Managers' report book, June 30, 1919-July 26, 1920
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PROVIDENCE. R. I. E. F. ALBEE SEPT. 29th, 9 After re-arrangement, the show played very well indeed. The original lay-out with the Jazzland Octette in the middle of the bill, pretty near killed the show. Putting them down last made the remainder of the show play much better and they managed to hold such auditors who cared for that kind of tom foolery. CHAS. LOVENBERG. PIELERT & SCOFIELD: Man and woman introducing in sketch form, a little heavy wieght juggling, song and some very bad comedy. Not much of act. 10 min. full stage. HARRY & GRACE ELLWSORTH: In an arrangement of songs and dances. Went over pretty well. The boy's Russian dancing making a distinct hit; his work of that kind being among the best I ever saw. 11 min. in one. GAUTIER'S BRICKLAYERS: A dog act and a very good one. Very novel, got lots of laughs and a hurrah finish got them very strong applause. I would not advise anyone to close the show with the act as being divided into two parts, the best of it would be lost. 10 min. Full stage. MULLEN & FRANCIS: In largely the same act as given us by Mullen & Coogan. In this spot, they faired very well indeed and got plenty of laughs. 15 min. in one. LUBA MEROFF & CO: Two women, one young fellow who with some very nice costumes and draping, presented a very pretty act of singing, dancing and one cello number. They faired very nicely. 17 min. in two. ZARDO: Pianist. This man's program is exceedingly well adapted to vaudeville and at the same time not offensive to lovers of good music. He came pretty near being the big hit of the show. 15 min. in one. LEE KOHLMAR & CO: In the same Jewish sketch they gave last year, which was very well liked indeed. 27 min. full stage. ELIZABETH MURRAY: With her songs and stories faired very well. The audience liked her and she could easily have sung an additional number. Held this spot with credit. 16 min. in one. JAZZLAND NAVAL OCTETTE: These boys got some scattered applause, but are far from being a hit, even in a much better spot in the bill at the first performance. Providence audiences do not care for this sort of thing. 20 min full stage.
PROVIDENCE. R. I. E. F. ALBEE SEPT. 29th, 9 After re-arrangement, the show played very well indeed. The original lay-out with the Jazzland Octette in the middle of the bill, pretty near killed the show. Putting them down last made the remainder of the show play much better and they managed to hold such auditors who cared for that kind of tom foolery. CHAS. LOVENBERG. PIELERT & SCOFIELD: Man and woman introducing in sketch form, a little heavy wieght juggling, song and some very bad comedy. Not much of act. 10 min. full stage. HARRY & GRACE ELLWSORTH: In an arrangement of songs and dances. Went over pretty well. The boy's Russian dancing making a distinct hit; his work of that kind being among the best I ever saw. 11 min. in one. GAUTIER'S BRICKLAYERS: A dog act and a very good one. Very novel, got lots of laughs and a hurrah finish got them very strong applause. I would not advise anyone to close the show with the act as being divided into two parts, the best of it would be lost. 10 min. Full stage. MULLEN & FRANCIS: In largely the same act as given us by Mullen & Coogan. In this spot, they faired very well indeed and got plenty of laughs. 15 min. in one. LUBA MEROFF & CO: Two women, one young fellow who with some very nice costumes and draping, presented a very pretty act of singing, dancing and one cello number. They faired very nicely. 17 min. in two. ZARDO: Pianist. This man's program is exceedingly well adapted to vaudeville and at the same time not offensive to lovers of good music. He came pretty near being the big hit of the show. 15 min. in one. LEE KOHLMAR & CO: In the same Jewish sketch they gave last year, which was very well liked indeed. 27 min. full stage. ELIZABETH MURRAY: With her songs and stories faired very well. The audience liked her and she could easily have sung an additional number. Held this spot with credit. 16 min. in one. JAZZLAND NAVAL OCTETTE: These boys got some scattered applause, but are far from being a hit, even in a much better spot in the bill at the first performance. Providence audiences do not care for this sort of thing. 20 min full stage.
Keith-Albee Collection