University of Iowa handbooks for new students, 1960-1968
Page 54
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available in University Hospitals. A student who is too ill to stay in his room and who needs food, nursing care, and drugs is admitted to the Student Infirmary free of charge. If more extensive care and treatment are needed he is transferred to University Hospital. Office Consultation. There is no charge for office consultation if rendered at the Student Health offices during office hours. Cost of drugs ordered by prescription is paid by the student. All emergency costs, except for ambulance are paid out of the student hospitalization fund. Charges are made for office service outside of office hours. There is a Student Health physician on call twenty four hours a day. Student Health office hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon, and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily except Saturday (9:00 a.m. to 12 noon) and Sunday (10 a.m. to 12 noon, by appointment) Students who are ill and wish to contact the physician outside office hours may do so by calling the University Hospital operator (7-3111 from a city phone or 72-0 from a University phone) and asking for the physician on call. Infirmary Care. The purpose of the Infirmary is to give nursing care and medical supervision to students who are ill and should not be left in their rooms, yet are not ill enough to require the facilities of the hospital. There is no charge for Infirmary care. Hospitalization. The student hospitalization fund is provided by a portion of the students' fees and is used to provide hospital service for all students holding Identification Cards and current Certificates of Registration. The cost of student hospitalization will be payable from any applicable insurance benefits before charges are made to the student hospitalization fund. Free emergency hospital service is provided only as authorized and certified by the Director of Student Health Service. Within any one academic year, the student may have this important service within these limits: 1. 30 days of hospital ward care, including board, general nursing service and clinical physician service. 2. The following special services at prevailing cost rates, not to exceed $50.00: X-ray, radium therapy, operating room, special drugs, plaster casts, blood transfusions, electrocardiographs, basal metabolism tests, physical therapy and sensitization and other laboratory tests. 3. Special nursing service at prevailing rates not to exceed $25.00 Note: Students registered for aany Summer Session will be allowed one third of the above coverage during the Summer Session in which they are registered. The student hospitalization fund does not provide the following: glasses; orthopedic appliances; private professional service of a physician or surgeon; hospitalization for or treatment of (1) psychosis (mental disease) except for diagnosis, (2) pulmonary tuberculosis, except for diagnosis, (3) injuries or illnesses for which hospital service is available without cost, (4) injuries received while engaged in or while training for intercollegiate athletics (these costs are paid by the Athletic Department) , (5) elective operations, such as tonsillectomies, nasal operations, etc., and (6) pregnancy. 54
available in University Hospitals. A student who is too ill to stay in his room and who needs food, nursing care, and drugs is admitted to the Student Infirmary free of charge. If more extensive care and treatment are needed he is transferred to University Hospital. Office Consultation. There is no charge for office consultation if rendered at the Student Health offices during office hours. Cost of drugs ordered by prescription is paid by the student. All emergency costs, except for ambulance are paid out of the student hospitalization fund. Charges are made for office service outside of office hours. There is a Student Health physician on call twenty four hours a day. Student Health office hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon, and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily except Saturday (9:00 a.m. to 12 noon) and Sunday (10 a.m. to 12 noon, by appointment) Students who are ill and wish to contact the physician outside office hours may do so by calling the University Hospital operator (7-3111 from a city phone or 72-0 from a University phone) and asking for the physician on call. Infirmary Care. The purpose of the Infirmary is to give nursing care and medical supervision to students who are ill and should not be left in their rooms, yet are not ill enough to require the facilities of the hospital. There is no charge for Infirmary care. Hospitalization. The student hospitalization fund is provided by a portion of the students' fees and is used to provide hospital service for all students holding Identification Cards and current Certificates of Registration. The cost of student hospitalization will be payable from any applicable insurance benefits before charges are made to the student hospitalization fund. Free emergency hospital service is provided only as authorized and certified by the Director of Student Health Service. Within any one academic year, the student may have this important service within these limits: 1. 30 days of hospital ward care, including board, general nursing service and clinical physician service. 2. The following special services at prevailing cost rates, not to exceed $50.00: X-ray, radium therapy, operating room, special drugs, plaster casts, blood transfusions, electrocardiographs, basal metabolism tests, physical therapy and sensitization and other laboratory tests. 3. Special nursing service at prevailing rates not to exceed $25.00 Note: Students registered for aany Summer Session will be allowed one third of the above coverage during the Summer Session in which they are registered. The student hospitalization fund does not provide the following: glasses; orthopedic appliances; private professional service of a physician or surgeon; hospitalization for or treatment of (1) psychosis (mental disease) except for diagnosis, (2) pulmonary tuberculosis, except for diagnosis, (3) injuries or illnesses for which hospital service is available without cost, (4) injuries received while engaged in or while training for intercollegiate athletics (these costs are paid by the Athletic Department) , (5) elective operations, such as tonsillectomies, nasal operations, etc., and (6) pregnancy. 54
Campus Culture