Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 20, January 1942
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apartment with bulging pockets, for, added to the nudes were a number of the latest Voms which were relayed to me from Vol. " Wishing all youse guys and dames every happiness for Xmas, and a special kiss for Morojo." (How about Forry, Mrs. DRE? Enids a kiss too!) (DJ Doughty[?]) Jx 308 223, ORD/TEL (w/m), Class 9, Fx Divis'n HMs Royal Arthur, C/o GPO London, England: "VoM was, I'll admit, rather indecipherable and hard to understand for the first couple of issues, but since I've got the hang of the various trends of the letters I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Not only as an incentive to keep my name on your mailing list, but because I mean it. I can honestly say I would very much miss these occasional doses of the Voice. " (#18): The cover is very entrancing, definitely the loveliest Vomaiden yet, and it is remarkably well reproduced. " 'DenVer De Days' & 'Denver Post' I found extremely interesting, written in Forry's usual intimate style they conveyed something more of the real 'feel' of the events than most Convention reports. Concerning Denver - a small point that may be of interest. There is a village about a mile out from my home town of Downham Market called Denver. I have been thru the Post Office Directory and several other directories, and have come to the conclusion that it is the only place by that name in England. I wonder if it is the original Denver? I've noticed that the few letters that you feature from Australia are always entirely sensible and provide a sane relief after the welter of a Widner letter, and some of your other quick-fire fans in the States. I particularly remember Vol Molesworth's epistle a couple of issues ago. Can their motto be 'Quality, not Quantity', or some such?" (Julian Parrs [?]) of Stoke-on-Trent S-F Club, 26 Edw St, Shelton, S-o-T, Eng, prefaces his remarks with a pome he passes on to us, apparently by a protege of his, name of Shakespere: "It's a smart eff-emm-zine with its printing so green. And so lewd is the nude on the cover. With an excellent format to use as a doormat And the mood! And the nude! How I love her! " I cannot help the unreasonable admiration I feel for the scintillating wit and brilliant byplay with words you feature in Vom. Such novel and unusual personality, forceful and persuasive in its humour, annihilates glumness and despondency. If I were one who, alive and awake, was able, I should fill this letter with similar punny jokes, but as it is, I am a passive consumer, a deplorable but necessary factor in the joke-circle. " Forry's reporting of the Denvention is excellent, and of a type which would be welcome in Britain if such things were not, with other rather more important things, casualties in this remarkably effective war now the main topic of conversation over here. Alas for the days when cricket, not kriegs, were discussed, when "deep depressions over Icelands" not "armored columns approaching the suburbs" were feared. I notice the numerous Britain fans in your present issue, (Aug 41), and trust you will appreciate that, usually, the only fans who write you American Fan-mag editors are those who can write, and the epistles of the honourable old-timers you printed are examples. Yours truly, being somewhat exceptional in this aspect, cannot write, and yet persists in trying - doing his best, I might say, - above mixture of words and spaces." (Len) MOFFATT, 419 Summit Ave., Ellwood City, Pa: "And now to rip, snort and tear through the NoVoM: 'Picover': WUNNERFUL! Gee! G.T. (as an article) suits me to a T.!---'Coeditorial':-not as good as B4, but O.K.---'Contents Page':- humerous-as-usual (hm, he makes no ones about it). Me like'um!-----'Cartoons in general:- far from being as funny as the one's last ish--and how!---'Nude by Nyx':- I say: NIX! No like'um 2 much! Shape going nowhere in particular. VOMAID on cover-much-much better!---'ads in general': all very attracyive XCEPT the one for PACIFICON.----Tigrina's pics - wunnerful. But if she really is a Devil-worshiper why duz she dislike nudes? (Maybe we misquoted her; maybe what she really said was she "dislikes snoods".) 'Tale of Tigrina'-very interesting BUT I don't blame her parents if she really want's to worship Satan and not God.