Leprechaun, v. 1, issue 4, March 1945
Page 11
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L e p r e c h a u n 11 RAYMOND WASHINGTON, JR. : * * * S u n r i s e * * * I see thee, glimmering sun, above the trees; I see they placid clouds of silver-gray That float above the portals of the day, And in the dawn, a fresh awakened breeze -- This is a picture for a poet to seize, And prison it in words Time cannot slay: The red-and-golden banners far away That light the world, and all the foam- dark seas. And now the long clouds are in silhouette, Behind which burns the sun in his slow climb Into the upper heavens. May I set The brightening furnace of the sun in rhyme? Now risen and grown blinding in my eyes, He flames his warmth, and bids the world, "Arise!" FELIX: And there it stands, in all its blinding glory. Its pulsing, blinding, stabbing, glory. The shining, smiling, stone-like, etc- like NO. Yesterday's noes, and todays noes, and all the noes of tomorrow, all standing, like wooden statues. Each irrevocable, each the blind, stupid, assinine thing on which the tempered steel of a world is smashed and dented. And all with their worldly purposes. Each with its own damning purpose. Each holding the world in its dirty, lousy parts together. No soul, no breath, decent enough to bear the title man, escapes the parade of shining NOES.
L e p r e c h a u n 11 RAYMOND WASHINGTON, JR. : * * * S u n r i s e * * * I see thee, glimmering sun, above the trees; I see they placid clouds of silver-gray That float above the portals of the day, And in the dawn, a fresh awakened breeze -- This is a picture for a poet to seize, And prison it in words Time cannot slay: The red-and-golden banners far away That light the world, and all the foam- dark seas. And now the long clouds are in silhouette, Behind which burns the sun in his slow climb Into the upper heavens. May I set The brightening furnace of the sun in rhyme? Now risen and grown blinding in my eyes, He flames his warmth, and bids the world, "Arise!" FELIX: And there it stands, in all its blinding glory. Its pulsing, blinding, stabbing, glory. The shining, smiling, stone-like, etc- like NO. Yesterday's noes, and todays noes, and all the noes of tomorrow, all standing, like wooden statues. Each irrevocable, each the blind, stupid, assinine thing on which the tempered steel of a world is smashed and dented. And all with their worldly purposes. Each with its own damning purpose. Each holding the world in its dirty, lousy parts together. No soul, no breath, decent enough to bear the title man, escapes the parade of shining NOES.
Hevelin Fanzines