Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 1, Novermber-December 1938
Page 19
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FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 19 magnificent moon scene-- perhaps one of the best s-f covers yet, by Robert Fuqua. Being carefully considered is a stack of swell manuscripts so that the story end of it will lack nothing. However, much lies between it and the stands, RAP points out. The size is not, as yet, decided (large size is not out of the running) nor is the price of the magazine or the quality of the paper. Most important of all is the financial angle and whether Ziff-Davis will back the proposition. It's all no go if they don't. Time will tell. After much deliberation, Palmer has decided to have Paul do some work, on the basis of reader demands and Paul's adeptness at machinery. What's wrong with Fuqua and Krupa, readers? Another s-f artist you will be seeing more of is H. W. MacCauley. Watch his work on the back covers. Don't think that because nothing has been said or done about it that the photographic cover has been abandoned. You'll be pleasantly surprised one of these days. Incidentally, the "out" for the "Editor's Observatory" has been changed to a more dignified one..... The back cover of the Feb. Amazing concerns the future ocean liner which will remind "old timers" of Cosmo Versal's ark in the "Second Deluge." The front cover is a beauty, too. Contributing to editor Palmer's woes is one letter of protest about the use of the names of two countries in a story, scheduled for the February issue, by J. Harvey Haggard. If Amazing hits the stands late it will be because the story had to be completely revised! Not helping matters any is the fact that the cover and a few illustrations have to be changed. In one, it's the earth shaking matter of a coral; the other, a half shade too light red on the cover!! Moreover, some other magazine is going to get a darn good Williamson tale because Davis, the owner, didn't agree with Palmer. Ditto to the latest "Professor Jameson" story... Even editors have their troubles. Three out of seven story titles in the January '39 Amazing were not the original author's titles. Our research department says that about three-fifths of the story titles that see print are not the author's brainstorms. For example; ever hear of "Super Sonic Doom"? Of course not; that turned out to be "Song of Death." How about "There's No Tomorrow"? That became "Ray of Eternity." And "Death in the Tubeways" was originally "Wendel of the Tubeways". So what?... That's right... So what? "I may not be the best s-f editor but I challenge any of the others to a bowling match," says Palmer, who prides himself on his bowling. Paging Mr. Campbell!... Paging Mr. Weisinger! FINIS NEWS NOTES: L.A. Eshbach will appear in the second Startling Stories with a short, "The Three Wise Men"... Eshbach has also sold stuff to Dynamic Science Fiction and Tales of Wonder... From all indications, New Fandom is going out with a bang! If you haven't joined this excellent organization as yet, do so as soon as possible. Remember; your help is needed to make the World Science Fiction Convention the great success it deserves to be... Science Adventure Stories will soon have a story-completion contest. And the incomplete story will be by a famous author... Henry Kuttner states that he will probably not be able to devote as much of his time to writing as he has heretofore. His favorite yarn is "Hydra" sheduled [sic] to appear in Weird Tales soon.
FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 19 magnificent moon scene-- perhaps one of the best s-f covers yet, by Robert Fuqua. Being carefully considered is a stack of swell manuscripts so that the story end of it will lack nothing. However, much lies between it and the stands, RAP points out. The size is not, as yet, decided (large size is not out of the running) nor is the price of the magazine or the quality of the paper. Most important of all is the financial angle and whether Ziff-Davis will back the proposition. It's all no go if they don't. Time will tell. After much deliberation, Palmer has decided to have Paul do some work, on the basis of reader demands and Paul's adeptness at machinery. What's wrong with Fuqua and Krupa, readers? Another s-f artist you will be seeing more of is H. W. MacCauley. Watch his work on the back covers. Don't think that because nothing has been said or done about it that the photographic cover has been abandoned. You'll be pleasantly surprised one of these days. Incidentally, the "out" for the "Editor's Observatory" has been changed to a more dignified one..... The back cover of the Feb. Amazing concerns the future ocean liner which will remind "old timers" of Cosmo Versal's ark in the "Second Deluge." The front cover is a beauty, too. Contributing to editor Palmer's woes is one letter of protest about the use of the names of two countries in a story, scheduled for the February issue, by J. Harvey Haggard. If Amazing hits the stands late it will be because the story had to be completely revised! Not helping matters any is the fact that the cover and a few illustrations have to be changed. In one, it's the earth shaking matter of a coral; the other, a half shade too light red on the cover!! Moreover, some other magazine is going to get a darn good Williamson tale because Davis, the owner, didn't agree with Palmer. Ditto to the latest "Professor Jameson" story... Even editors have their troubles. Three out of seven story titles in the January '39 Amazing were not the original author's titles. Our research department says that about three-fifths of the story titles that see print are not the author's brainstorms. For example; ever hear of "Super Sonic Doom"? Of course not; that turned out to be "Song of Death." How about "There's No Tomorrow"? That became "Ray of Eternity." And "Death in the Tubeways" was originally "Wendel of the Tubeways". So what?... That's right... So what? "I may not be the best s-f editor but I challenge any of the others to a bowling match," says Palmer, who prides himself on his bowling. Paging Mr. Campbell!... Paging Mr. Weisinger! FINIS NEWS NOTES: L.A. Eshbach will appear in the second Startling Stories with a short, "The Three Wise Men"... Eshbach has also sold stuff to Dynamic Science Fiction and Tales of Wonder... From all indications, New Fandom is going out with a bang! If you haven't joined this excellent organization as yet, do so as soon as possible. Remember; your help is needed to make the World Science Fiction Convention the great success it deserves to be... Science Adventure Stories will soon have a story-completion contest. And the incomplete story will be by a famous author... Henry Kuttner states that he will probably not be able to devote as much of his time to writing as he has heretofore. His favorite yarn is "Hydra" sheduled [sic] to appear in Weird Tales soon.
Hevelin Fanzines