Science Fiction Conventioneer, 1938
Page 10
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10 S.F.CONVENTIONEER Nor does newcomers in the field cease with authors. new artists, magazine policies, and new magazines coming forth. JACK BINDER, new as he is, has met with much commendable success; THRILLING WONDER STORIES has recently brought forth SCHOMBURG who, too, is getting his share of the orchids. As for policies------The new AMAZING has raised their level considerably. ASTOUNDING'S whirl-winds innovations have made the field fairly alive with incentive for fans to cointribute. New magazines have reared their youthful countenances. The THRILLING WONDER STORIES companion magazine seems very probable. TALES OF WONDER the British magazine is a new field for writers; and a little publicized SPICY FANTASY will make its appearance soon. There is even rumor circulating regarding a seventh magazine, yet unmentioned, however this can only be regarded as a rumor---not fact. It cannot be said that science-fiction is now suffering from old age or anything remotely akin to it. Every page is showing the effects of the era. Science-fiction [[underline]]is[[end underline]] keeping in step with the times!....RAL THE SPACE NAVY--continued from page 8 the remaining pirates were taken prisoners. Koso went aboard and the next minute came back with the unconscious form of Captain Bob. He, Bob, was very badly burned but still alive.He was given first aid and brought to earth. After a month Bob felt as good as ever and he and Koso were again before Major Brown. "Heh, heh,"chuckled the Major,"I knew all along that you were telling the truth, I just discharged you so that you would try all the harder to get those pirates, of course you are still members of the Space Navy." "Thanks," said Bob without a smile, "Of course you knew all about it, even before we knew what we were against. Good day Major." And with that he and Koso left the room. A few minutes late they were on their old route, glad to be again in the SPACE NAVY...JVT.
10 S.F.CONVENTIONEER Nor does newcomers in the field cease with authors. new artists, magazine policies, and new magazines coming forth. JACK BINDER, new as he is, has met with much commendable success; THRILLING WONDER STORIES has recently brought forth SCHOMBURG who, too, is getting his share of the orchids. As for policies------The new AMAZING has raised their level considerably. ASTOUNDING'S whirl-winds innovations have made the field fairly alive with incentive for fans to cointribute. New magazines have reared their youthful countenances. The THRILLING WONDER STORIES companion magazine seems very probable. TALES OF WONDER the British magazine is a new field for writers; and a little publicized SPICY FANTASY will make its appearance soon. There is even rumor circulating regarding a seventh magazine, yet unmentioned, however this can only be regarded as a rumor---not fact. It cannot be said that science-fiction is now suffering from old age or anything remotely akin to it. Every page is showing the effects of the era. Science-fiction [[underline]]is[[end underline]] keeping in step with the times!....RAL THE SPACE NAVY--continued from page 8 the remaining pirates were taken prisoners. Koso went aboard and the next minute came back with the unconscious form of Captain Bob. He, Bob, was very badly burned but still alive.He was given first aid and brought to earth. After a month Bob felt as good as ever and he and Koso were again before Major Brown. "Heh, heh,"chuckled the Major,"I knew all along that you were telling the truth, I just discharged you so that you would try all the harder to get those pirates, of course you are still members of the Space Navy." "Thanks," said Bob without a smile, "Of course you knew all about it, even before we knew what we were against. Good day Major." And with that he and Koso left the room. A few minutes late they were on their old route, glad to be again in the SPACE NAVY...JVT.
Hevelin Fanzines