Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 20, January 1942
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION in the background: there are actual stars in the firmament! Hardly a copy: -- and I shall always maintain that Finlay has yet to capture such a sweet, virginal expression on any girl's face. " Okay, step up Rustebar! You're a swell kid, but you're wrong. Nudes are appropriate. Also, have you seen the Wright beauty? Not a nude by any stretch of the imagi-nation. Nor was the latest cover a nude. Now, whether or not nudes are appropriate, these covers will go over. Well, there wasn't much of an argument there, but that's swell. Everyone ought to correspond or associate with Rust: he's a great guy. " Could Wymack be your mother, Forry? Why, shore! (Yes, Carrol Wyman Ackerman is my Mother; now see if U can determine under what seudonym I run the odd letter from my Dad! Incidently, my parents-- all both of them-- are payd-up mems in the n, have been Pacifico have been planning to attend, unless the yellow wasps have chosen to lay too many fryd eggs ((incendiarys to U)) on dear old Shanghai-LA. If it's to be Nippon-tuck tween Pacificon & Asiatieon mebbe our Moto should be "One anywhere in the US in 42, as long as it's an Americon--!") And if you're reading this issue, drop me a line Nick! (Pvt Kenealy) Also, three cheers for Tucker "rahrahrah); Louis Smith backs him up on that. (That being academic appreciation of deminine epidermis, even after a fan is marryd. Then husbands RoberTucker & LouiSmith evidently do bliev in that greatest of all mysterys to bachelors. Is There Life After Marriage?) Whoever may be Alan Roberts (whom I strongly suspect of being Alan Roberts) is an interesting fellow. His letters can make an issue for me. (Yes, they seem to make an issue for quite a number of people!) " Hello, Johnny! (Cunningham) This time your letter was rather nice. However, you should feel no pity for those who drink. They are happy, so do not deserve or need pity. Remember: Only the fools are happy..... Don't worry. You've proven your worth to the majority of us by tackling a heartless job that brings little glory and much work, namely the B.S.F.W.R.S. Oyes, Johnny; what is one of the five or more possible things: 1) funny in an unpleasant sort of way; 2) a very convincing author who should be writing weird stories; 3) absolutely right, he is the Black Messiah; or 5) batty as all hell-git-out! I want to believe the first, am led to believe the fifth, and subconsciously believe the third. All of which makes fourth very rediculous and the second most plausible explanation. The sixth answer is probably the correct one, whatever it may be. Nevertheless, it's chilling to note how Goldstone, Tigrina, Joquel, MeMurtry, etc., take their black arts so seriously. Wrights and I had an interesting discussion on the subject last nite (14 Nov 41) and have decided that stfiction makes rare individuals more susperstitious than usual. But sometimes... " Feldman was quite interesting and provoking. However, there was little to the letter and it was silly.
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION in the background: there are actual stars in the firmament! Hardly a copy: -- and I shall always maintain that Finlay has yet to capture such a sweet, virginal expression on any girl's face. " Okay, step up Rustebar! You're a swell kid, but you're wrong. Nudes are appropriate. Also, have you seen the Wright beauty? Not a nude by any stretch of the imagi-nation. Nor was the latest cover a nude. Now, whether or not nudes are appropriate, these covers will go over. Well, there wasn't much of an argument there, but that's swell. Everyone ought to correspond or associate with Rust: he's a great guy. " Could Wymack be your mother, Forry? Why, shore! (Yes, Carrol Wyman Ackerman is my Mother; now see if U can determine under what seudonym I run the odd letter from my Dad! Incidently, my parents-- all both of them-- are payd-up mems in the n, have been Pacifico have been planning to attend, unless the yellow wasps have chosen to lay too many fryd eggs ((incendiarys to U)) on dear old Shanghai-LA. If it's to be Nippon-tuck tween Pacificon & Asiatieon mebbe our Moto should be "One anywhere in the US in 42, as long as it's an Americon--!") And if you're reading this issue, drop me a line Nick! (Pvt Kenealy) Also, three cheers for Tucker "rahrahrah); Louis Smith backs him up on that. (That being academic appreciation of deminine epidermis, even after a fan is marryd. Then husbands RoberTucker & LouiSmith evidently do bliev in that greatest of all mysterys to bachelors. Is There Life After Marriage?) Whoever may be Alan Roberts (whom I strongly suspect of being Alan Roberts) is an interesting fellow. His letters can make an issue for me. (Yes, they seem to make an issue for quite a number of people!) " Hello, Johnny! (Cunningham) This time your letter was rather nice. However, you should feel no pity for those who drink. They are happy, so do not deserve or need pity. Remember: Only the fools are happy..... Don't worry. You've proven your worth to the majority of us by tackling a heartless job that brings little glory and much work, namely the B.S.F.W.R.S. Oyes, Johnny; what is one of the five or more possible things: 1) funny in an unpleasant sort of way; 2) a very convincing author who should be writing weird stories; 3) absolutely right, he is the Black Messiah; or 5) batty as all hell-git-out! I want to believe the first, am led to believe the fifth, and subconsciously believe the third. All of which makes fourth very rediculous and the second most plausible explanation. The sixth answer is probably the correct one, whatever it may be. Nevertheless, it's chilling to note how Goldstone, Tigrina, Joquel, MeMurtry, etc., take their black arts so seriously. Wrights and I had an interesting discussion on the subject last nite (14 Nov 41) and have decided that stfiction makes rare individuals more susperstitious than usual. But sometimes... " Feldman was quite interesting and provoking. However, there was little to the letter and it was silly.
Hevelin Fanzines