Phanteur, whole no. 2, Spring 1946
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1 P H A N T E U R 1 P H A N T E U R (phormerly phanny) p e r p e t r a t e d o c c a s i o n a l l y for the F A P A by D.B. Thompson 1527 Levin Street Alexandria (5) La. Whole No. 2 Spring 1946 ---:oo0oo:--- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S FEATURE ARTICLE Hitting The Pipe Francis T. Laney page 2 VERSE Bayou Mort D. Burton Thompson, Esq. page 4 A Page of Verse by me page 5 Poet's Corner -- Help! -- page 6 For the nascent poet, if he could stood it. EDITORIAL Wherein Wefill Space page 1 REVIEWS "By Their Works In Next Issue Ye Shall Know Them" ---:oo0oo:--- This is the smallest publication that I've sent out in several (well, at least, two) years. To those who are delighted by the abscence of The Phanteur's verbose, rambling reviews, I can only say, "You'll be sorry; it giffs a double dose next time." At least, maybe. I simply haven't been able to find the time to work up the reviews in the short period between the receipt of the Winter Mailing and the deadline for the Spring distribution. Ditto for the Ratings, and Laureate Suggestions. The page of verse is of dubious quality, and also rather uneven. I think, however, that at least one of the constituents, the very short Clairvoyance, deserves the designation "poetry." Laney's article, as he explains at the beginning, grew out of our correspondence on this and various other closely unrelated topics of equally momentous portent--or perhaps it should be portentous moment. We (Fran and I, that is) know that you will be thunderstruck--or at least flabbergasted--by the way this problem has been handled. Seriously, though, I think Fran has done a rather good job on the group of occupations which he calls "menial." I confess, though, that I have a sort of liking for rugs, upholstery, etc., of a type which might not take to well to the cleaning methods he suggests. Not an unsurmountable objection, however. (Continued on page 4). PHANTEURisanamateurono-profitmagazinenopaymentcanbe madeformaterialpublishedinit
1 P H A N T E U R 1 P H A N T E U R (phormerly phanny) p e r p e t r a t e d o c c a s i o n a l l y for the F A P A by D.B. Thompson 1527 Levin Street Alexandria (5) La. Whole No. 2 Spring 1946 ---:oo0oo:--- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S FEATURE ARTICLE Hitting The Pipe Francis T. Laney page 2 VERSE Bayou Mort D. Burton Thompson, Esq. page 4 A Page of Verse by me page 5 Poet's Corner -- Help! -- page 6 For the nascent poet, if he could stood it. EDITORIAL Wherein Wefill Space page 1 REVIEWS "By Their Works In Next Issue Ye Shall Know Them" ---:oo0oo:--- This is the smallest publication that I've sent out in several (well, at least, two) years. To those who are delighted by the abscence of The Phanteur's verbose, rambling reviews, I can only say, "You'll be sorry; it giffs a double dose next time." At least, maybe. I simply haven't been able to find the time to work up the reviews in the short period between the receipt of the Winter Mailing and the deadline for the Spring distribution. Ditto for the Ratings, and Laureate Suggestions. The page of verse is of dubious quality, and also rather uneven. I think, however, that at least one of the constituents, the very short Clairvoyance, deserves the designation "poetry." Laney's article, as he explains at the beginning, grew out of our correspondence on this and various other closely unrelated topics of equally momentous portent--or perhaps it should be portentous moment. We (Fran and I, that is) know that you will be thunderstruck--or at least flabbergasted--by the way this problem has been handled. Seriously, though, I think Fran has done a rather good job on the group of occupations which he calls "menial." I confess, though, that I have a sort of liking for rugs, upholstery, etc., of a type which might not take to well to the cleaning methods he suggests. Not an unsurmountable objection, however. (Continued on page 4). PHANTEURisanamateurono-profitmagazinenopaymentcanbe madeformaterialpublishedinit
Hevelin Fanzines