University of Iowa handbooks for new students, 1960-1968
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They have traveled 70,000 miles throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. Their most memorable trips were their 1952, 1956 and 1960 journeys to Europe where they visited in seven countries and gave performances in three, including "Bagpipe Land," Scotland. Originally organized as part of the ROTC united and made up of men students, the personnel of the group was changed to women during World War II. They are now under the auspices of the Student Union as an integral part of the Iowa Union Student Service. They perform Scottish dances, the Sailor's Hornpipe, Irish jig dances, choral arrangements and other speciality numbers. Tryouts for membership in the Highlanders are held early each fall. Further information may be secured from Pipe Major William L. Adamson at the Iowa Memorial Union. YWCA The State University of Iowa YWCA provides University women with the opportunity to join a national and international student movement. The University YWCA provides leadership and group experience to several hundred women each year. YWCA women participate in conferences with other students in Iowa, the Midwest and the nation. The YWCA also provides opportunities for college students to spend their summers gaining experience in Christian fellowship - at summer campus, working in social service agencies, attending Students-in-Government seminars. On the campus, YWCA women gain wide and varied experiences. The Hospital Service program includes reading to patients at General Hospital, crafts and special projects for patients and entertaining patients at Oakdale Sanatorium and Psychopathic Hospital. The Community Service Commission includes opportunities to do volunteer work with the City Recreation Commission, the Girl Scouts, and nursing homes. The Personal Life Commission sponsors Faculty Firesides - informal discussions in faculty homes. Other program areas include work with foreign students and worship-planning. The YWCA sponsors "Major in Marriage" a series of lectures dealing with the problems of choosing a mate, married life, and having children. It also sponsors a series called "Personal and Social Life" which is a program on mores and manners. Freshman "Y" is a group especially for freshman girls. Speakers, panel discussions, social hours, and skits of special interest are included in the program. Any freshman woman is eligible for membership. The YWCA office is located in the Iowa Memorial Union. You may join by filling out a membership application form. Women's Recreation Association The Women's Recreation Association offers a wide variety of sports and recreational activities through intramural and club programs. Every woman student on campus may become an active member by participating 66
They have traveled 70,000 miles throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. Their most memorable trips were their 1952, 1956 and 1960 journeys to Europe where they visited in seven countries and gave performances in three, including "Bagpipe Land," Scotland. Originally organized as part of the ROTC united and made up of men students, the personnel of the group was changed to women during World War II. They are now under the auspices of the Student Union as an integral part of the Iowa Union Student Service. They perform Scottish dances, the Sailor's Hornpipe, Irish jig dances, choral arrangements and other speciality numbers. Tryouts for membership in the Highlanders are held early each fall. Further information may be secured from Pipe Major William L. Adamson at the Iowa Memorial Union. YWCA The State University of Iowa YWCA provides University women with the opportunity to join a national and international student movement. The University YWCA provides leadership and group experience to several hundred women each year. YWCA women participate in conferences with other students in Iowa, the Midwest and the nation. The YWCA also provides opportunities for college students to spend their summers gaining experience in Christian fellowship - at summer campus, working in social service agencies, attending Students-in-Government seminars. On the campus, YWCA women gain wide and varied experiences. The Hospital Service program includes reading to patients at General Hospital, crafts and special projects for patients and entertaining patients at Oakdale Sanatorium and Psychopathic Hospital. The Community Service Commission includes opportunities to do volunteer work with the City Recreation Commission, the Girl Scouts, and nursing homes. The Personal Life Commission sponsors Faculty Firesides - informal discussions in faculty homes. Other program areas include work with foreign students and worship-planning. The YWCA sponsors "Major in Marriage" a series of lectures dealing with the problems of choosing a mate, married life, and having children. It also sponsors a series called "Personal and Social Life" which is a program on mores and manners. Freshman "Y" is a group especially for freshman girls. Speakers, panel discussions, social hours, and skits of special interest are included in the program. Any freshman woman is eligible for membership. The YWCA office is located in the Iowa Memorial Union. You may join by filling out a membership application form. Women's Recreation Association The Women's Recreation Association offers a wide variety of sports and recreational activities through intramural and club programs. Every woman student on campus may become an active member by participating 66
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