----Chapman's feature-keep it up!---Meet the Riter-also-XLNT IDEA. Male it a regular dept.--'Shangri-L'Affaires-not bad. More plize.----'Letters in general'-improved over last ish's. Letters in particular: Conner's-well ritten as usual.---Rustebar- with him I agree. How about something more stfl or wierd on yer covers instead of nudes.----Roberts-ulgh!----Jno. M. isnt such a Cunning-ham if he dunno what a genuine stfan is! A gen. stfan is one who likes stf. above all other types of literature (XCEPT the Bible, of course.-if he or she is religious-and I am). Even if the fan doesn't try to 'spread the good news' and is just content to enjoy stf.-all by his lonesome he still is a gen. stfan if he really likes stf. Don't get me rong, however! I'm all for the advancement of fandom, being an NFFF member.----'Carnell's report on the stf. open air meet-in England: '-intensely interesting----Say--who is this Prof., and old timer fan I can see-but doesn't he give his name & address? (An editorial confidence)----How about some kind of a 'fanzine review' in VOM too? (Students?) Which reminds me: Just rec'd. a copy of the first ish. of NOVA, and as far as looks are concerned it's darn near perfect! Haven't read it all yet-but what I have read is XLNT too. It's 10 (cents symbol) from 86 UPTON AVE., BATTLE CREEK, MICH. (Al Ashley's editor)" (Recommended by FandM) DENNIS TUCKER (smaller sig nextime, Den), 108 Abercromby Ave, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, Eng, commenting on our Aug, or Anglic, issue: "I was amused by the way you printed firewatching in apostrophes, thus: ...."oooooo". It is such a common word over her now, though, to put it mildly, the word itself is altogether wrong. 'Firewatching', as it stands, means watching fires, which is definitely NOT the purpose of those individuals assigned to the job. In fact, one of the favourite jokes among our radio comedians these days is: 'What have you been doing lately??' ....'I've been firewatching'....'Firewatching??'....'Yes, keeping my eyes on an old flame'.... I trust you see the joke. " I often wondered, of late, whether, after we've smashed the Huns and
apartment with bulging pockets, for, added to the nudes were a number of the latest Voms which were relayed to me from Vol. " Wishing all youse guys and dames every happiness for Xmas, and a special kiss for Morojo." (How about Forry, Mrs. DRE? Enids a kiss too!) (DJ Doughty[?]) Jx 308 223, ORD/TEL (w/m), Class 9, Fx Divis'n HMs Royal Arthur, C/o GPO London, England: "VoM was, I'll admit, rather indecipherable and hard to understand for the first couple of issues, but since I've got the hang of the various trends of the letters I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Not only as an incentive to keep my name on your mailing list, but because I mean it. I can honestly say I would very much miss these occasional doses of the Voice. " (#18): The cover is very entrancing, definitely the loveliest Vomaiden yet, and it is remarkably well reproduced. " 'DenVer De Days' & 'Denver Post' I found extremely interesting, written in Forry's usual intimate style they conveyed something more of the real 'feel' of the events than most Convention reports. Concerning Denver - a small point that may be of interest. There is a village about a mile out from my home town of Downham Market called Denver. I have been thru the Post Office Directory and several other directories, and have come to the conclusion that it is the only place by that name in England. I wonder if it is the original Denver? I've noticed that the few letters that you feature from Australia are always entirely sensible and provide a sane relief after the welter of a Widner letter, and some of your other quick-fire fans in the States. I particularly remember Vol Molesworth's epistle a couple of issues ago. Can their motto be 'Quality, not Quantity', or some such?" (Julian Parrs [?]) of Stoke-on-Trent S-F Club, 26 Edw St, Shelton, S-o-T, Eng, prefaces his remarks with a pome he passes on to us, apparently by a protege of his, name of Shakespere: "It's a smart eff-emm-zine with its printing so green. And so lewd is the nude on the cover. With an excellent format to use as a doormat And the mood! And the nude! How