Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 20, January 1942
Page 6
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NEW YR 42 ONE MINUTE BC (bfor consumption) Harry hAUSEN it is a start. " Shangri-L'Affaires was off the beam this time. We've hashed up peculiar publications on a moments notice, but -- Well, after all! " And what is mored that I'm an officer, but you wouldn't know it. I suggest that every fan chip in and get something rolling. There can be no true action until all the active fans join, nor until all the members strive to have things get under way. If you don't care, members, then it's your fault and that of no one else that things aren't even bumpy--but plain deader than a 19-year louse!" (Hm, End-Louse Hill:) Phil Bronson, 224 W 6 St, Hastings, Minn, enters the War Against the Prof after calling our Annish "really something worth while", complimenting on the nevertheless "very attractive" cover even if not "marvelous" like the Tomaiden, & expressing preference for the regal size over 3/4..."Can't wait to get at the 'Professor's' letter, so I'll give him both barrels, right now. This 'Professor' is either some fan attempting to pull a hoax, or some prudish dope who has no right reading the magazine. If he thinks the magazine so disgusting and juvenile, why in the hell does he read the thing. Quote: 'I shall continue to digest the pages of your publication as i find the cross-section of life shown therein is valuable in my study of the vagaries of modern youth and I still have hopes that some day I shall find one who shows some signs of steadfastness such as we had in my day.' Unquote. Kindly pardon me while I give a hearty laugh. Enough for the 'Professor'. Let the rest of the Imagi-nation have him now. (I might add that RAH's fantasticoncept is much, much too flattering--looks something like on of my relatives, as a matter of fact.) " (Cunningham): Can tell instinctively that I c| wouldn't care so much for this fellow. I'm hoping he comes to the Pacificon, so he can miss out on all the fun. He probably doesn't know many fans personally, and out to have a perfectly gorgeous time, sitting in a hotel room twiddling his thumbs, while the rest of the fans are enjoying themselves with the help of the nectar of the gods. I dunno, maybe he reads text-books on the 'Evils of Alcoholism'. He also could have a very swell time by himself 'pitying' those fans who drink. Please pardon me again, but I simply must have another laugh! " The prudish, old-fashioned, moralistic fellows like the 'Professor', Wymack, and others c| who object to the nudes make me sick. The trouble with them, is that they take the wrong attitude toward such pictures, and consider them 'sexy', immoral, and so forth. A woman's body is a thing of beauty, and not something to be ashamed of. For heaven's sake, stuff like the 'Professor' (if there is such a character) spouts, should have gone out twenty-five years ago, at the least! 'Nakedness....vileness...' No laugh here, I'm too disgusted. " Well, I guess I usurped more space than necessary for sheer griping, but I hope to see these guys get some more panning, too. " The Tigrina pics, lithoing, cartoons, etc., are all swell, and my congrats on the best ish in a long time. Keep VoM coming! spirfsk." HW TIFFANY, 349 E Rosedale Ave, Mil/Wis: "Of all the push-en-est pen pushing, I ever tried to enjoy,This publication,or whatever it is called 'Th Voice of The Imagi-nation' has certainly twisted MY imagi-nation beyond the reach of recovery! SNAP! "Look boy's, I don't mean to be any dumber then I really AM,but whats it all about? Is it a correspondence club in the newest nude colors,for the rainbow blind,or am I just blind to nit-wit publications I don't know a witty-bit about. In-female-form me! I'm not sure yet! But I tink I like do stuff. As a heavy smoker,I'd say,great 'Bull-dear 'em' " So,for the time being,omit the nudes a la-UGH! Forgit such fantisy flame s as 'Tigrina' and cut down the glare by informing me how I can become a member of a straight jacket twin of this what-is-it!" FLASH! New Ice Age !| Grips LA--quote from Voice of the HIber-nation, 19 Dec 41; "Pacificon Execommi-tee voted here at a late hr last nite, after calling of special [session?] by Director Daughtery, to freeze 4WSFC 'for the time being' Full details in next [pacificonews?], -- Publicity Chairman."
