Le Zombie, whole no. 63, July 1948 - DUPLICATE? Missing page labels
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POOR PONG'S ALMANAC ye sultry monthe of July, 2048 1 T Oh goody, Pong's here again! 2 F Dunkleberger announces hundredth anniversary of FANEWS, and promises daily circulation, price cut to 2¢, 2043 3 S Canada captures convention for second time. 1983 4 S Disgruntled faction announces rump convention in Chicago. 5 M All fandom embroiled in war! Half favor Canada, remainder swear to go to Chicago. 6. T Ackerman-Moskowitz coalition favor Canada, began printing propaganda to influence younger fans. 7 W New stf mag hits stands: Terrible Tales, edited by Robert Bloch. 1961 8 T Discerning fans discover entire contents of Terrible Tales written by Bloch, using pen names. 9 F Terrible Tales fold. 10 S Fans girdling for war on eve of Canadian convention. 1984 11 S All good fans go to Sunday School. Where were you? 12 M Ackerman turned back at Canadian border. Passport forged. 13 T Canadian convention collapses when Moskowitz fails to show. Newark delegate discovered in Chicago. Claims "deros put me on wrong train." 14 W Shaver announces sale of third million words to RAP. 1975 15 T AMAZING Circulation spurts another three thousand. 16 F Why do people eat fish on this day? 17 S Ashley founds 3rd Slan Shack in Pismo Beach, declares "it will last forever." 18 S Los Angeles club reinstates Burbee as editor to revive the dying Shangri-L'Affaires. 1949. 19 M Ashley deserts Slan Shack, returns to L.A. to help Burbee sabotage Shaggy anew. (7)
POOR PONG'S ALMANAC ye sultry monthe of July, 2048 1 T Oh goody, Pong's here again! 2 F Dunkleberger announces hundredth anniversary of FANEWS, and promises daily circulation, price cut to 2¢, 2043 3 S Canada captures convention for second time. 1983 4 S Disgruntled faction announces rump convention in Chicago. 5 M All fandom embroiled in war! Half favor Canada, remainder swear to go to Chicago. 6. T Ackerman-Moskowitz coalition favor Canada, began printing propaganda to influence younger fans. 7 W New stf mag hits stands: Terrible Tales, edited by Robert Bloch. 1961 8 T Discerning fans discover entire contents of Terrible Tales written by Bloch, using pen names. 9 F Terrible Tales fold. 10 S Fans girdling for war on eve of Canadian convention. 1984 11 S All good fans go to Sunday School. Where were you? 12 M Ackerman turned back at Canadian border. Passport forged. 13 T Canadian convention collapses when Moskowitz fails to show. Newark delegate discovered in Chicago. Claims "deros put me on wrong train." 14 W Shaver announces sale of third million words to RAP. 1975 15 T AMAZING Circulation spurts another three thousand. 16 F Why do people eat fish on this day? 17 S Ashley founds 3rd Slan Shack in Pismo Beach, declares "it will last forever." 18 S Los Angeles club reinstates Burbee as editor to revive the dying Shangri-L'Affaires. 1949. 19 M Ashley deserts Slan Shack, returns to L.A. to help Burbee sabotage Shaggy anew. (7)
Hevelin Fanzines