Phanny, v. 3, issue 3, December 1944
Page 13
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13 P H A N N Y 13 ______________________________ BOOKMARK --And a very good one, too, but it scarcely merits a rating as a publication; the poetry volume will make up for it, tho. THE F. A. P. A. FAN. (C) There is considerable meat in this sloppy-looking single-sheeter. The voting situation is very bad; ditto the situation of the actual and potential Wait-Listers. The voting privelege (I'm referring to the NFFF, now) has not been permanently curtailed; the present constitution was approved by the membership; the current regime is accomplishing things under difficult circumstances; the NFFF has greater strength now than it ever had before. Vote for EEE and Tucker! AGENBITE OF INWIT #6. (B+) Aggie continues near the top. While I don't agree that the suggested activities are the only worthwhile ones, I think they should be near the head of the list. -- Most interesting are the comments on STAR STUNG, and the poem used to point the argument, "Demi-World" suits me very well. "Trigger Talk at Green Guna has finally caught up with me, so is of greater interest than at first. Reckon as haow there's more a-comin', too; whoopeeee! GUTETO (C) Exceptionally neat, as usual. The list of books, while scarcely sufficient to justify the learning of Esperanto for the sole purpose of reading those not available in English, is nevertheless evidence that there exists a very considerable literature in the lingvo. ADAM SINGLESHEET (C)--but the FANCYCLOPEDIA is (A+); no less! I got in on the pre-publication, NFFF-member special price; wasn't I lucky? But I hadda pay full price for the second one I bought; it was worth it, too! TWILIGHT ECHOES (B-) This reads like the Fortier I met at the Denvention; I never was able to reconcile that person with the personality of Reitrof, and I'm glad to see that Reitrof is gone. T-E is an excellent G.I. 'zine. The remark on the jet-plane was enlightening; you weren't letting out any unscheduled information, were you? MILTY'S MAG (B-) The Army again, Gentlemen! I see that the inclusion of the numeral "1" on the special typer keyboard results in the "7" being where the "8" ought to be; so good ol' "1811," the hurried typist's favorite substitute for "I'll," loses a hundred; it's only 1711, now. -- Those hymn's are gonna git yah yet, Milt, if yah don't watch out! -- "Diddling Dep't." - this is all on the beam; working in an Army Camp as I do, I've heard it all before, in the conversation of scores of G.I.'s I've met. - Nifty likeness on the cover. CUSHLOMOCHREE #1. Well, now we have both sides of the vote-counting difficulty. At least, they eventually got counted. -- Walt says he can speak more readily than he can write, and after hearing him at Denver, I think it is probably true. Of course, there are rumors form the vicinity of Hollywood to the effect that he likes to hear himself too well; I don't see that that is any worse than liking to read one's own stuff too well. (oops, the rating--((B-))). FAN-DANGO (B+) Ackerman has a curious writing style--if it can be called that--a sort of "lemme see; did that happen at Fran Shack, or was it on Thursday" style. It is sometimes amusing, sometimes annoying, and is completely lacking in either organization or unity; still I liked the article, puns and all. "An Experiment in Local Fan Organization" seems to be a clear and impartial analysis. Perhaps you overlooked one thing, Fran; it seems to me that one major element in the eventual break-up of the Knanves was that old bugaboo, over-activity (i.e., fan activity.). -- Me judgement is supported by higher authority! I thought "Tryst" excellent, even though I don't go strongly for weirds; if Fran thinks it good enough for Acolyte, that is good enough for me. BEYOND (B+) The cover is especially noteworthy; excellent drawing, fine symbolism, and the mimeophoto process (whatever that is) are here combined to produce a masterpiece of mimeo art. -- "Spawn of the Gods," while not quite up to "The Rose and the Robot," is enjoyable off-trail fiction. I also liked "The Improbable Ones." Stanley deserves a lot of credit for putting this out for Rosco. YHOS (B+) This high rating is in spite of, not because of Shortype; on that basis it would have rated a rather weak (C). -- "Peril at Pentagon" is one of the most enjoyable items in the mailing. Also very much worth while is the poem, "Death of Your Dream."