I love her! " I cannot help the unreasonable admiration I feel for the scintillating wit and brilliant byplay with words you feature in Vom. Such novel and unusual personality, forceful and persuasive in its humour, annihilates glumness and despondency. If I were one who, alive and awake, was able, I should fill this letter with similar punny jokes, but as it is, I am a passive consumer, a deplorable but necessary factor in the joke-circle. " Forry's reporting of the Denvention is excellent, and of a type which would be welcome in Britain if such things were not, with other rather more important things, casualties in this remarkably effective war now the main topic of conversation over here. Alas for the days when cricket, not kriegs, were discussed, when "deep depressions over Icelands" not "armored columns approaching the suburbs" were feared. I notice the numerous Britain fans in your present issue, (Aug 41), and trust you will appreciate that, usually, the only fans who write you American Fan-mag editors are those who can write, and the epistles of the honourable old-timers you printed are examples. Yours truly, being somewhat exceptional in this aspect, cannot write, and yet persists in trying - doing his best, I might say, - above mixture of words and spaces." (Len) MOFFATT, 419 Summit Ave., Ellwood City, Pa: "And now to rip, snort and tear through the NoVoM: 'Picover': WUNNERFUL! Gee! G.T. (as an article) suits me to a T.!---'Coeditorial':-not as good as B4, but O.K.---'Contents Page':- humerous-as-usual (hm, he makes no ones about it). Me like'um!-----'Cartoons in general:- far from being as funny as the one's last ish--and how!---'Nude by Nyx':- I say: NIX! No like'um 2 much! Shape going nowhere in particular. VOMAID on cover-much-much better!---'ads in general': all very attracyive XCEPT the one for PACIFICON.----Tigrina's pics - wunnerful. But if she really is a Devil-worshiper why duz she dislike nudes? (Maybe we misquoted her; maybe what she really said was she "dislikes snoods".) 'Tale of Tigrina'-very interesting BUT I don't blame her parents if she really want's to worship Satan and not God.----Chapman's feature-keep it up!---Meet the Riter-also-XLNT IDEA. Male it a regular dept.--'Shangri-L'Affaires-not bad. More plize.----'Letters in general'-improved over last ish's. Letters in particular: Conner's-well ritten as usual.---Rustebar- with him I agree. How about something more stfl or wierd on yer covers instead of nudes.----Roberts-ulgh!----Jno. M. isnt such a Cunning-ham if he dunno what a genuine stfan is! A gen. stfan is one who likes stf. above all other types of literature (XCEPT the Bible, of course.-if he or she is religious-and I am). Even if the fan doesn't try to 'spread the good news' and is just content to enjoy stf.-all by his lonesome he still is a gen. stfan if he really likes stf. Don't get me rong, however! I'm all for the advancement of fandom, being an NFFF member.----'Carnell's report on the stf. open air meet-in England: '-intensely interesting----Say--who is this Prof., and old timer fan I can see-but doesn't he give his name & address? (An editorial confidence)----How about some kind of a 'fanzine review' in VOM too? (Students?) Which reminds me: Just rec'd. a copy of the first ish. of NOVA, and as far as looks are concerned it's darn near perfect! Haven't read it all yet-but what I have read is XLNT too. It's 10 (cents symbol) from 86 UPTON AVE., BATTLE CREEK, MICH. (Al Ashley's editor)" (Recommended by FandM) DENNIS TUCKER (smaller sig nextime, Den), 108 Abercromby Ave, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, Eng, commenting on our Aug, or Anglic, issue: "I was amused by the way you printed firewatching in apostrophes, thus: ...."oooooo". It is such a common word over her now, though, to put it mildly, the word itself is altogether wrong. 'Firewatching', as it stands, means watching fires, which is definitely NOT the purpose of those individuals assigned to the job. In fact, one of the favourite jokes among our radio comedians these days is: 'What have you been doing lately??' ....'I've been firewatching'....'Firewatching??'....'Yes, keeping my eyes on an old flame'.... I trust you see the joke. " I often wondered, of late, whether, after we've smashed the Huns and
Hevelin Fanzines