by the sponsoring organization until registration has been completed. Registered social functions may be held at any place selected by the sponsoring organization. Sponsoring organizations are encouraged to invite members of the faculty or staff or alumni as guests to all social functions. All registered social functions must be concluded at least one-half hour before the closing time in approved women’s residences, except as specially authorized by the Office of Student Affairs upon request of the sponsoring organization. 2. Drinking. Alcoholic beverages may not be served on campus or in approved housing. It alcoholic beverages are served at a registered social function (not held on the campus or in approved housing), it is the duty and responsibility of the sponsoring organization to provide adequate supervision and to ensure full compliance with all applicable civil laws pertaining to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. 3. Open Houses. An open house is a registered social function during which rooms in an approved housing unit are open to the public; an open house is generally held in conjunction with a University or residence event. Open houses held by residence halls, fraternities, or sororities are to be registered with the Office of Student Affairs by the sponsoring residence unit at least one day in advance in accordance with the same procedure as mixed social functions. Off-campus housing units other than fraternities and sororities must obtain the prior written approval of the landlord who shall notify the Office of Student Activities. Open houses may be held during the following hours: Monday-Thursday 4:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Friday 3:00 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m.-12:30 a.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m.-11:30 p.m. 4. Visitations. A visitation is a registered social function during which the residents of an approved housing unit may invite guests, including guests of the opposite sex, into their own rooms. Visitations are to be registered with the Office of Student Affairs or its representative by the sponsoring residence unit at least one day in advance. Off-campus housing units other than fraternities and sororities must obtain the prior written approval of the landlord who shall notify the Office of Student Activities. The visitation procedure for University residence calls, fraternities, and sororities is as follows: a. Residence hall registration is to be by the smallest unit of government (house, floor, unit); fraternity and sorority registration by chapter. b. Residence hall units are to register with their respective head residents, who will act on behalf of the Office of Student Affairs; fraternities and sororities are to register with the Office of Student Activities. c. Each visitation must be approved separately by majority vote of the individual residents of the sponsoring unit or members of the chapter, and in the case of residence halls by the residence hall association government also. d. The frequency of visitations is to be established independently by each individual unit or chapter. e. At least one house officer will be on duty in the residence hall unit or chapter house at all times during a visitation and shall be responsible for adequately supervising the visitation. f. A residence hall staff member or the fraternity or sorority housemother is also to be present in the residence hall or chapter house at all times during a visitation. g. All guests must be registered with the register including the name and room number of the accompanying host (ess). h. When entertaining a guest of the opposite sex in his room, each resident is to keep his corridor door ajar. i. Visitations may be held during the following hours: Monday-Thursday 4:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Friday 3:00 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m.-12:30 a.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Housing and Hours Regulations 1. Reporting Correct Address. Each student is required to report his correct address at the time of registration each semester or session. This reported address must be the student’s actual place of residence. Any change of residence made during the semester or session must be reported within three days to the Registrar’s Office. Failure or refusal to comply with this regulation is cause for cancellation of registration. 2. Approved Housing. Single, undergraduate students who will not be twenty-one years of age on or before the last day of the semester are required to live in housing approved by the University or in parental homes. University approved housing includes University residence halls, social fraternity and sorority chapter houses, and approved rooming houses. Students subject to the approved housing regulation are responsible for determining that their housing is approved. Failure or refusal to comply with this regulation is cause for cancellation of registration. 3. Special Permission to Live in Unapproved Housing. Application for special permission to live in unapproved housing must be made in person at the Off-Campus Housing Office, 106 University Hall, prior to the beginning of the semester or session. Single, undergraduate students under twenty-one, upon application, may be given special permission to live in unapproved housing for the following reasons: 1. Living with adult relatives 2. Medical necessity 3. Religious necessity 4. Work situations in which the students receive at least one-half of the monthly rent in exchange for services. 