IFA Review, v. 1, issue 2, September-October 1940
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Various systems are used by fantasy collectors to classify their collections Recently in the course of our work on the Bibliography, we received a list with the following system of classification. Key to classification (The dominant theme only, in each book, is named) [Int?]-- Interplanetary Tales -- Involving travel or communication between planets, or describing life on other worlds, or the impact of alien civilisations on Earth [Int?]-- Tales of the future. Enclosure, (Fut) indicates that the protagonist has been transported to the future with personal memory of his own time, [illegible] suspended animation, projection of personality, etc. (but not by time machine, a class of it's own). The remainder (not enclosed) are tales supposedly written in the suture with only historical knowledge of our age -- Utopia -- Not a separate but an additional classification, added when the author's presentation of his ideal social system is the main theme, the surrounding tale being only incidental. [illegible]-- Time Travelling-- When such traveling is by conscious effort of the operator -- by machine, magic, projection of personality, etc. [illegible] -- Past Age -- Involuntary reversion to, in which the protagonist retains memory of his own times [illegible]-- Prehistoric Tales -- into the action of which, modern knowledge does not enter. [illegible] -- imaginary wars -- usually in the suture, but in the telling of which, war is the main theme. [illegible] -- destruction of the earth-- or of most of the life on it by [natural?] cataclysm, plague, or outside agency. [illegible] -- tales of atlantis--- either it's discovery in some unknown location, or tales supposedly chronological with that continent [illegible] -- lost civilizations -- other than atlantis, in historic inaccessible regions of the earth (but not the center). [illegible] -- center of the earth -- adventures in the hollow center of the earth or discovery of lost civilizations -- in the atom, etc. [illegible] -- life on other planes -- in heaven, hell, fourth or other dimension, [dryland?], etc. [illegible] -- reincarnation [illegible] -- resurrection --in a later age, except in the future from the [author's?] viewpoint. [illegible] -- elixer of youth, or eternal life [illegilbe]-- dream realities -- a small class in ehich the apparently real and [sometimes?] controlled dream life is recognized as such by the protagonist [illegible] transposition of personalities --scientific fantasies-- based on the discovery of a natural law or invention of a device which is mainly responible for the action. --biological fantasies -- based on the creation of new life forms, or discovery of new or primeval forms in hitherto unsuspected places on [earth?] --supernatural or magic tales -- a large class in which the main [illegible] is not human or natural, and which do not readily fall into the [illegible] above (note: a real weird story fan could, no doubt, break this class down into many sub-classes, such as werewolf- vampire-ghost- etc.)
Various systems are used by fantasy collectors to classify their collections Recently in the course of our work on the Bibliography, we received a list with the following system of classification. Key to classification (The dominant theme only, in each book, is named) [Int?]-- Interplanetary Tales -- Involving travel or communication between planets, or describing life on other worlds, or the impact of alien civilisations on Earth [Int?]-- Tales of the future. Enclosure, (Fut) indicates that the protagonist has been transported to the future with personal memory of his own time, [illegible] suspended animation, projection of personality, etc. (but not by time machine, a class of it's own). The remainder (not enclosed) are tales supposedly written in the suture with only historical knowledge of our age -- Utopia -- Not a separate but an additional classification, added when the author's presentation of his ideal social system is the main theme, the surrounding tale being only incidental. [illegible]-- Time Travelling-- When such traveling is by conscious effort of the operator -- by machine, magic, projection of personality, etc. [illegible] -- Past Age -- Involuntary reversion to, in which the protagonist retains memory of his own times [illegible]-- Prehistoric Tales -- into the action of which, modern knowledge does not enter. [illegible] -- imaginary wars -- usually in the suture, but in the telling of which, war is the main theme. [illegible] -- destruction of the earth-- or of most of the life on it by [natural?] cataclysm, plague, or outside agency. [illegible] -- tales of atlantis--- either it's discovery in some unknown location, or tales supposedly chronological with that continent [illegible] -- lost civilizations -- other than atlantis, in historic inaccessible regions of the earth (but not the center). [illegible] -- center of the earth -- adventures in the hollow center of the earth or discovery of lost civilizations -- in the atom, etc. [illegible] -- life on other planes -- in heaven, hell, fourth or other dimension, [dryland?], etc. [illegible] -- reincarnation [illegible] -- resurrection --in a later age, except in the future from the [author's?] viewpoint. [illegible] -- elixer of youth, or eternal life [illegilbe]-- dream realities -- a small class in ehich the apparently real and [sometimes?] controlled dream life is recognized as such by the protagonist [illegible] transposition of personalities --scientific fantasies-- based on the discovery of a natural law or invention of a device which is mainly responible for the action. --biological fantasies -- based on the creation of new life forms, or discovery of new or primeval forms in hitherto unsuspected places on [earth?] --supernatural or magic tales -- a large class in which the main [illegible] is not human or natural, and which do not readily fall into the [illegible] above (note: a real weird story fan could, no doubt, break this class down into many sub-classes, such as werewolf- vampire-ghost- etc.)
Hevelin Fanzines