Keith-Albee managers' report book, December 11, 1911-September 9, 1912
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B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE CINCINNATI, O. Week of Jan. 7th, 1912 [CELINI?]& GROVINI: 14 minutes full stage. Man and woman. They do a lot of clever things, play auitar and mandolin, acrobatics, hat and stick juggling and bicycles.---Very clever; some fast work at the finish. Good opener. Act goes to LOUISVILLE. MARIK RUSSELL: Character songs. 14 minutes in One. Miss Russell works hard. She has some dashing costumes, going from a red costume to green, then to purple and gold, then to white. She sings well. Went good at Sunday matinee- much better Sunday night. ACT OPEN next week. CONNELLY & WEBB: Man and woman, in the same old act, "A Stormy Finish". Great favorites here. Connelly's piano-playing is a big hit. Great finish, and act went big. OPEN next week - Week after DES MOINES. H. T. MAC CONNELL: "President of the Thirteen Club". 20 minutes in One. Mr. MacConnell has two confederates in the audience who afterwards ascent to the stage, and the three do some great singing. MacConnell's monologue is immense. The work of the two confederates is also very clever, and the act made a big hit. Act goes to INDIANAPOLIS. "EVERYWIFE" 35 minutes, opening three minutes in One; plush curtain, then alternately to full stage and in One the four scenes. This is probably the biggest and best production in all respects ever seen in this house. Today (Monday) it is the talk of the town. - Scenery fine, costumes beautiful, and acting superb. No low comedy-no burlesque, and everything in a serious vein. Made big impression on both Sunday audiences. Act goes to MILWAUKEE. LADDIE CLIFF: Grotesque singing and dancing. 16 minutes in One. Practically the same work he did here two seasons ago. A tremendous hit. - One of the biggest things in a big show. Act goes to CHICAGO. FOUR ORIGINAL LONDONS: Casting act. 7 minutes, full stage. Daring and finished work of all four, and the best act of its kind is the business. Went big. Act goes to LOUISVILLE. B. F. KEITHOSCOPE: Pathe's Weekly of current events. 14 minutes. GENERAL REMARKS: Although there are but seven acts, the show was out Sunday night at 10.40. It is plenty long enough for our people. One of the best shows ever booked in this theatre. C. L. Doran.
B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE CINCINNATI, O. Week of Jan. 7th, 1912 [CELINI?]& GROVINI: 14 minutes full stage. Man and woman. They do a lot of clever things, play auitar and mandolin, acrobatics, hat and stick juggling and bicycles.---Very clever; some fast work at the finish. Good opener. Act goes to LOUISVILLE. MARIK RUSSELL: Character songs. 14 minutes in One. Miss Russell works hard. She has some dashing costumes, going from a red costume to green, then to purple and gold, then to white. She sings well. Went good at Sunday matinee- much better Sunday night. ACT OPEN next week. CONNELLY & WEBB: Man and woman, in the same old act, "A Stormy Finish". Great favorites here. Connelly's piano-playing is a big hit. Great finish, and act went big. OPEN next week - Week after DES MOINES. H. T. MAC CONNELL: "President of the Thirteen Club". 20 minutes in One. Mr. MacConnell has two confederates in the audience who afterwards ascent to the stage, and the three do some great singing. MacConnell's monologue is immense. The work of the two confederates is also very clever, and the act made a big hit. Act goes to INDIANAPOLIS. "EVERYWIFE" 35 minutes, opening three minutes in One; plush curtain, then alternately to full stage and in One the four scenes. This is probably the biggest and best production in all respects ever seen in this house. Today (Monday) it is the talk of the town. - Scenery fine, costumes beautiful, and acting superb. No low comedy-no burlesque, and everything in a serious vein. Made big impression on both Sunday audiences. Act goes to MILWAUKEE. LADDIE CLIFF: Grotesque singing and dancing. 16 minutes in One. Practically the same work he did here two seasons ago. A tremendous hit. - One of the biggest things in a big show. Act goes to CHICAGO. FOUR ORIGINAL LONDONS: Casting act. 7 minutes, full stage. Daring and finished work of all four, and the best act of its kind is the business. Went big. Act goes to LOUISVILLE. B. F. KEITHOSCOPE: Pathe's Weekly of current events. 14 minutes. GENERAL REMARKS: Although there are but seven acts, the show was out Sunday night at 10.40. It is plenty long enough for our people. One of the best shows ever booked in this theatre. C. L. Doran.
Keith-Albee Collection