4. Conditions for Approval of Off-Campus Housing. Approval of any off-campus housing located within the postal territory of Iowa City or Coralville will be granted by the Office of Student Affairs upon the following conditions: (a) premises found to satisfy University health and safety standards; (b) lessor agrees in writing to comply with University policy on fair housing practices; (c) lessor agrees to enforce all applicable University rules and regulations regarding students conduct, housing, and hours; and (d) adequate adult supervision is provided. A listing of all housing which has been approved is available to students in the Office of Off-Campus Housing, 106 University Hall. 5. Certified Housing. As a service to students eligible to live in unapproved housing, the Office of Off-Campus Housing maintains a listing of certified housing. Certification is granted to any off-campus housing upon the conditions that (a) the premises are found to satisfy University health and safety standards and (b) the lessor agrees in writing to comply with University policy on fair housing practices. A listing of available certified housing is maintained on the bulletin board on the ground floor of University Hall. 6. University Policy on Fair Housing Practices. It is the policy of the University that lessors, approved or certified, shall rent to all students on the basis of their individual merits as persons without exclusion or discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, or national origin. A signed non-discrimination pledge is required of all approved or certified lessors. Any complaint of discrimination in housing should be submitted to the chairman of the University Committee on Human Rights within sixty days of the alleged act of discrimination. The name of the current chairman of the Committee may be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs, 111 University Hall. The State of Iowa and the City of Iowa City also have fair housing codes which may be applicable. 7. Guests. Entertainment of guests of the opposite sex in approved housing is to be confined to the public areas except during registered open houses and visitations. For policies and procedures regarding open houses and visitations, see Social Regulations, Sections 3 and 4. Guest closing hours for all approved student residences are as follows: Sunday through Thursday 11:45 p.m. Friday and Saturday 12:45 a.m. 8. Closing Hours for Women’s Residences. Closing hours shall be defined as the LATEST hour for a student’s return to her housing unit. The regular closing hours are in effect whenever the dormitories are open for residency. This includes summer session, examination, registration, and vacation periods. All undergraduate women other than those included in the Privileged Hours Program have 12:00 midnight closing hours Sunday through Thursday, and 1:00 a.m. closing hours Friday and Saturday nights throughout the academic year with the following exceptions: 1. 2:00 a.m. closing hours on Friday and Saturday, Homecoming Weekend. 2. 1:00 a.m. closing hours the night before classes are suspended prior to University vacation periods (Thanksgiving and the night before Mercy Day continuing through the week of examinations). 9. Privileged Hours. Women who are sophomores, juniors or seniors or over twenty-one may request permission to participate in the Privileged Hours Program at a required orientation meeting. For sophomores permission of parents is required for their daughter’s participation. Freshman women are subject to 12:00 midnight and 1:00 a.m. closing hours with no exceptions for the first semester. Second semester freshman women have 12:00 midnight closing hours Sunday through Thursday and may request unlimited hours Friday and Saturday with parental permission. 10. Overnight Sign-Outs. Undergraduate women students may sign out to be away from their place of residence on Friday and Saturday nights in accordance with the AWS regulations. Overnight absence without proper sign-out is a violation of University regulations and may be cause for disciplinary action, including suspension from the University. Recognition of Student Organizations 1. Eligibility. Any group or organization which consists primarily of University students and whose purposes are consistent with the educational objectives of the University is eligible for recognition by the University. Recognized student organizations must comply with all regulations contained in the Code of Student Life and in the Student Organizations Handbook, and are entitled to certain privileges such as the use of University facilities and services as hereinafter provided. Recognition of a student organization by the University does not constitute an endorsement of its programs or purposes, but is merely a charter to exist. 2. Membership Policy. It is the policy of the University that all recognize student organizations be able to exercise free choice of members on the basis of their merits as individuals without restriction as to race, color, or national origin. Any student organization whose choice of members is subject to approval by national or other non-University organizations, or which is required by a non-University organization to procure a recommendation from an alumnus or any other person not currently an active member of the local organization prior to admitting a person to membership, is ineligible for recognition by the University. 3. Officers. Only registered University students or members of the faculty or administrative staff may hold office in a recognized student organization. 4. Recognition Procedure. Recognition of student organizations which are residential living units (residence halls, fraternities and sororities) is granted by the respective governing bodies (Associated Residence Halls, Interfraternity Council, and Panhellenic Council) with the concurrence of the Committee on Student Life. Recognition of all other student organizations is granted under the auspices of the Student Senate of the Iowa Student Association: (a) Charters are issued by the Student Senate to student organizations which are eligible for permanent recognition; (b) Provisional recognition not to exceed 12 months may be granted by the Office of Student Affairs with the concurrence of the Student Senate Committee on Student Organizations to ad hoc organizations which are eligible for temporary recognition. Application forms for recognition are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by the president or Chairman of the organization. 