Le Zombie, Special Convention Issue, 1939
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LE ZOMBIE SPECIAL A 1939 C O S M I C CONVENTION ISSUE PUBLICATION OBSERVATION DEPT: At the time of the last prediction, Moskowitz and the powers-that-be, running this she-bang, expected about a thousand delegates to this convention. If so, then there are about 750 here who have never saw a fan magazine before, do not know what one is. Therefore, LE ZOMBIE, being the helpful creature it is, respectfully dedicates the following dept. to all those of you who are getting your first glimpse of a fan magazine!: EXPLANATION DEPT: This, reader, is a fan magazine! Are you not enlightened? A fan magazine is anything from a coupla yellow second-sheets with a few scratches thereon, to a 50 or 60 paged mimeographed booklet. Some fans even have the nerve to call a carbon-copied second-sheet a “fan magazine”. However, “LE ZOMBIE ” happens to be one of the class of fan magazines that is known as a ‘news-sheet’.. We do not make any claim to being anything else than a two or four page purveyor of gossip and comment. In normal times — i.e., before, and after this convention, we are distributed (free, as always) with certain weekly issues of FANTASY NEWS, as a supplement to that publication. Also, we are passed out with each issue of’ “D’JOURNAL”, the fun-fan folio, mentioned here in. So if you wish to see more of us after returning home, get in touch with us, at the address given, and secure a lifetime subscription for yourself! APOLOGY DEPT: On behalf of the New Fandom World Fair-Convention Committee, let us apologize for being unable to secure the services of Sally Rand’s Nude Ranch for this Convention. The Committee had hoped to get Sally to discuss………to discuss…..well, what is the name of that science of curves and infinite finits and things?????? REMARKABLE REMARK DEPT: considering FANTASTIC ADVENTURES’ editorial policy, we were surprised it wasn’t “The Woman — Venus” instead of “The Man From Venus.” ---- or is that funny? DON’T LOOK NOW DEPT: but, that gorgeous looking blond sitting three rows behind you has her eye on you. Quick, what is your claim to fame, that will give you an opportunity to introduce yourself…..have you ever publish a fan mag? IS IT LIVING DEPT: Who…or what… that things sitting up there in front, next to the end of the speakers row? SEEMS TO ME DEPT: that New Fandom ought to give an extra hot-dog to the fan who [traveledthe] longest distance to get here. Especially if you walked. Get it… dogs for hot dogs…….some pun, eh kid???? WORD CARICATURES DEPT: …..that little guy over there, with a huge pipe, reminds me of a little aero-tug warping a giant space liner into port…….and that loud mouthed fella over yonder, bragging about his home town, must be a paid employee of his chamber of commerce……and we will bet a [nickle] that that guy who just told you of the magnificent stack of fan mags he possesses is grandstanding just a wee mite; his fan mag collection probably consists of a few back number LE ZOMBIES and a Fantasy News or two……..and don’t let that big chested guy tell you he is an “old-timer”. He probably dates from 1937 !!
LE ZOMBIE SPECIAL A 1939 C O S M I C CONVENTION ISSUE PUBLICATION OBSERVATION DEPT: At the time of the last prediction, Moskowitz and the powers-that-be, running this she-bang, expected about a thousand delegates to this convention. If so, then there are about 750 here who have never saw a fan magazine before, do not know what one is. Therefore, LE ZOMBIE, being the helpful creature it is, respectfully dedicates the following dept. to all those of you who are getting your first glimpse of a fan magazine!: EXPLANATION DEPT: This, reader, is a fan magazine! Are you not enlightened? A fan magazine is anything from a coupla yellow second-sheets with a few scratches thereon, to a 50 or 60 paged mimeographed booklet. Some fans even have the nerve to call a carbon-copied second-sheet a “fan magazine”. However, “LE ZOMBIE ” happens to be one of the class of fan magazines that is known as a ‘news-sheet’.. We do not make any claim to being anything else than a two or four page purveyor of gossip and comment. In normal times — i.e., before, and after this convention, we are distributed (free, as always) with certain weekly issues of FANTASY NEWS, as a supplement to that publication. Also, we are passed out with each issue of’ “D’JOURNAL”, the fun-fan folio, mentioned here in. So if you wish to see more of us after returning home, get in touch with us, at the address given, and secure a lifetime subscription for yourself! APOLOGY DEPT: On behalf of the New Fandom World Fair-Convention Committee, let us apologize for being unable to secure the services of Sally Rand’s Nude Ranch for this Convention. The Committee had hoped to get Sally to discuss………to discuss…..well, what is the name of that science of curves and infinite finits and things?????? REMARKABLE REMARK DEPT: considering FANTASTIC ADVENTURES’ editorial policy, we were surprised it wasn’t “The Woman — Venus” instead of “The Man From Venus.” ---- or is that funny? DON’T LOOK NOW DEPT: but, that gorgeous looking blond sitting three rows behind you has her eye on you. Quick, what is your claim to fame, that will give you an opportunity to introduce yourself…..have you ever publish a fan mag? IS IT LIVING DEPT: Who…or what… that things sitting up there in front, next to the end of the speakers row? SEEMS TO ME DEPT: that New Fandom ought to give an extra hot-dog to the fan who [traveledthe] longest distance to get here. Especially if you walked. Get it… dogs for hot dogs…….some pun, eh kid???? WORD CARICATURES DEPT: …..that little guy over there, with a huge pipe, reminds me of a little aero-tug warping a giant space liner into port…….and that loud mouthed fella over yonder, bragging about his home town, must be a paid employee of his chamber of commerce……and we will bet a [nickle] that that guy who just told you of the magnificent stack of fan mags he possesses is grandstanding just a wee mite; his fan mag collection probably consists of a few back number LE ZOMBIES and a Fantasy News or two……..and don’t let that big chested guy tell you he is an “old-timer”. He probably dates from 1937 !!
Hevelin Fanzines