Fantahash, issue 1, 1940
Page 4
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some further remark, in apology, but as one man the Director and the APZML leapt at him. Bashing him over the head with rolled-up copies of All Phandom, they tore the insignia from his coat (taking part of the coat with it), ripped up his membership card (which they got by ripping off his pants pocket), picked his up and hurled him down the stairs into the street. After this little incident the rating of the stories went on in order, and it was found to everybody's amazement that every tale in the issue was excellent--which rated the magazine a gold star. The meeting closed with the singing of the Horst Sykola song, with everyone standing at attention. Then, in regular order, the membership filed in twos out into the street, receiving as they left their copies of Phantasy-Nose, the official organ. YOU ASKED ME WHAT I AM DOING? I AM GETTING READY TO EARN MORE MONEY ...PREPARING FOR A BIGGER JOB You see, I'm a student of the Terrestrial Academy, Great N-York. A little more than half-way thru my course---already my increased knowledge has enabled me to save the universe TWICE, as a result of the hour or so a day I have been spending getting acquainted with the Schachner-Hamilton principles of the work I so enjoy. I use only a part of my spare time for study and practice, so it doesn't interfere with my home and social life, and certainly helps me with my manuscripts. I have been amazed at the practical manner in which even advanced work is explained. It is much easier than i anticipated. My only regret is that I did not start this plan of getting ahead a few years earlier. But, alas!, when I was 18 or 20 I felt pretty sure of myself: I thought the universe could be saved without special training. TERRESTRIAL ACADEMY, Dept. XZ756, Great N-York Fapaper ++ 4
some further remark, in apology, but as one man the Director and the APZML leapt at him. Bashing him over the head with rolled-up copies of All Phandom, they tore the insignia from his coat (taking part of the coat with it), ripped up his membership card (which they got by ripping off his pants pocket), picked his up and hurled him down the stairs into the street. After this little incident the rating of the stories went on in order, and it was found to everybody's amazement that every tale in the issue was excellent--which rated the magazine a gold star. The meeting closed with the singing of the Horst Sykola song, with everyone standing at attention. Then, in regular order, the membership filed in twos out into the street, receiving as they left their copies of Phantasy-Nose, the official organ. YOU ASKED ME WHAT I AM DOING? I AM GETTING READY TO EARN MORE MONEY ...PREPARING FOR A BIGGER JOB You see, I'm a student of the Terrestrial Academy, Great N-York. A little more than half-way thru my course---already my increased knowledge has enabled me to save the universe TWICE, as a result of the hour or so a day I have been spending getting acquainted with the Schachner-Hamilton principles of the work I so enjoy. I use only a part of my spare time for study and practice, so it doesn't interfere with my home and social life, and certainly helps me with my manuscripts. I have been amazed at the practical manner in which even advanced work is explained. It is much easier than i anticipated. My only regret is that I did not start this plan of getting ahead a few years earlier. But, alas!, when I was 18 or 20 I felt pretty sure of myself: I thought the universe could be saved without special training. TERRESTRIAL ACADEMY, Dept. XZ756, Great N-York Fapaper ++ 4
Hevelin Fanzines