Iowa Greek Express, 1971
The Iowa Greek Express, Vol. 4 Page 2
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why a greek weekend? Greek Spring Rush Weekend '71 has been designed with the high school senior in mind.The weekend is the culmanation of efforts by Greek Interaction Committee and members of the IFC and Panhellenic Council. In the past, an entire week in the spring has been set aside as Greek Week. Greek Week as was wittnessed last year, has become an uninteresting, poorly attended week of activities. A need was also shown in the Greek system at Iowa for an organized spring high school rush program. In an effort to best satisfy the overall needs of the fraternities and sororities at Iowa the spring rush weekend was designed. Many of the more successful and popular activities which were held during Greek Week have been included in the Spring Weekend program. In addition, new activities have been added which will be of special interest to the high school seniors participating in the spring weekend. New activities will include a large Rock Festival on Sunday, April 25 in the City Park. The Festival will feature five bands including the nationally known hard rock group Soup. Other groups appearing will be the Loved Ones, Water, known hard rock group Soup. Other groups appearing will be the Loved Ones, Water, and TCB, an 8 piece group which will do an hour medely of Sly and the Family Stone numbers. An orientation session for high school seniors will also be held on Sunday before the Rock Festival starts. Traditional activities which will be held include the Greek Olympics and a picnic on Saturday afternoon in the park. Olympic events will include Volkswagon stuffing, chariot and tricycle races and raft and inner tube races on the river. Saturday evening's activities will include a concert by Laura Nyro and a series of Roundhouse parties. She Sig Ep house will host a Las Vegas Casino party. The Phi Delt house will have a dance with the Loved Ones. The Chi Omega sorority house will have a dance with the band Family Power. In addition, a hootenany party will be held at the Alpha Chi Omega house. The weekend promises to be full of fun for Greeks at Iowa, as well as their guests, the high school seniors. Visitors will stay in the different Greek houses on campus. It is the hope of both IFC and Panhel that the weekend visitors to our system will get a good all around view of our system. James F. Foster Exec. Sec. of Frats. The University of Iowa. Panhell, IFC publishing newsletter continually striving for better communication between the University and the Greek system and among individual houses, Panhellenic and Interfraternity Council have established a newsletter. Under the direction of IFC executive secretary, Jim Foster, a weekly calendar of events and notices is published. [[underline]]The Greek Post[[end underline]], initiated in November, is dedicated to cultural, sport, and social events of the campus and the Greek system. A second portion of the Post labelled "Odds 'n Ends" minimized the number of individual memoranda sent to each house. Distribution of [[underline]]The Greek Post[[end underline]] to fraternities is done on Sundays by the executive secretary, and to sororities through Panhellenic delegates. Any important notices should be submitted to Jim Foster in the Fraternity Affairs Office in the Union by Friday at 5 p.m. RUSH TEAM'S APRIL PLANS The High School Rush Team is actually a public relations and informational program designed to familiarize high school students and administrators with the Iowa Greek system. Approximately 40 Iowa and Illinois high schools have been contacted and asked if they would let a rush team speak to their school. Most of the responses have been favorable. The teams consist of two fraternity members and two sorority members. They will visit high schools to conduct informational sessions during guidance classes and study hall free periods. The main topics to be discussed are the Greek system and the university relationship, scholastic benefits from affiliation with a fraternity or sorority, cultural and social benefits, selection of members and the costs of living in Greek housing. The program will be conducted during April. The rush teams are entirely on a voluntary basis. Bob Leahy, the director of admissions, is giving the program a great deal of assistance. Sue Cardamon and Larry Audelhelm are the coordinators with the Fraternities and sororities. Leon Spies is the director of the program. WALSH continued from pg one felt "very confident" about the coming year. "We have our work cut out for us, and I am very confident that all of us working together will get the job done." Walsh will be away from Iowa City and Iowa this summer, but he will not be away from home. He'll be working for several magazine publishers in new York City doing what he does best, writing. He'll just have to return to Iowa a little sooner than expected. In closing, I asked Tom if he did nothing else as the editor next year, what one thing would be most important for him to accomplish? He replied, "Just the fact that people will take time to read the D.I. I want very much to establish a genuine respect for the newspaper. I think any editor would hope for at least that much." Walsh is affiliated with Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity. THE IOWA GREEK express THE IOWA GREEK EXPRESS IS PUBLISHED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA GREEK SYSTEM AND THE SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM. ALL EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING MATERIAL MAY BE MAILED TO THE COMMUNICATIONS CENTER IN IOWA CITY. NOTHING THAT IS PRINTED IN THE EXPRESS MAY BE USED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE EDITORS! EDITOR: JOE KELLY JR., ASSISTANT EDIORS: KAREN KIRCHNER AND MARY ANNE BARRON.
