Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 24, August 1942
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`Science or Chaos' (cartoon) Turner reprint from novacious Zenith - 4 LeRoy Tackett: 70 hrs, purr weak - 4 Hoffmania: "Howe Greene Was My Valet" - 5 Bob Tucker: LInkin' in Illinois - 5 Tigrina: Poor son Fojak - 6 Tom Wright: Whistle it be - 6 Sidney Dean: Hobby ya, podner - 6 Walt Liebscher: Romeo of Joliey - 6 Harry Schmarje: Heresy? Harris, see! - 7 Harry Warner: U can fool psalm the people psalm the time; or in the Good Old Psalmer Time - 7 Ron Holmes: Lecher self, go! - 8 John Cunningham: "Fandom coud use more fans who go fo slans like Kuslan - 8 Maurice Hanson: "Me uvs oo" is universalanguage, understood anywhere - 8 Bill Temple: Egstracts - 9 Roland Forster: Aeraj stefanoj k siaj 'planoj - 9 David Evans: Boys will be boysterous - 9 Frontispiece for Black Art-icle (BEB) - 10 Some Notes - Supplement - Alojo - CS Youd: The lick her question - 11 "Meet the Reader!" - Rustebar - 11 Sgt RMShinn: Vomimic - 11 Len Moffatt: Inkwizition Kids muff $64 question - 11 Cartoon by Gus: Don't look now--or any time! - 12 JERennison: Dew not condense, the idea's all wet - 13 MARothman: Life is hell - 13 Ed Connor: Life is-well - 14 BE Bovard: Life is well - 15 VOM, Bx 6475 Met Stn, Los Angeles Cal. #24. 10c per copy, $ per 10 Publisht If & When. Forrest Jackerman & Morojo Squirt, irresponsible Any simhilarity tween this & a formerly hi-standard pub is nostalgic STUFF: When we said Vom was deteriorating last ish, we meant it; we werent fishing for protestations of "Oh, no! No, don't say that." We noe it, we feel it, we can see it. Slips are made, we have to call your attention to errata nowadays. For drawn thru line pg 12 read "wants to mind his own damn business, and leave VOM alone". Pg 9 shove had sidelines for the summarizations in Forster & Evans' letters.
`Science or Chaos' (cartoon) Turner reprint from novacious Zenith - 4 LeRoy Tackett: 70 hrs, purr weak - 4 Hoffmania: "Howe Greene Was My Valet" - 5 Bob Tucker: LInkin' in Illinois - 5 Tigrina: Poor son Fojak - 6 Tom Wright: Whistle it be - 6 Sidney Dean: Hobby ya, podner - 6 Walt Liebscher: Romeo of Joliey - 6 Harry Schmarje: Heresy? Harris, see! - 7 Harry Warner: U can fool psalm the people psalm the time; or in the Good Old Psalmer Time - 7 Ron Holmes: Lecher self, go! - 8 John Cunningham: "Fandom coud use more fans who go fo slans like Kuslan - 8 Maurice Hanson: "Me uvs oo" is universalanguage, understood anywhere - 8 Bill Temple: Egstracts - 9 Roland Forster: Aeraj stefanoj k siaj 'planoj - 9 David Evans: Boys will be boysterous - 9 Frontispiece for Black Art-icle (BEB) - 10 Some Notes - Supplement - Alojo - CS Youd: The lick her question - 11 "Meet the Reader!" - Rustebar - 11 Sgt RMShinn: Vomimic - 11 Len Moffatt: Inkwizition Kids muff $64 question - 11 Cartoon by Gus: Don't look now--or any time! - 12 JERennison: Dew not condense, the idea's all wet - 13 MARothman: Life is hell - 13 Ed Connor: Life is-well - 14 BE Bovard: Life is well - 15 VOM, Bx 6475 Met Stn, Los Angeles Cal. #24. 10c per copy, $ per 10 Publisht If & When. Forrest Jackerman & Morojo Squirt, irresponsible Any simhilarity tween this & a formerly hi-standard pub is nostalgic STUFF: When we said Vom was deteriorating last ish, we meant it; we werent fishing for protestations of "Oh, no! No, don't say that." We noe it, we feel it, we can see it. Slips are made, we have to call your attention to errata nowadays. For drawn thru line pg 12 read "wants to mind his own damn business, and leave VOM alone". Pg 9 shove had sidelines for the summarizations in Forster & Evans' letters.
Hevelin Fanzines