NEW YR 42 ONE MINUTE BC (bfor consumption) Harry hAUSEN it is a start. " Shangri-L'Affaires was off the beam this time. We've hashed up peculiar publications on a moments notice, but -- Well, after all! " And what is mored that I'm an officer, but you wouldn't know it. I suggest that every fan chip in and get something rolling. There can be no true action until all the active fans join, nor until all the members strive to have things get under way. If you don't care, members, then it's your fault and that of no one else that things aren't even bumpy--but plain deader than a 19-year louse!" (Hm, End-Louse Hill:) Phil Bronson, 224 W 6 St, Hastings, Minn, enters the War Against the Prof after calling our Annish "really something worth while", complimenting on the nevertheless "very attractive" cover even if not "marvelous" like the Tomaiden, & expressing preference for the regal size over 3/4..."Can't wait to get at the 'Professor's' letter, so I'll give him both barrels, right now. This 'Professor' is either some fan attempting to pull a hoax, or some prudish dope who has no right reading the magazine. If he thinks the magazine so disgusting and juvenile, why in the hell does he read the thing. Quote: 'I shall continue to digest the pages of your publication as i find the cross-section of life shown therein is valuable in my study of the vagaries of modern youth and I still have hopes that some day I shall find one who shows some signs of steadfastness such as we had in my day.' Unquote. Kindly pardon me while I give a hearty laugh. Enough for the 'Professor'. Let the rest of the Imagi-nation have him now. (I might add that RAH's fantasticoncept is much, much too flattering--looks something like on of my relatives, as a matter of fact.) " (Cunningham): Can tell instinctively that I c| wouldn't care so much for this fellow. I'm hoping he comes to the Pacificon, so he can miss out on all the fun. He probably doesn't know many fans personally, and out to have a perfectly gorgeous time, sitting in a hotel room twiddling his thumbs, while the rest of the fans are enjoying themselves with the help of the nectar of the gods. I dunno, maybe he reads text-books on the 'Evils of Alcoholism'. He also could have a very swell time by himself 'pitying' those fans who drink. Please pardon me again, but I simply must have another laugh! " The prudish, old-fashioned, moralistic fellows like the 'Professor', Wymack, and others c| who object to the nudes make me sick. The trouble with them, is that they take the wrong attitude toward such pictures, and consider them 'sexy', immoral, and so forth. A woman's body is a thing of beauty, and not something to be ashamed of. For heaven's sake, stuff like the 'Professor' (if there is such a character) spouts, should have gone out twenty-five years ago, at the least! 'Nakedness....vileness...' No laugh here, I'm too disgusted. " Well, I guess I usurped more space than necessary for sheer griping, but I hope to see these guys get some more panning, too. " The Tigrina pics, lithoing, cartoons, etc., are all swell, and my congrats on the best ish in a long time. Keep VoM coming! spirfsk." HW TIFFANY, 349 E Rosedale Ave, Mil/Wis: "Of all the push-en-est pen pushing, I ever tried to enjoy,This publication,or whatever it is called 'Th Voice of The Imagi-nation' has certainly twisted MY imagi-nation beyond the reach of recovery! SNAP! "Look boy's, I don't mean to be any dumber then I really AM,but whats it all about? Is it a correspondence club in the newest nude colors,for the rainbow blind,or am I just blind to nit-wit publications I don't know a witty-bit about. In-female-form me! I'm not sure yet! But I tink I like do stuff. As a heavy smoker,I'd say,great 'Bull-dear 'em' " So,for the time being,omit the nudes a la-UGH! Forgit such fantisy flame s as 'Tigrina' and cut down the glare by informing me how I can become a member of a straight jacket twin of this what-is-it!" FLASH! New Ice Age !| Grips LA--quote from Voice of the HIber-nation, 19 Dec 41; "Pacificon Execommi-tee voted here at a late hr last nite, after calling of special [session?] by Director Daughtery, to freeze 4WSFC 'for the time being' Full details in next [pacificonews?], -- Publicity Chairman."
Hevelin Fanzines