Fantasy Times, v. 2, issue 12, whole no. 43, March 23, 1947
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Page 30 Fantasy-Times FANTASY-TIMES "The Leading Fantasy Newspaper" Published weekly by James V Taurasi, 101-02 Northern Blvd, Corona, New York. 5¢ a copy, 6 for 25¢, in England 6 issues for l/-. Editor; James V Taurasi; European Ed: Ray Van Houten, Ad. Manager: Sam Moskowitz, Assistant Ed: Alvin R Brown, Assistant Ed: Joe Kennedy, Science Ed. Thomas S Gardner. "A Cosmic Publication" THE COSMIC REPORTER fcontinued from page 29, column 2) ander M. Phillips, on publication date May 1, 1947 now seems assured. No fan should miss this. Willy Ley's book Rockets and Space Travel has gone into Its 4th revised edition containing much additional material, and is available from The Viking Press for $3.75. Sam Moskowitz, Director of The Eastern Science Fiction Association has announced that the appearance of George 0. Smith, Astounding author at their next, April 13, 1947 meeting is now official. The Nebulae. official organ of Abe Oshinsky's World Astronomy Club has now appeared in neat professionally printed form with its April, 1947 number. Membership in the club is $1.00 a year. If you simply want the club organ it is 10¢ a copy from 2921 W. 29th St., Brooklyn 24, New York. William Rose Bonnet's column The Phoenix Host in the March 15, 1947 issue of "The Saturday Review of Literature" is composed of a letter from P. Schuyler Miller on unusual volumes like The Necronomicon, De Vermis Mysteries Unaussprechlichen Kulten, Buffalo Book Co. and Esbach's Fantasy Press. Fred Shroyer of Los Angeles has a letter on the fantasies of Garrett P. Serviss. The two letters take up most of the page. A. M. Burrage's classic weird tale Waxworks was presented on Suspense, Thursday, March 20, 1947 over CBS (WCBS in New York) with Claude Rains in the starring and only role. Otto Binder, who hasn't been seen in the pros for years writes science fiction stories for many of the comic books of the Captain Marvel series. These stories are two pages in length. Otto and his brother Jack do many of the comic strips for these magazines. on the newsstands by Lane Stannard STARTLING STORIES for May 1947 sports a very bad cover by Bergey and an excellent novel, Lands of the Earthquake by Henry Kuttner. The short stories are not bad at all this time and the Hall of Fame, The Disc-Men of Jupiter by Wellman is tops. Marchioni and Morey illustrations are super. The editor should proof-read his Fanzine review column; too many errors I rate this issue a B. Astounding SCIENCE FICTION for April 1947. The cover is the worst of the year. Timmins doesn't come near Rogers. We still would like to see a Cartier cover. Best yarn is An Enemy of Knowledge by Phillips and Home of the Gods by Van Vogt. Orban is good, so is Napoli but we miss Cartier. Article is tops. I rate this issue an A-. ADVERTISEMENT $1~full page; 50¢--half & 25¢- 1/4 MINT COPIES OF TALES OF WONDER! FOR SALE are the following issues of Tales of Wonder in MINT condition; price - 90¢ per copy. In stock right now are Numbers 2, 3 and 5: "but advance orders for other numbers will be taken. For the first lucky person to send in for numbers 2 thru 9 in mint condition (1 set only) of Tales of Wonder; Will be sent one copy of Fantasy I (60¢ value) and Fantasy Review I (25¢ value). The set sells for $9.00. FOR SALE: At the bargain price of 25¢ per copy, we offer: SCOOPS Vol. 1 No. 1, dated Feb 10, 1934. Only a few available at this time. Dave Kishi, 171 West End Ave, New York 23, New York.
Page 30 Fantasy-Times FANTASY-TIMES "The Leading Fantasy Newspaper" Published weekly by James V Taurasi, 101-02 Northern Blvd, Corona, New York. 5¢ a copy, 6 for 25¢, in England 6 issues for l/-. Editor; James V Taurasi; European Ed: Ray Van Houten, Ad. Manager: Sam Moskowitz, Assistant Ed: Alvin R Brown, Assistant Ed: Joe Kennedy, Science Ed. Thomas S Gardner. "A Cosmic Publication" THE COSMIC REPORTER fcontinued from page 29, column 2) ander M. Phillips, on publication date May 1, 1947 now seems assured. No fan should miss this. Willy Ley's book Rockets and Space Travel has gone into Its 4th revised edition containing much additional material, and is available from The Viking Press for $3.75. Sam Moskowitz, Director of The Eastern Science Fiction Association has announced that the appearance of George 0. Smith, Astounding author at their next, April 13, 1947 meeting is now official. The Nebulae. official organ of Abe Oshinsky's World Astronomy Club has now appeared in neat professionally printed form with its April, 1947 number. Membership in the club is $1.00 a year. If you simply want the club organ it is 10¢ a copy from 2921 W. 29th St., Brooklyn 24, New York. William Rose Bonnet's column The Phoenix Host in the March 15, 1947 issue of "The Saturday Review of Literature" is composed of a letter from P. Schuyler Miller on unusual volumes like The Necronomicon, De Vermis Mysteries Unaussprechlichen Kulten, Buffalo Book Co. and Esbach's Fantasy Press. Fred Shroyer of Los Angeles has a letter on the fantasies of Garrett P. Serviss. The two letters take up most of the page. A. M. Burrage's classic weird tale Waxworks was presented on Suspense, Thursday, March 20, 1947 over CBS (WCBS in New York) with Claude Rains in the starring and only role. Otto Binder, who hasn't been seen in the pros for years writes science fiction stories for many of the comic books of the Captain Marvel series. These stories are two pages in length. Otto and his brother Jack do many of the comic strips for these magazines. on the newsstands by Lane Stannard STARTLING STORIES for May 1947 sports a very bad cover by Bergey and an excellent novel, Lands of the Earthquake by Henry Kuttner. The short stories are not bad at all this time and the Hall of Fame, The Disc-Men of Jupiter by Wellman is tops. Marchioni and Morey illustrations are super. The editor should proof-read his Fanzine review column; too many errors I rate this issue a B. Astounding SCIENCE FICTION for April 1947. The cover is the worst of the year. Timmins doesn't come near Rogers. We still would like to see a Cartier cover. Best yarn is An Enemy of Knowledge by Phillips and Home of the Gods by Van Vogt. Orban is good, so is Napoli but we miss Cartier. Article is tops. I rate this issue an A-. ADVERTISEMENT $1~full page; 50¢--half & 25¢- 1/4 MINT COPIES OF TALES OF WONDER! FOR SALE are the following issues of Tales of Wonder in MINT condition; price - 90¢ per copy. In stock right now are Numbers 2, 3 and 5: "but advance orders for other numbers will be taken. For the first lucky person to send in for numbers 2 thru 9 in mint condition (1 set only) of Tales of Wonder; Will be sent one copy of Fantasy I (60¢ value) and Fantasy Review I (25¢ value). The set sells for $9.00. FOR SALE: At the bargain price of 25¢ per copy, we offer: SCOOPS Vol. 1 No. 1, dated Feb 10, 1934. Only a few available at this time. Dave Kishi, 171 West End Ave, New York 23, New York.
Hevelin Fanzines