Fandango, v. 1, issue 4, Spring 1944
Page 7
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THE COSMIC CIRCLE AND FANDOM. Dammit, I knew I'd be unable to keep Degler out of this! I have not yet heard of any action having been taken on my petition in the special supplement to Fan-Dango which appeared in the LASFS postmailing, but I am eager to see this turd in humanoid form kicked out of everything. One idea I've been seriously toying with: would it be possible for certain recognized representatives of fandom--perhaps the Fapa officers and EEEvans--to get a legal injunction to prevent Clod from publishing anything using the name of fandom at all. He seems to be unquenchable, judging from the amount of crap he's publiched since leaving LA, and the Palmer incident is just one of dozens he's likely to involve us in. Obviously, I heartilly endorse the Speerish leaflet under discussion at the moment---hope Palmer got a copy. ---oOo-- DECIMAL CLASSIFICATIONS. Messrs. Speer and Russell both did nice jobs; I've not yet had time to compare these anytically, but believe that between them the boys should be able to give out with the definiteve classification now. Definitely worthwhile. ---oOo--- STEFNEWS. Highly amusing, but the mimeography is unpleasantly smeary. I suggest an abandonment of this glossy stock and the adoption of regular mimeo bond for future publications by these folks. ---oOo--- FEN. Chiefly notable for one of the better bits of the one and only Carlton J. Fassbeinder, who incidentally is about my favorite fan writer. There is something gruesomely fascinating in Bruce's style, at least when the Fassbeinder facet of this highly complex organism is in the ascendency......Otherwise, Jike demonstrated a deplorable tendency to act like a grasshopper brain. I suggest more time in preparation, and an attempt to keep things coherently logical. ---oOo--- THE FA LEAN-3. More grasshoppering. Read the first paragraph analytically, if you want to see what I mean. ---oOo--- PEOPLE STORIES. Your editorial is right in the groove. If you will look elsewhere in this issue of Fan-Dango, you will note that I wish to raise activity requirements in FAPA to a minimum of 12 81/2xll pages (or its equivalent), and will fill out a petition for that purpose any time you are willing to sign it with me. If you will consult the Fapconstitution, you will find that in order to present an amendment to the constitution it is necessary only to get four members to sign the petition, and it has to be voted upon then....People Stories is a very good maiden effort---except my copy had one blank page! ---oOo--- GARGANTUA GRAPEFRUIT GROWERS. A very artistic bit. ---oOo--- TOWARD YESTERDAY. Futurian is a very poor word to use to replace "fan" for the simple reason that it has various connotations that would undoubtedly gice offense in certain circles. While "fan" is not the best word to describe us, I doubt if the lethargy of old habit is likely to let us use any other term. ---oOo--- DEGLER CRAP. Our sending this corruption did not constitute an endorsement of it. However, Clod left this behind when he left LA (after all, when one is run out of town he does not take all his luggage) and we thought the best attack we could make on the sphincter muscle of fandom was to circulate hie own writings thru FAPA. ---oOo--- -- 7 --
THE COSMIC CIRCLE AND FANDOM. Dammit, I knew I'd be unable to keep Degler out of this! I have not yet heard of any action having been taken on my petition in the special supplement to Fan-Dango which appeared in the LASFS postmailing, but I am eager to see this turd in humanoid form kicked out of everything. One idea I've been seriously toying with: would it be possible for certain recognized representatives of fandom--perhaps the Fapa officers and EEEvans--to get a legal injunction to prevent Clod from publishing anything using the name of fandom at all. He seems to be unquenchable, judging from the amount of crap he's publiched since leaving LA, and the Palmer incident is just one of dozens he's likely to involve us in. Obviously, I heartilly endorse the Speerish leaflet under discussion at the moment---hope Palmer got a copy. ---oOo-- DECIMAL CLASSIFICATIONS. Messrs. Speer and Russell both did nice jobs; I've not yet had time to compare these anytically, but believe that between them the boys should be able to give out with the definiteve classification now. Definitely worthwhile. ---oOo--- STEFNEWS. Highly amusing, but the mimeography is unpleasantly smeary. I suggest an abandonment of this glossy stock and the adoption of regular mimeo bond for future publications by these folks. ---oOo--- FEN. Chiefly notable for one of the better bits of the one and only Carlton J. Fassbeinder, who incidentally is about my favorite fan writer. There is something gruesomely fascinating in Bruce's style, at least when the Fassbeinder facet of this highly complex organism is in the ascendency......Otherwise, Jike demonstrated a deplorable tendency to act like a grasshopper brain. I suggest more time in preparation, and an attempt to keep things coherently logical. ---oOo--- THE FA LEAN-3. More grasshoppering. Read the first paragraph analytically, if you want to see what I mean. ---oOo--- PEOPLE STORIES. Your editorial is right in the groove. If you will look elsewhere in this issue of Fan-Dango, you will note that I wish to raise activity requirements in FAPA to a minimum of 12 81/2xll pages (or its equivalent), and will fill out a petition for that purpose any time you are willing to sign it with me. If you will consult the Fapconstitution, you will find that in order to present an amendment to the constitution it is necessary only to get four members to sign the petition, and it has to be voted upon then....People Stories is a very good maiden effort---except my copy had one blank page! ---oOo--- GARGANTUA GRAPEFRUIT GROWERS. A very artistic bit. ---oOo--- TOWARD YESTERDAY. Futurian is a very poor word to use to replace "fan" for the simple reason that it has various connotations that would undoubtedly gice offense in certain circles. While "fan" is not the best word to describe us, I doubt if the lethargy of old habit is likely to let us use any other term. ---oOo--- DEGLER CRAP. Our sending this corruption did not constitute an endorsement of it. However, Clod left this behind when he left LA (after all, when one is run out of town he does not take all his luggage) and we thought the best attack we could make on the sphincter muscle of fandom was to circulate hie own writings thru FAPA. ---oOo--- -- 7 --
Hevelin Fanzines