5. Registration. On or before October 1 of each year, every recognized student organization must submit a registration statement to the Office of Student Affairs setting forth completely and accurately all of the information requested on the registration form. Such forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by an authorized member of the organization. Thereafter, during the year, recognized student organizations shall, within a reasonable time, report to the Office of Student Affairs any amendments to or changes in their constitutions, bylaws, officers, advisers, or programs. Recognized student organizations shall also submit any additional information or data requested from time to time by the Office of Student Affairs or the Committee on Student Life. 6. Annual Report. Before the close of each academic year, every recognized student organization must submit an annual report to the Office of Student Affairs. Such annual report shall consist of a clear and concise statement summarizing the activities and programs of the organization during the year and must be signed by the president or secretary of the organization. Failure to file a timely annual report is cause for revocation of recognition. 7. Revocation. Recognition may be revoked by the recognizing agency (Student Senate, Associated Residents Halls, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council) for good cause. The procedure followed must guarantee the student organization reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard prior to any action on the proposed revocation. 8. Appeals. Student organizations may appeal any adverse decision of a recognizing agency to the President of the University or his designated representative. 9. Advisers. Student organizations are encouraged to have advisers who are members of the University faculty or administrative staff; any recognized student organization which is financed, in whole or in part, by an allocation from student activity fees or through assessments collected by the University is required to have such an adviser. 10. Finances. Any recognized student organization financed in whole or in part by an allocation from student activity fees or through assessments collected by the University is required to utilize the services of and transact all business through the Auditor of Student Organizations. Any other recognized student organization may elect to utilize the services of the Auditor of Student Organizations on a voluntary basis. There is no charge for this service. All organizations electing to utilize the facilities of the Auditor must deposit all organizational funds and income with the Auditor and shall not deposit funds or maintain an account in any other place. For further information, consult the Student Organizations Handbook. 11. Official Listing. Only recognized and registered student organizations will be listed in the organizations section of the University Directory and other official University publications. Regulation of Student Organizations 1. Use of University Space and Facilities. Recognized student organizations may use University space and facilities subject to the requirements of the regular University program. Requests for reservations for the use of University rooms, auditoriums, and other facilities shall be submitted at least one week in advance to the Office of Space Assignment and Utilization, 102 University Hall. Exceptions: Requests for the use of Iowa Memorial Union facilities are to be submitted to the IMU Scheduling Office, located on the main floor of the Union, and requests for the Field House or the Armory are to be submitted to the Offices of the Director of Athletics and of the Commandment of the ROTC, respectively. 2. Charges for Use of Space and Facilities. Recognized student organizations will be permitted to use available University space and facilities without charge except to defray any extra costs or expenses incurred by the University in making the facility available; provided that if the student organization charges admission or otherwise solicits funds from the public, the normal rental fee for the facilities will be charged. 3. Fund Raising. Recognized student organizations may engage in fund-raising activities, provided such activities are registered with the Office of Student Affairs at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by the president of the sponsoring student organization. 4. Registration of Programs to which admission is Charged. Recognized student organizations may sponsor entertainment or lecture programs to which a general admission fee is charged, provided such programs are registered with the Office of Student Affairs at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by the president of the sponsoring student organization. No contracts or other financial commitments should be made by the sponsoring organization until registration has been completed. Organizations utilizing the services of the Auditor of Student Organizations must make all financial arrangements through the Auditor’s office. The sponsoring organization must have a balance on hand in its treasury sufficient to cover the cost of the program, including facility rental, speaker’s fee, advertising, and any other expense, or adequate funds must actually be deposited with the organization by an underwriter, which funds cannot be repaid until all costs and expenses incurred by the organization in presenting the program have been fully satisfied. No advertising or publicizing of any commercial product or trade name shall be permitted. In scheduling programs, sponsoring organizations must observe the calendaring regulations established by the Student Activities Board. 