Tumbrils, whole no. 7, May 1946
Page 4
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Page 4 TUMBRILS, No. 7 ----------------------------------------------- content, but I knew he had good stuff in him. Straightened out very nicely. I get a letter from him now and then. Like to keep in touch with my family." "Lutz is a fool," I said, grinding my teeth. "Well, now, I don't know. You're out now, good job and all that, but it takes a special talent to be regular Army. I could have retired years ago. Made a good deal in private practice. Man feels he has a duty. Getting off here? Well. Glad to see you. Fine business. Fine business." I stopped on the stairs and hooked onto the railing until my knees felt better. Fiftieth Street, how the hell? Better wait for the next train. The wind up here was worse than ever, and I was cold and wet all the way through. I buttoned over my lapels and the coat sent a clot of warm sweaty air up, as if someone had gone "haaaah" in my face. On the train I thought about all the things I should have said, and about the colonel's pay and the lousy graft-ridden hospital and the Section Eights hoeing the Victory Garden that had nothing but flowers in it and all the whole wasteful fatbellied larcenous slavelaboring heartbreaking useless snotridden fatherly business and wished I'd stayed with him and pushed him off the platform when he got out, but it didn't do me a bit of good. Then I got off the train and spent the seventyfive dollars on a good automatic, telling the license man I lived in a tough neighborhood, and he looked at my address and said you sure do, brother, sign here. -- MARCUS LYONS *************************************** Excerpt from CRISTOBAL COLON "Divergent under half-tone Hrothfar relationships, some are deadpasse excrescent in civilizations the Be-all explorations cleaners - of the Carillo oiled; rascality. Here undertook we paperclipped have trailed the gelded novae and terrae caratoid of orbits. The article quarter, fatum, dealt eight doorknobs? And quite sixteenth, horseless, tonal greening, relationships Soccor of and course nailed, billboarded, you/should flash under - stand wear that Grendal I nighthold have tenth never supposed heard enclosure this in music tobacco; minute in question truth or, indeed this fact is that just I culd lot not of undertake hot to air any to of fill these up difficulties the publically aching since void surrounded that by originally suspicions marred nobody the can. Lower be part expected of to this be stencil. What you might see call this pellucid all. In this its possibly true I perspective might now be charged I coy devoutly thought hope cowardly. Or that even being superstitous, out in of that the Heorat way is: dead. Have in you dispute tried one mixing offers peanut the butter-ball - peened with nyrnies horesradish upon? Which it's our delicious most Modern esoteric heroes, transcendential Herefords, subsequential - - stiffbosomed Feenamint couriers Gitchie-Gumie bear babayaga like spiels wombfruit confetti to archangelic gastric. Elysia suddenly." JOHN MACDOUGAL
Page 4 TUMBRILS, No. 7 ----------------------------------------------- content, but I knew he had good stuff in him. Straightened out very nicely. I get a letter from him now and then. Like to keep in touch with my family." "Lutz is a fool," I said, grinding my teeth. "Well, now, I don't know. You're out now, good job and all that, but it takes a special talent to be regular Army. I could have retired years ago. Made a good deal in private practice. Man feels he has a duty. Getting off here? Well. Glad to see you. Fine business. Fine business." I stopped on the stairs and hooked onto the railing until my knees felt better. Fiftieth Street, how the hell? Better wait for the next train. The wind up here was worse than ever, and I was cold and wet all the way through. I buttoned over my lapels and the coat sent a clot of warm sweaty air up, as if someone had gone "haaaah" in my face. On the train I thought about all the things I should have said, and about the colonel's pay and the lousy graft-ridden hospital and the Section Eights hoeing the Victory Garden that had nothing but flowers in it and all the whole wasteful fatbellied larcenous slavelaboring heartbreaking useless snotridden fatherly business and wished I'd stayed with him and pushed him off the platform when he got out, but it didn't do me a bit of good. Then I got off the train and spent the seventyfive dollars on a good automatic, telling the license man I lived in a tough neighborhood, and he looked at my address and said you sure do, brother, sign here. -- MARCUS LYONS *************************************** Excerpt from CRISTOBAL COLON "Divergent under half-tone Hrothfar relationships, some are deadpasse excrescent in civilizations the Be-all explorations cleaners - of the Carillo oiled; rascality. Here undertook we paperclipped have trailed the gelded novae and terrae caratoid of orbits. The article quarter, fatum, dealt eight doorknobs? And quite sixteenth, horseless, tonal greening, relationships Soccor of and course nailed, billboarded, you/should flash under - stand wear that Grendal I nighthold have tenth never supposed heard enclosure this in music tobacco; minute in question truth or, indeed this fact is that just I culd lot not of undertake hot to air any to of fill these up difficulties the publically aching since void surrounded that by originally suspicions marred nobody the can. Lower be part expected of to this be stencil. What you might see call this pellucid all. In this its possibly true I perspective might now be charged I coy devoutly thought hope cowardly. Or that even being superstitous, out in of that the Heorat way is: dead. Have in you dispute tried one mixing offers peanut the butter-ball - peened with nyrnies horesradish upon? Which it's our delicious most Modern esoteric heroes, transcendential Herefords, subsequential - - stiffbosomed Feenamint couriers Gitchie-Gumie bear babayaga like spiels wombfruit confetti to archangelic gastric. Elysia suddenly." JOHN MACDOUGAL
Hevelin Fanzines