Fandango, v. 1, issue 4, Spring 1944
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who could not find some pleasing man to impregnate her certainly does possess the proper psychology to be mother of a well-balanced child. Even with natural insemination, we have far too many children today whose parents are of the frigid, sexually-repressed, old-maid type; you guys apparently want to increase the numbers of these unfortunates. Since I moved to LA, my fanzine anthology ideas have been shelved for the time being at least. I no longer have enough time even to keep up with my correspondence or with THE ACOLYTE; however, I appreciate your support, and will certainly take you up on it at some future time when I have somewhat more leisure than at the moment. I'd dearly love to dig some of the other things in Efty this time, but with a whole mailing to comment on, I scarcely see how I can devote 24 pages to one mag, so--regretfully--I move on. Keep it coming though, Norm; Efty is my favorite fo the discussion type FAPAzines. ---oOo--- FANFARE. This is positively one of the best and most amusing fanzines I've ever seen. Particularly enjoyed were the lovely ads. In the note on page 33, I'm surprised Conan did not register better with you guys--Conan of Cymmeria, the hero of 80% of Robert E. Howard's opi. Arnold Pennell has a familiar wing to his name, but I can't place him at all. However, I don't think he is from WT. ---oOo--- BEYOND. The idea of having FAPAzines which feature the creative rather than the commentary is terrific. From experience, I can say definitely that it takes only about one-tenth as much time, thought, or ability to COMMENT on a bunch of stuff as it does to work it out and develope it in a polished manner. However, BEYOND leaves a great deal to be desired; personally, I thought the material looked like rejects from VISION (Rosco's Subzine--#2 now availabe from Fred S. Baker, Box 234, Boykins, Virginia--15c each.) From page 10, I quote, "EVEN Francis T. Laney can think..." Hm. Have you ever met Francis T. Laney, Rosco? I know little about the guy myself, but I hear that the San Francisco fans were greatly disappointed in Laney when he passed through their fair village last fall. "Not the intellectual type," they are quoted by 4sj. I look forward to meeting him, though, as he is supposed to be very fond of babes and bottles, with a sideline of hot jazz---though of course you are wrong in saying that such a hoi polloi critter can think! ---oOo--- BROWSING. Definitely worthwhile, and one of my all-time Fapfavorites. On the subject of uniform book reviews, I'd appreciate a dummy of your projected format, so that I may use it in THE ACOLYTE. I'll be very glad to make up to 100 extra blanks of anything I publish along this line, and only wish that I had the time to undertake the assembling and distribution of these extra sheets. One point, how will you handle the short reviews (such as Wakefield's in THE ACOLYTE) wherein several items are covered on the same page? ---oOo--- INSPIRATION. I question if football is the "ultimate in team games". How about basketball? ... Amen, Lynnn; fans definitely are NOT slans, and Al should change the name of his menage before the term becomes too deeply connected with the fanouthouse. ---oOo--- WALT'S WRAMBLINGS. You are wonderful, Walterooster. Let's form an organiziation to boost WONDER--my gawd, these little fannies rave around about ASF when you can still buy old Wonders in the mag stores! Definitely my all time fave--bar none, not even WT. ---oOo--- PHANNY (#3). (Meaning the Fall 1943 ish). Your comments under your genius and superman query rather strike close to home. You gave --- 3 ---
who could not find some pleasing man to impregnate her certainly does possess the proper psychology to be mother of a well-balanced child. Even with natural insemination, we have far too many children today whose parents are of the frigid, sexually-repressed, old-maid type; you guys apparently want to increase the numbers of these unfortunates. Since I moved to LA, my fanzine anthology ideas have been shelved for the time being at least. I no longer have enough time even to keep up with my correspondence or with THE ACOLYTE; however, I appreciate your support, and will certainly take you up on it at some future time when I have somewhat more leisure than at the moment. I'd dearly love to dig some of the other things in Efty this time, but with a whole mailing to comment on, I scarcely see how I can devote 24 pages to one mag, so--regretfully--I move on. Keep it coming though, Norm; Efty is my favorite fo the discussion type FAPAzines. ---oOo--- FANFARE. This is positively one of the best and most amusing fanzines I've ever seen. Particularly enjoyed were the lovely ads. In the note on page 33, I'm surprised Conan did not register better with you guys--Conan of Cymmeria, the hero of 80% of Robert E. Howard's opi. Arnold Pennell has a familiar wing to his name, but I can't place him at all. However, I don't think he is from WT. ---oOo--- BEYOND. The idea of having FAPAzines which feature the creative rather than the commentary is terrific. From experience, I can say definitely that it takes only about one-tenth as much time, thought, or ability to COMMENT on a bunch of stuff as it does to work it out and develope it in a polished manner. However, BEYOND leaves a great deal to be desired; personally, I thought the material looked like rejects from VISION (Rosco's Subzine--#2 now availabe from Fred S. Baker, Box 234, Boykins, Virginia--15c each.) From page 10, I quote, "EVEN Francis T. Laney can think..." Hm. Have you ever met Francis T. Laney, Rosco? I know little about the guy myself, but I hear that the San Francisco fans were greatly disappointed in Laney when he passed through their fair village last fall. "Not the intellectual type," they are quoted by 4sj. I look forward to meeting him, though, as he is supposed to be very fond of babes and bottles, with a sideline of hot jazz---though of course you are wrong in saying that such a hoi polloi critter can think! ---oOo--- BROWSING. Definitely worthwhile, and one of my all-time Fapfavorites. On the subject of uniform book reviews, I'd appreciate a dummy of your projected format, so that I may use it in THE ACOLYTE. I'll be very glad to make up to 100 extra blanks of anything I publish along this line, and only wish that I had the time to undertake the assembling and distribution of these extra sheets. One point, how will you handle the short reviews (such as Wakefield's in THE ACOLYTE) wherein several items are covered on the same page? ---oOo--- INSPIRATION. I question if football is the "ultimate in team games". How about basketball? ... Amen, Lynnn; fans definitely are NOT slans, and Al should change the name of his menage before the term becomes too deeply connected with the fanouthouse. ---oOo--- WALT'S WRAMBLINGS. You are wonderful, Walterooster. Let's form an organiziation to boost WONDER--my gawd, these little fannies rave around about ASF when you can still buy old Wonders in the mag stores! Definitely my all time fave--bar none, not even WT. ---oOo--- PHANNY (#3). (Meaning the Fall 1943 ish). Your comments under your genius and superman query rather strike close to home. You gave --- 3 ---
Hevelin Fanzines