Snide, issue 1, May 1940
Page 25
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The Pro Mags Probably many of our readers are unaware of the existence of a group of struggling little publications known as 'pro magazines.' We, the editors, believe that the ambitious efforts of their young editors are to be highly commended, many of their stories and features being quite good, for professional work. Hence, to help them along, we are altruistically herewith printing a more or less complete list of the 'pro mags' with the addresses from which they may be obtained. Free life subscriptions to any of the publications listed here may be obtained by writing to their respective editors, enclosing a one-and-a-half cent stamp. When ordering, please mention Startling Snide Stories. ASTOUNDING STORIES. 79 7th Ave., New York City. Editor, Junior Campbell. Chatty and informative. Fiction in this issue quite good, but we'd like to see you print short stories complete, instead of serializing them. Keep up the good work, Junior. THRILLING WONDER STORIES. 22 W. 48th St. New York City. Editor, Mortimer Snerd. A little less ballyhoo and more quality would help here. 'Scientifacts,' by the editor, quite amusing. PLANET STORIES. 461 8th Ave., New York City. Editor, Malcolm Reiss. This is a new mag. Fiction and features quite good, but cover nameplate puerile and unsightly. You should keep the sex off the cover unless you intend to put it inside too. AMAZING STORIES. 608 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Editor R. A. Pee. A good deal of improvement here of late. Be sure to keep the s-f cartoons, and the science quiz. SCIENCE FICTION. 60 Hudson St., New York City. Editor, Charlie McCarthy. One trouble with this mag is too much 25
The Pro Mags Probably many of our readers are unaware of the existence of a group of struggling little publications known as 'pro magazines.' We, the editors, believe that the ambitious efforts of their young editors are to be highly commended, many of their stories and features being quite good, for professional work. Hence, to help them along, we are altruistically herewith printing a more or less complete list of the 'pro mags' with the addresses from which they may be obtained. Free life subscriptions to any of the publications listed here may be obtained by writing to their respective editors, enclosing a one-and-a-half cent stamp. When ordering, please mention Startling Snide Stories. ASTOUNDING STORIES. 79 7th Ave., New York City. Editor, Junior Campbell. Chatty and informative. Fiction in this issue quite good, but we'd like to see you print short stories complete, instead of serializing them. Keep up the good work, Junior. THRILLING WONDER STORIES. 22 W. 48th St. New York City. Editor, Mortimer Snerd. A little less ballyhoo and more quality would help here. 'Scientifacts,' by the editor, quite amusing. PLANET STORIES. 461 8th Ave., New York City. Editor, Malcolm Reiss. This is a new mag. Fiction and features quite good, but cover nameplate puerile and unsightly. You should keep the sex off the cover unless you intend to put it inside too. AMAZING STORIES. 608 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Editor R. A. Pee. A good deal of improvement here of late. Be sure to keep the s-f cartoons, and the science quiz. SCIENCE FICTION. 60 Hudson St., New York City. Editor, Charlie McCarthy. One trouble with this mag is too much 25
Hevelin Fanzines