Keith-Albee managers' report book, May 11, 1914-July 1, 1915
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BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R. I. REPORT OF SHOW MONDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1914. BABY GLADYS: Singing and dancing, 11 minutes (1) Sings very well, dances exceptionally well, and goes big with the house which was generous with applause. MILLER & CARMEN: SINGING AND VIOLIN, 11 minutes, (1) Lady and Man. Vocal work good, but the violin work by the lady makes the big hit of the act, which is thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. MILTON POLLACK & CO. Comedy sketch, 17 minutes C.D.F. 1 Lady. 3 Men. Excellent comedy sketch. One long continuous laugh from start to finish. The audience liked them immensely and accorded vociferous applause at the close. [W. E. Parmenter?] Manager. BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R. I. REPORT OF SHOW THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1914. BENTON & HOWARD: singing and talking, 15 minutes (1) Lady & Man. Good clean comedy act, snappy and full of life and go. Singing fairly good but the comedy is of the star brand. WARD BAKER: Violinist, 10 minutes (1) A most accomplished and finished artist, his masterly manipulation of the violin quite excelling anything ever heard at the Bijou. SPRAGUE & McNEECE: Roller skaters, 10 minutes fullstage. Good act holding the interest of the auditors throughout. Clever evolution on the rollers, and a very pretty act from a costume view-point. [W. E. Parmenter?] Manager.
BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R. I. REPORT OF SHOW MONDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1914. BABY GLADYS: Singing and dancing, 11 minutes (1) Sings very well, dances exceptionally well, and goes big with the house which was generous with applause. MILLER & CARMEN: SINGING AND VIOLIN, 11 minutes, (1) Lady and Man. Vocal work good, but the violin work by the lady makes the big hit of the act, which is thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. MILTON POLLACK & CO. Comedy sketch, 17 minutes C.D.F. 1 Lady. 3 Men. Excellent comedy sketch. One long continuous laugh from start to finish. The audience liked them immensely and accorded vociferous applause at the close. [W. E. Parmenter?] Manager. BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R. I. REPORT OF SHOW THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1914. BENTON & HOWARD: singing and talking, 15 minutes (1) Lady & Man. Good clean comedy act, snappy and full of life and go. Singing fairly good but the comedy is of the star brand. WARD BAKER: Violinist, 10 minutes (1) A most accomplished and finished artist, his masterly manipulation of the violin quite excelling anything ever heard at the Bijou. SPRAGUE & McNEECE: Roller skaters, 10 minutes fullstage. Good act holding the interest of the auditors throughout. Clever evolution on the rollers, and a very pretty act from a costume view-point. [W. E. Parmenter?] Manager.
Keith-Albee Collection