Polaris, v. 1, issue 2, March 1940
Page 15
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15 EDITORIAL ILLUMINATION (continued from Page 3) you -- please help both us and your fellow weirdists. We extend our most grateful thanks to Bob Tucker and Le Zombie for his mention of our first attempt, also to Harry Warner, Jr., for the review in Fantasy-News. And we are grateful to Science Fiction and to Startling Stories -- despite the deluge of sample requests, both with and without three-cent stamps. Our apologies go to Francis Litza dn Outré for stating that Polaris was the only weird fan mag, for we did not realize at the time our first issue was being published that Outré was to be revived. We are very happy to see the magazine back, and wish it a long and successful life. Undoubtedly all of our readers have heard about the Lovecraft omnibus, "The Outsider and Others", and probably most of you own copies of the volume. But if any of you have delayed purchasing it, let us urge you to do so as soon as possible. The genius displayed by the great master of the weird tale as well as the beauty of the book itself make it an indispensable item in the library of every weird fan. Its 550 large closely-printed pages make it many times the length of an ordinary novel and one of the finest bargains ever offered to the followers of fantasy. All of you undoubtedly intend to obtain it eventually, but you should do so now for a very important reason: to help ensure the publication of the ensuing volumes of poetry and correspondence. Lovecraft's mastery in the field of those who have read any of his long and fascinating letters realize their outstanding interest and value. The best of his letters to correspondents all over this country have already been gathered together. We must not let this project fail because of lack of support! If you already have the volume, I might suggest that you write to August Derleth at Sauk City, Wisoncsin, pledging your support for the planned volumes. Your action might be the decisive factor in deciding the furute of the project. It was a painful shock to us to hear that Farnsworth Wright is no longer to be editor of Weird Tales. We sincerely hope that the policies laid down by Mr. Wright, & which have made it the outstanding pulp magazine. She has the difficult task of following a great predecessor, and we wish her the utmost success in maintaining Weird Tales' standard of literary excellence. Meantime it would be an irreparable loss to fantasy fiction if Mr. Wright's talents were to be wasted. We can only hope that some publisher will seize this opportunity and that we shall soon see the name of Farnsworth Wright at the mast-head of some new magazine of weird fiction. The best of luck, Mr. Wright! Personal note to Bob Madle (and the other FAPA officers): We still are extremely anxious to get into the Fantasy Amateur Press Association, bringing Polaris with us as our offering. Perhaps we are too egotistical, but we feel that the delay is not only our loss, but is also the loss of the other FAPA members. Be that as it may, let us hear from you as to our standing, please! Yours in anticipation, Paul Freehafer
15 EDITORIAL ILLUMINATION (continued from Page 3) you -- please help both us and your fellow weirdists. We extend our most grateful thanks to Bob Tucker and Le Zombie for his mention of our first attempt, also to Harry Warner, Jr., for the review in Fantasy-News. And we are grateful to Science Fiction and to Startling Stories -- despite the deluge of sample requests, both with and without three-cent stamps. Our apologies go to Francis Litza dn Outré for stating that Polaris was the only weird fan mag, for we did not realize at the time our first issue was being published that Outré was to be revived. We are very happy to see the magazine back, and wish it a long and successful life. Undoubtedly all of our readers have heard about the Lovecraft omnibus, "The Outsider and Others", and probably most of you own copies of the volume. But if any of you have delayed purchasing it, let us urge you to do so as soon as possible. The genius displayed by the great master of the weird tale as well as the beauty of the book itself make it an indispensable item in the library of every weird fan. Its 550 large closely-printed pages make it many times the length of an ordinary novel and one of the finest bargains ever offered to the followers of fantasy. All of you undoubtedly intend to obtain it eventually, but you should do so now for a very important reason: to help ensure the publication of the ensuing volumes of poetry and correspondence. Lovecraft's mastery in the field of those who have read any of his long and fascinating letters realize their outstanding interest and value. The best of his letters to correspondents all over this country have already been gathered together. We must not let this project fail because of lack of support! If you already have the volume, I might suggest that you write to August Derleth at Sauk City, Wisoncsin, pledging your support for the planned volumes. Your action might be the decisive factor in deciding the furute of the project. It was a painful shock to us to hear that Farnsworth Wright is no longer to be editor of Weird Tales. We sincerely hope that the policies laid down by Mr. Wright, & which have made it the outstanding pulp magazine. She has the difficult task of following a great predecessor, and we wish her the utmost success in maintaining Weird Tales' standard of literary excellence. Meantime it would be an irreparable loss to fantasy fiction if Mr. Wright's talents were to be wasted. We can only hope that some publisher will seize this opportunity and that we shall soon see the name of Farnsworth Wright at the mast-head of some new magazine of weird fiction. The best of luck, Mr. Wright! Personal note to Bob Madle (and the other FAPA officers): We still are extremely anxious to get into the Fantasy Amateur Press Association, bringing Polaris with us as our offering. Perhaps we are too egotistical, but we feel that the delay is not only our loss, but is also the loss of the other FAPA members. Be that as it may, let us hear from you as to our standing, please! Yours in anticipation, Paul Freehafer
Hevelin Fanzines