Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 24, August 1942
Page 4
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IN DEFENSE OF ALEISTER CROWLEY It is seldom that any man has been as maligned as Aleister Crowley, and on less evidence. Even impartial writers seem to be infected with the virus, and cannot even quote newspaper articles concerning him without mangling their contents. The most recent attack, which calls Crowley's organization a "degenerate, criminal cultis," comes from a so-called writer of fantastic stories of which reports have indicated that his principal deity is Bacchus, and whose writings have appeared in magazines which have either been banned from the stands or else have coasted perilously close to being banned by the post-office department. It is a matter generally ignored that Aleister Crowley has never been accused of any crime, never been prosecuted in any court, and has never had any evidence produced against him to substantiate the numerous slanders cast against his person and his writings for almost fifty years. That his writings are sensuous and full of the love of life is not to be denied -- but no censor has even banned one of them. That he has revealed numerous frauds among so-called "Metaphysical" and "Occult" groups should be a point in his favor, not against. His books, such as the "Liber 777," have revealed a depth of knowledge in mystic art and science which is almost unparalleled. Because Crowley is contemptuous of the attacks upon him, because he considers them unworthy of his notice, because he does not bother to reply to slanders and libels and defamations, the tall tales and smug stories about him multiply and increase amazingly. But Crowley dismisses them all with an attitude similar to that of Alice when she was on trial in Wonderland -- "you're nothing but a pack of cards!" We are not a member of Crowley's organization. We have never met him. We have been privileged to twice attend the Mass of the O.T.O., and found it replete with a deep symbolism and understanding of the mystical and occult principles. We have read some of his books, both of poetry and magic, and have found them extremely interesting. We venture to predict that, in spite of vilification, hate, and lies, the works of Aleister Crowley will survive. About his personal life, about his beliefs, his actions, about the dread things whispered about him, we care not. It may be that he is the chief of the Black Magicians -- or he may be only a deep student with a flair for the dramatic and theatrical. Neither of these hypotheses can in any way detract from the written works which he has produced, and is still producing. "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law" and "Love Is The Law, Love Under Will" are Crowley's creeds, and those of his followers. "Do What Thou Wilt," read with the emphasis in one place, becomes the basis of a large number of the attacks on both himself and his organization. It is a fact, regrettably, that a large number of members of this organization never realize the true meaning of the phrase, "Do What Thou Wilt." But if the phrase is read with understanding, it becomes fraught with meaning for any who follow it. Aleister Crowley will probably have to wait until after his death to receive the recognition due him. After his personal influence is removed from the scene, a number of people may find out how wrong they were about him, and how badly he has been misjudged. But it was ever so, and will continus thus until the end of time. A NOTE IN CLOSING This brief paper was originally planned to cover many more subjects than we have presented. Unfortunately, lack of space has forced the omission of all but the most important considerations. It is out sincere hope that some of the more widespread misapprehensions about these subjects have been at least partially dispelled. Perhaps at some future date we may discourse again upon these and related subjects, through this or some other medium. Until then, we wish you well. THE WHITE PATH Service Self-sacrifice Purification Love Study THE BLACK PATH Prosperity at others expense Selfishness Short-cuts Mastered by appetite Comfort
IN DEFENSE OF ALEISTER CROWLEY It is seldom that any man has been as maligned as Aleister Crowley, and on less evidence. Even impartial writers seem to be infected with the virus, and cannot even quote newspaper articles concerning him without mangling their contents. The most recent attack, which calls Crowley's organization a "degenerate, criminal cultis," comes from a so-called writer of fantastic stories of which reports have indicated that his principal deity is Bacchus, and whose writings have appeared in magazines which have either been banned from the stands or else have coasted perilously close to being banned by the post-office department. It is a matter generally ignored that Aleister Crowley has never been accused of any crime, never been prosecuted in any court, and has never had any evidence produced against him to substantiate the numerous slanders cast against his person and his writings for almost fifty years. That his writings are sensuous and full of the love of life is not to be denied -- but no censor has even banned one of them. That he has revealed numerous frauds among so-called "Metaphysical" and "Occult" groups should be a point in his favor, not against. His books, such as the "Liber 777," have revealed a depth of knowledge in mystic art and science which is almost unparalleled. Because Crowley is contemptuous of the attacks upon him, because he considers them unworthy of his notice, because he does not bother to reply to slanders and libels and defamations, the tall tales and smug stories about him multiply and increase amazingly. But Crowley dismisses them all with an attitude similar to that of Alice when she was on trial in Wonderland -- "you're nothing but a pack of cards!" We are not a member of Crowley's organization. We have never met him. We have been privileged to twice attend the Mass of the O.T.O., and found it replete with a deep symbolism and understanding of the mystical and occult principles. We have read some of his books, both of poetry and magic, and have found them extremely interesting. We venture to predict that, in spite of vilification, hate, and lies, the works of Aleister Crowley will survive. About his personal life, about his beliefs, his actions, about the dread things whispered about him, we care not. It may be that he is the chief of the Black Magicians -- or he may be only a deep student with a flair for the dramatic and theatrical. Neither of these hypotheses can in any way detract from the written works which he has produced, and is still producing. "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law" and "Love Is The Law, Love Under Will" are Crowley's creeds, and those of his followers. "Do What Thou Wilt," read with the emphasis in one place, becomes the basis of a large number of the attacks on both himself and his organization. It is a fact, regrettably, that a large number of members of this organization never realize the true meaning of the phrase, "Do What Thou Wilt." But if the phrase is read with understanding, it becomes fraught with meaning for any who follow it. Aleister Crowley will probably have to wait until after his death to receive the recognition due him. After his personal influence is removed from the scene, a number of people may find out how wrong they were about him, and how badly he has been misjudged. But it was ever so, and will continus thus until the end of time. A NOTE IN CLOSING This brief paper was originally planned to cover many more subjects than we have presented. Unfortunately, lack of space has forced the omission of all but the most important considerations. It is out sincere hope that some of the more widespread misapprehensions about these subjects have been at least partially dispelled. Perhaps at some future date we may discourse again upon these and related subjects, through this or some other medium. Until then, we wish you well. THE WHITE PATH Service Self-sacrifice Purification Love Study THE BLACK PATH Prosperity at others expense Selfishness Short-cuts Mastered by appetite Comfort
Hevelin Fanzines