why a greek weekend? Greek Spring Rush Weekend '71 has been designed with the high school senior in mind.The weekend is the culmanation of efforts by Greek Interaction Committee and members of the IFC and Panhellenic Council. In the past, an entire week in the spring has been set aside as Greek Week. Greek Week as was wittnessed last year, has become an uninteresting, poorly attended week of activities. A need was also shown in the Greek system at Iowa for an organized spring high school rush program. In an effort to best satisfy the overall needs of the fraternities and sororities at Iowa the spring rush weekend was designed. Many of the more successful and popular activities which were held during Greek Week have been included in the Spring Weekend program. In addition, new activities have been added which will be of special interest to the high school seniors participating in the spring weekend. New activities will include a large Rock Festival on Sunday, April 25 in the City Park. The Festival will feature five bands including the nationally known hard rock group Soup. Other groups appearing will be the Loved Ones, Water, known hard rock group Soup. Other groups appearing will be the Loved Ones, Water, and TCB, an 8 piece group which will do an hour medely of Sly and the Family Stone numbers. An orientation session for high school seniors will also be held on Sunday before the Rock Festival starts. Traditional activities which will be held include the Greek Olympics and a picnic on Saturday afternoon in the park. Olympic events will include Volkswagon stuffing, chariot and tricycle races and raft and inner tube races on the river. Saturday evening's activities will include a concert by Laura Nyro and a series of Roundhouse parties. She Sig Ep house will host a Las Vegas Casino party. The Phi Delt house will have a dance with the Loved Ones. The Chi Omega sorority house will have a dance with the band Family Power. In addition, a hootenany party will be held at the Alpha Chi Omega house. The weekend promises to be full of fun for Greeks at Iowa, as well as their guests, the high school seniors. Visitors will stay in the different Greek houses on campus. It is the hope of both IFC and Panhel that the weekend visitors to our system will get a good all around view of our system. James F. Foster Exec. Sec. of Frats. The University of Iowa. Panhell, IFC publishing newsletter continually striving for better communication between the University and the Greek system and among individual houses, Panhellenic and Interfraternity Council have established a newsletter. Under the direction of IFC executive secretary, Jim Foster, a weekly calendar of events and notices is published. [[underline]]The Greek Post[[end underline]], initiated in November, is dedicated to cultural, sport, and social events of the campus and the Greek system. A second portion of the Post labelled "Odds 'n Ends" minimized the number of individual memoranda sent to each house. Distribution of [[underline]]The Greek Post[[end underline]] to fraternities is done on Sundays by the executive secretary, and to sororities through Panhellenic delegates. Any important notices should be submitted to Jim Foster in the Fraternity Affairs Office in the Union by Friday at 5 p.m. RUSH TEAM'S APRIL PLANS The High School Rush Team is actually a public relations and informational program designed to familiarize high school students and administrators with the Iowa Greek system. Approximately 40 Iowa and Illinois high schools have been contacted and asked if they would let a rush team speak to their school. Most of the responses have been favorable. The teams consist of two fraternity members and two sorority members. They will visit high schools to conduct informational sessions during guidance classes and study hall free periods. The main topics to be discussed are the Greek system and the university relationship, scholastic benefits from affiliation with a fraternity or sorority, cultural and social benefits, selection of members and the costs of living in Greek housing. The program will be conducted during April. The rush teams are entirely on a voluntary basis. Bob Leahy, the director of admissions, is giving the program a great deal of assistance. Sue Cardamon and Larry Audelhelm are the coordinators with the Fraternities and sororities. Leon Spies is the director of the program. WALSH continued from pg one felt "very confident" about the coming year. "We have our work cut out for us, and I am very confident that all of us working together will get the job done." Walsh will be away from Iowa City and Iowa this summer, but he will not be away from home. He'll be working for several magazine publishers in new York City doing what he does best, writing. He'll just have to return to Iowa a little sooner than expected. In closing, I asked Tom if he did nothing else as the editor next year, what one thing would be most important for him to accomplish? He replied, "Just the fact that people will take time to read the D.I. I want very much to establish a genuine respect for the newspaper. I think any editor would hope for at least that much." Walsh is affiliated with Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity. THE IOWA GREEK express THE IOWA GREEK EXPRESS IS PUBLISHED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA GREEK SYSTEM AND THE SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM. ALL EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING MATERIAL MAY BE MAILED TO THE COMMUNICATIONS CENTER IN IOWA CITY. NOTHING THAT IS PRINTED IN THE EXPRESS MAY BE USED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE EDITORS! EDITOR: JOE KELLY JR., ASSISTANT EDIORS: KAREN KIRCHNER AND MARY ANNE BARRON.
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