Fandango, v. 1, issue 4, Spring 1944
Page 8
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SOME FURTHER THOUGHTS ON SLAN CENTER (cont from page the 1th). Third: A prominent fanette (the name is not for publication, thank you) has come up with an idea which rather appeals to me. She suggests that inasmuch as there will doubtless be a great deal of well-organized confusion as to just which bed the various lads and lassies will be crawling into, why not make it all legal by having all the fans "marry" all the fanettes? In other words, free love, or something like that there. This idea seems very good to me, provided there was no narrow-minded and Victorian insistance on "marital rights"--if the guy and gal wanted to tear off a little-fine and dandy; if both parties were not thoroughly willing, no one would feel obliged to oblige. In any event, adultery is a matter that we are going to have to arranged for in advance, or else the place will end up with a war. Well, what do all YOU people think of all this? *********************************************** FAN-DANGO, I should say at this time, is the personalized effusion of the FTLaniac (other wise known as "Fran" or else "Francis T. Laney"). He is responsible for all expressions of opinion appearing herein, but is NOT responsible for the skipped spaces--a trait which my mill has developed since having been left to the tender mercies of the LASFS. This publication is intended to be in each quarterly mailing; if this issue is not, it is due to events beyond my control, as I have cut all eight of these stencils in a feverish Sunday--January 16, to be exact.) *********************************************** LOOKING BACKWARD (concluded, I hope) EN GARDE. In talking about bright eyes vs. dull eyes I think that you are missing the biggest point of all; the fact that, though fen are indubitably intelligent almost to the point of being semi-geniuses, they are still so badly maladjusted that few if any of them will never amount to a whoop in hell--brains or no brains. Sure, we are bright eyed, but what does it do us? As to social "impossibles" in fandom.....Well......Maybe there are not so many out and out impossibles, but boy, there are a huge lot of improbables. Either you Slan Schackers are kidding yourselves, or The LASFS is not representative of fandom as a whole. Would you mind running your race prejudice discussion which you mention having shelved? I should very much like to partake of it. Umberto Concerto is absolutely marvelous. Frankly, I liked this nearly as well as the acknowledged classic, Alicia. If Liebscher had no other reason for existing, this is it. MORE along this line, I beg of you. ----oOo----- ADLUX BESKAN. I don't remenber at this feeble and exhauted moment if I blasted at this universal language idea already, but as far as I personally am concerned you guys can turn this phase of fandom over to Degler any time you want to. Of course, if you really ENJOY this sort of thing........ ---oOo--- LARRY SHAW had a lot of stuff in this mailing. I enjoyed it all, some items more than others, but for some reason there was absolutely nothing that I felt like discussing. Wheter this is due to some fault of Larry's or to some obscure defect in my own nature, I do not know, but anyway, I hope for better luck next time. ---oOo--- THE OTHER ITEMS in the mailing also were read thoroughly and enjoyed, but space runs out, I'm running out, and the stencil is nearing fruition. In winding up this issue, I should like to add my puny voice to the plea that Slan Schak and Tucker move en masse to LA. ADIOS, TILL NEXT MAILING. -- 8 --
SOME FURTHER THOUGHTS ON SLAN CENTER (cont from page the 1th). Third: A prominent fanette (the name is not for publication, thank you) has come up with an idea which rather appeals to me. She suggests that inasmuch as there will doubtless be a great deal of well-organized confusion as to just which bed the various lads and lassies will be crawling into, why not make it all legal by having all the fans "marry" all the fanettes? In other words, free love, or something like that there. This idea seems very good to me, provided there was no narrow-minded and Victorian insistance on "marital rights"--if the guy and gal wanted to tear off a little-fine and dandy; if both parties were not thoroughly willing, no one would feel obliged to oblige. In any event, adultery is a matter that we are going to have to arranged for in advance, or else the place will end up with a war. Well, what do all YOU people think of all this? *********************************************** FAN-DANGO, I should say at this time, is the personalized effusion of the FTLaniac (other wise known as "Fran" or else "Francis T. Laney"). He is responsible for all expressions of opinion appearing herein, but is NOT responsible for the skipped spaces--a trait which my mill has developed since having been left to the tender mercies of the LASFS. This publication is intended to be in each quarterly mailing; if this issue is not, it is due to events beyond my control, as I have cut all eight of these stencils in a feverish Sunday--January 16, to be exact.) *********************************************** LOOKING BACKWARD (concluded, I hope) EN GARDE. In talking about bright eyes vs. dull eyes I think that you are missing the biggest point of all; the fact that, though fen are indubitably intelligent almost to the point of being semi-geniuses, they are still so badly maladjusted that few if any of them will never amount to a whoop in hell--brains or no brains. Sure, we are bright eyed, but what does it do us? As to social "impossibles" in fandom.....Well......Maybe there are not so many out and out impossibles, but boy, there are a huge lot of improbables. Either you Slan Schackers are kidding yourselves, or The LASFS is not representative of fandom as a whole. Would you mind running your race prejudice discussion which you mention having shelved? I should very much like to partake of it. Umberto Concerto is absolutely marvelous. Frankly, I liked this nearly as well as the acknowledged classic, Alicia. If Liebscher had no other reason for existing, this is it. MORE along this line, I beg of you. ----oOo----- ADLUX BESKAN. I don't remenber at this feeble and exhauted moment if I blasted at this universal language idea already, but as far as I personally am concerned you guys can turn this phase of fandom over to Degler any time you want to. Of course, if you really ENJOY this sort of thing........ ---oOo--- LARRY SHAW had a lot of stuff in this mailing. I enjoyed it all, some items more than others, but for some reason there was absolutely nothing that I felt like discussing. Wheter this is due to some fault of Larry's or to some obscure defect in my own nature, I do not know, but anyway, I hope for better luck next time. ---oOo--- THE OTHER ITEMS in the mailing also were read thoroughly and enjoyed, but space runs out, I'm running out, and the stencil is nearing fruition. In winding up this issue, I should like to add my puny voice to the plea that Slan Schak and Tucker move en masse to LA. ADIOS, TILL NEXT MAILING. -- 8 --
Hevelin Fanzines