Polaris, v. 1, issue 2, March 1940
Page 10
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10 IMAGI-MOVIES by 4SJ DARKNESS & DAWN to be developt into a screenplay? Sorta looks lthat way! Had a call the other day at the Academy from Roach Studios (now producing "1,000,000 BC") who askt me about a bk publisht approx'ly 20 yrs ago which from the description I identifyd as the classic England trilogy. I also understand thru Shep's Stf Shop (main back-no. imagi-magmart of Hollywood) that one the Eastern authors was in recently investigating Argosyarns for an interested Studio that seems inKlined to produce a Planet of Peril pic. "Day Dreams", an early English silent with Elsa "BNride of Frankenstein" Lanchester & Chas "Dr Moreau-Hunchback" Laughton in the leading roles, recently revived at the Academy Review Theater, H'wood. From the story "Blue Bottle" by HGWells. A depiction of the advances of science & invention 2 decades hence is the future-fare in the Columbia short subject based on the "futurama" at the World Fair, entitled "World of 1960". A new Tarzan pic in prep at MGM. Orson Welles to do a sykological melodrama, "Smiler with a Knife", a la Lorre's macabre "M", it seems. Ghostorys galore skeded. "Haunted House" is on Monogram's mind as Karloffilm. Following success of mysteryarn "The Cat & The Canary" Para is producing "The Ghost-Breaker". "Beware Spooks!" is a Columbia product. "The Headless Horseman" to be a UA release. "Ghostman" & "The Ghost Comes Home" are on the pan at MGM. Also there is "The Frightened Ghost"... A man who can soar naturally (or quite unnaturally, if U will) is the subject of "The Flying Yorkshireman", fantasyarn pland for filming in the '40-'41 season. If public reaction to "Dr Cyclops" (nufsed!) is satisfactory Para proposes a "sequel-in-reverse", owning, as Studio does, Wells' super-size story, "Food of the Gods", film-title: "Food of the GREAT". Sax Rohmer's insidious fantasy character returns in "Drums of Fu Man-chu", recently completed by Mono. A rather well-noen fact in stffan
10 IMAGI-MOVIES by 4SJ DARKNESS & DAWN to be developt into a screenplay? Sorta looks lthat way! Had a call the other day at the Academy from Roach Studios (now producing "1,000,000 BC") who askt me about a bk publisht approx'ly 20 yrs ago which from the description I identifyd as the classic England trilogy. I also understand thru Shep's Stf Shop (main back-no. imagi-magmart of Hollywood) that one the Eastern authors was in recently investigating Argosyarns for an interested Studio that seems inKlined to produce a Planet of Peril pic. "Day Dreams", an early English silent with Elsa "BNride of Frankenstein" Lanchester & Chas "Dr Moreau-Hunchback" Laughton in the leading roles, recently revived at the Academy Review Theater, H'wood. From the story "Blue Bottle" by HGWells. A depiction of the advances of science & invention 2 decades hence is the future-fare in the Columbia short subject based on the "futurama" at the World Fair, entitled "World of 1960". A new Tarzan pic in prep at MGM. Orson Welles to do a sykological melodrama, "Smiler with a Knife", a la Lorre's macabre "M", it seems. Ghostorys galore skeded. "Haunted House" is on Monogram's mind as Karloffilm. Following success of mysteryarn "The Cat & The Canary" Para is producing "The Ghost-Breaker". "Beware Spooks!" is a Columbia product. "The Headless Horseman" to be a UA release. "Ghostman" & "The Ghost Comes Home" are on the pan at MGM. Also there is "The Frightened Ghost"... A man who can soar naturally (or quite unnaturally, if U will) is the subject of "The Flying Yorkshireman", fantasyarn pland for filming in the '40-'41 season. If public reaction to "Dr Cyclops" (nufsed!) is satisfactory Para proposes a "sequel-in-reverse", owning, as Studio does, Wells' super-size story, "Food of the Gods", film-title: "Food of the GREAT". Sax Rohmer's insidious fantasy character returns in "Drums of Fu Man-chu", recently completed by Mono. A rather well-noen fact in stffan
Hevelin Fanzines