5. Solicitation on Campus. For the purposes of this chapter, the term “solicitation” means the seeking of funds or other support, such as signatures, food, or supplies, by a recognized student organization from persons outside his membership. Thus, solicitation could include, for example, such activities as the sale of goods or services, the distribution of literature, materials, or products, or the sponsoring of rallies, parades, or similar events. Recognized student organizations may solicit at reasonable times and places on the campus and under reasonable conditions imposed by University officials charged with control of areas involved, provided such solicitations are not inconsistent with the stated purposes of the sponsoring organization or with the educational purposes of the University, and provided such solicitations are registered with the Office of Student Affairs at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by an authorized member of the sponsoring student organization. General solicitation of students is ordinarily conducted in the Iowa Memorial Union and is normally restricted to the Gold Feather Lobby. Requests for reservations in the Gold Feather Lobby are to be submitted to the Office of Student Activities at least one week in advance. As nearly as space permits, each recognized student organization shall be entitled to one reservation (up to five consecutive days) per month. In addition to this reservation, unreserved space will be allocated to organizations by bequest on a daily first come-first-served basis. Special requests for space elsewhere in the Union or on campus may be granted due to unusual circumstances. The Office of Space Assignment and Utilization may also designate certain locations on the outdoor campus which may be used for solicitation subject to any reasonable conditions imposed. The organization conducting a solicitation must be identified at every location by means of a sign or an announcement. 6. Guest Speakers. Recognized student organizations may invite guest lecturers, panel participants, discussion leaders or others from off-campus to speak or otherwise participate in campus programs, provided such programs are registered with the Office of Student Affairs at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by the president of the sponsoring student organization. No arrangements with guest speakers should be made by the sponsoring organization until registration has been completed. In the event the speaker or the issues are controversial, the Office of Student Affairs may require the sponsoring organization (a) to secure a tenured member of the faculty to chair the program and (b) to provide for the speaker to be subjected to questions from the audience at sometime during the program. 7. Sponsorship. Sponsorship is determined by an organization’s participation, alone or with others, and planning, publicizing, and financing, rather than by the number of members attending or participating in an event. An event is considered to be sponsored by an organization if it is planned, announced, discussed, or financed by the organization, such as when organization members are notified in a regular or special meeting or by a special announcement or posting, or when the financial responsibility is met by the organization. 8. Posters. Recognized student organizations are permitted to advertise and publicize forthcoming campus activities or events by means of posters, banners, and other displays on University bulletin boards and elsewhere on campus as authorized by the Director of Space Assignment and Utilization, provided all such posters, banners, and displays must be approved in advance by the Office of Space Assignment and Utilization. Posters and other displays to be posted on campus bulletin boards may not exceed 11 x 14 inches in size. The name of the organization sponsoring a campus activity or event must appear on every display, and no advertising or publicizing of any commercial product or trade name is permitted. For further information, students may consult the Office of Space Assignment and Utilization, 102 University Hall. 9. Trips. Off-campus trips sponsored by recognized student organizations must be registered at least one week in advance with the Office of Student Affairs. Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and must be signed by the president of the sponsoring student organization. 10. Enforcement. Any recognized student organization which violates any University rule, regulation or policy shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with established procedures, which may result in the loss or suspension of recognition or the imposition of other sanctions. University Policy on Undergraduate Fraternity Residence Groups 1. General Policy. Fraternity regulations are based upon a policy to: (a) Integrate the fraternity system into the general University student housing and group living program. University dormitories and fraternity houses are each to be considered as constituting an integral part of the general plan of University housing and every effort will be expended to insure full occupancy of all group living quarters whether University or fraternity owned; (b) assure, insofar as is possible, solvent, successful, and effective operation on the part of each individual fraternity chapter as a housing unit and living group; (c) maintain different types of living groups so that each student may have a choice of dormitory or fraternity group living as a part of his education program in order that he may utilize non-classroom time in such a way as to supplement the work of the classroom in his individual development. 2. House Residency. Only qualified members and pledges and authorized employees may reside in fraternity chapter houses. 3. Housemother. Each house must have a housemother or other authorized chaperon in residence. No housemother chaperon is to be employed or released by the fraternity without the approval of the Office of Student Affairs. 4. Vacation Operation. Fraternity chapter houses may remain open during school year vacations only with the permission of the Office of Student Affairs. 5. Financial Operations. All undergraduate fraternities must subscribe to participation in the Fraternity Business Service. 6. Governing Organizations. Undergraduate men’s and women’s fraternities shall be governed by the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council, respectively, which governing bodies may establish, consistent with provisions of the Code of Student Life, additional rules and regulations for recognition of new fraternities, membership selection standards, and standards of conduct. All amendments to the constitution or bylaws of the Interfraternity Council or Panhellenic Council shall be approved by the Committee on Student Life. University Policy on Graduate or Professional Fraternity Residence Groups The responsibility for the regulation and governing of graduate or professional fraternities shall be that of the Dean of the respective College (within the framework of general University policy).
Campus Culture