Fandango, v. 3, issue 3, whole 11, Spring 1946
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[title in large, thin letters] I'D RATHER BE UNBALANCED (As will not be difficult to detect, this is the second of two composed-on-the-stencil articles inspired by [underlined] Horizons 7-2. Any resemblence to a carefully worked out article is coincidental.) [line break] -o0o- Under the title, "Balance", Art Widner advises the older fan publishers to bid a farewell to mimeo cranks and ink pots and settle to writing for other editors. His suggestions is certainly one solution to the ennui which comes upon us all, but I question very strongly if it is the best solution. In the first place, I have yet to find a fanzine which satisfies me as well as my own. Polls to the contrary I do not consider [underlined] The Acolyte to be the top fanzine. I do believe that its policy and ideals are definitely among the best, but am increasingly perturbed at my inability to realise them. The conception, in other words, far exceeds the execution. Langley Searles, Forrest Ackerman, and Walt Liebscher have all done a much better job of fulfilling their plans. Nevertheless, [underlined] The Acolyte does to a great extent reflect my own particular outlook upon fantasy, and with all its fault it expresses it better than the said outlook is reflected in any other fanzine. This is not to imply that my outlook on fantasy is the best, or that it is static--I'm merely trying to say that the only way to have a fanzine which does express one's own outlook is to publish it oneself. If another [underlined] regularly published fanzine comes along which is devoted about 30% to providing a medium for artistic self-expression of a fantastic nature and 70% to general literary criticism of fantasy--in both cases attempting to stress a literate approach to the field; I would fold the Laney-Russell effusion so fast it would make Yhos' head swim. I have always hated to mimeograph, but so far this is just the necessary evil I've had to put up with in order to have the type of fanzine I want. So far, I've managed to want such a fanzine badly enough to put up with this mechanical drudgery.
[title in large, thin letters] I'D RATHER BE UNBALANCED (As will not be difficult to detect, this is the second of two composed-on-the-stencil articles inspired by [underlined] Horizons 7-2. Any resemblence to a carefully worked out article is coincidental.) [line break] -o0o- Under the title, "Balance", Art Widner advises the older fan publishers to bid a farewell to mimeo cranks and ink pots and settle to writing for other editors. His suggestions is certainly one solution to the ennui which comes upon us all, but I question very strongly if it is the best solution. In the first place, I have yet to find a fanzine which satisfies me as well as my own. Polls to the contrary I do not consider [underlined] The Acolyte to be the top fanzine. I do believe that its policy and ideals are definitely among the best, but am increasingly perturbed at my inability to realise them. The conception, in other words, far exceeds the execution. Langley Searles, Forrest Ackerman, and Walt Liebscher have all done a much better job of fulfilling their plans. Nevertheless, [underlined] The Acolyte does to a great extent reflect my own particular outlook upon fantasy, and with all its fault it expresses it better than the said outlook is reflected in any other fanzine. This is not to imply that my outlook on fantasy is the best, or that it is static--I'm merely trying to say that the only way to have a fanzine which does express one's own outlook is to publish it oneself. If another [underlined] regularly published fanzine comes along which is devoted about 30% to providing a medium for artistic self-expression of a fantastic nature and 70% to general literary criticism of fantasy--in both cases attempting to stress a literate approach to the field; I would fold the Laney-Russell effusion so fast it would make Yhos' head swim. I have always hated to mimeograph, but so far this is just the necessary evil I've had to put up with in order to have the type of fanzine I want. So far, I've managed to want such a fanzine badly enough to put up with this mechanical drudgery.
Hevelin Fanzines