13 P H A N N Y 13 ______________________________ BOOKMARK --And a very good one, too, but it scarcely merits a rating as a publication; the poetry volume will make up for it, tho. THE F. A. P. A. FAN. (C) There is considerable meat in this sloppy-looking single-sheeter. The voting situation is very bad; ditto the situation of the actual and potential Wait-Listers. The voting privelege (I'm referring to the NFFF, now) has not been permanently curtailed; the present constitution was approved by the membership; the current regime is accomplishing things under difficult circumstances; the NFFF has greater strength now than it ever had before. Vote for EEE and Tucker! AGENBITE OF INWIT #6. (B+) Aggie continues near the top. While I don't agree that the suggested activities are the only worthwhile ones, I think they should be near the head of the list. -- Most interesting are the comments on STAR STUNG, and the poem used to point the argument, "Demi-World" suits me very well. "Trigger Talk at Green Guna has finally caught up with me, so is of greater interest than at first. Reckon as haow there's more a-comin', too; whoopeeee! GUTETO (C) Exceptionally neat, as usual. The list of books, while scarcely sufficient to justify the learning of Esperanto for the sole purpose of reading those not available in English, is nevertheless evidence that there exists a very considerable literature in the lingvo. ADAM SINGLESHEET (C)--but the FANCYCLOPEDIA is (A+); no less! I got in on the pre-publication, NFFF-member special price; wasn't I lucky? But I hadda pay full price for the second one I bought; it was worth it, too! TWILIGHT ECHOES (B-) This reads like the Fortier I met at the Denvention; I never was able to reconcile that person with the personality of Reitrof, and I'm glad to see that Reitrof is gone. T-E is an excellent G.I. 'zine. The remark on the jet-plane was enlightening; you weren't letting out any unscheduled information, were you? MILTY'S MAG (B-) The Army again, Gentlemen! I see that the inclusion of the numeral "1" on the special typer keyboard results in the "7" being where the "8" ought to be; so good ol' "1811," the hurried typist's favorite substitute for "I'll," loses a hundred; it's only 1711, now. -- Those hymn's are gonna git yah yet, Milt, if yah don't watch out! -- "Diddling Dep't." - this is all on the beam; working in an Army Camp as I do, I've heard it all before, in the conversation of scores of G.I.'s I've met. - Nifty likeness on the cover. CUSHLOMOCHREE #1. Well, now we have both sides of the vote-counting difficulty. At least, they eventually got counted. -- Walt says he can speak more readily than he can write, and after hearing him at Denver, I think it is probably true. Of course, there are rumors form the vicinity of Hollywood to the effect that he likes to hear himself too well; I don't see that that is any worse than liking to read one's own stuff too well. (oops, the rating--((B-))). FAN-DANGO (B+) Ackerman has a curious writing style--if it can be called that--a sort of "lemme see; did that happen at Fran Shack, or was it on Thursday" style. It is sometimes amusing, sometimes annoying, and is completely lacking in either organization or unity; still I liked the article, puns and all. "An Experiment in Local Fan Organization" seems to be a clear and impartial analysis. Perhaps you overlooked one thing, Fran; it seems to me that one major element in the eventual break-up of the Knanves was that old bugaboo, over-activity (i.e., fan activity.). -- Me judgement is supported by higher authority! I thought "Tryst" excellent, even though I don't go strongly for weirds; if Fran thinks it good enough for Acolyte, that is good enough for me. BEYOND (B+) The cover is especially noteworthy; excellent drawing, fine symbolism, and the mimeophoto process (whatever that is) are here combined to produce a masterpiece of mimeo art. -- "Spawn of the Gods," while not quite up to "The Rose and the Robot," is enjoyable off-trail fiction. I also liked "The Improbable Ones." Stanley deserves a lot of credit for putting this out for Rosco. YHOS (B+) This high rating is in spite of, not because of Shortype; on that basis it would have rated a rather weak (C). -- "Peril at Pentagon" is one of the most enjoyable items in the mailing. Also very much worth while is the poem, "Death of Your Dream."
Hevelin Fanzines