Snide, issue 1, May 1940
Page 11
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No, we think the solution lies in the fact that the Saturnians and Jovians liked totem poles. The solving of this age-old riddle will be a great satisfaction to Earthly science, we know. Batteries low; more tomorrow. At last Captain Batwell's face lighted up again. 'I have it!' he cried. 'The builders of this totem pole must have arranged it, in their devious way, so that it would be dark in here always - because - ' we leaned forward expectantly ' - because they didn't like the light!' We were awed again, naturally. By the light of Captain Batwell's face, we fell to examining the record plates scattered about the walls. We crowded about Snarletti, as he bent over the plates. 'What does it say?' inquired Jeaves, breathlessly. Snarletti looked up. 'Made in Japan,' he said. At this point we heard the dinner bell ring back at the ship and dragged Snarletti out biting and kicking. The next day when we went back to the totem pole, Snarletti climbed up and got himself wedged into one of the hollow projecting arms. We listened to him howl for a while and then went back to the ship to figure it out and have lunch. More tomorrow. 'Men,' said Captain Batwell, after lunch, 'the situation is this. Snarletti is caught in the totem pole.' (Loud cheers.) 'Now,' he continued, belching impressively, 'we could chop off the arm of the totem pole 11
No, we think the solution lies in the fact that the Saturnians and Jovians liked totem poles. The solving of this age-old riddle will be a great satisfaction to Earthly science, we know. Batteries low; more tomorrow. At last Captain Batwell's face lighted up again. 'I have it!' he cried. 'The builders of this totem pole must have arranged it, in their devious way, so that it would be dark in here always - because - ' we leaned forward expectantly ' - because they didn't like the light!' We were awed again, naturally. By the light of Captain Batwell's face, we fell to examining the record plates scattered about the walls. We crowded about Snarletti, as he bent over the plates. 'What does it say?' inquired Jeaves, breathlessly. Snarletti looked up. 'Made in Japan,' he said. At this point we heard the dinner bell ring back at the ship and dragged Snarletti out biting and kicking. The next day when we went back to the totem pole, Snarletti climbed up and got himself wedged into one of the hollow projecting arms. We listened to him howl for a while and then went back to the ship to figure it out and have lunch. More tomorrow. 'Men,' said Captain Batwell, after lunch, 'the situation is this. Snarletti is caught in the totem pole.' (Loud cheers.) 'Now,' he continued, belching impressively, 'we could chop off the arm of the totem pole 11
Hevelin Fanzines