Scienti Tales, v. 1, issue 1, January 1939
Page 5
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SPACE PATROL SCIENTI-TALES PAGE...5.. Squeaky Dorsan. The First Space Policemen in the history of the world. Reaching the ship they opened the great ultraimaine door and entered. Suddenly, the crowd stilled as they sensed the great moment come. A slight tremor shook the as it's great, Diesel powered engines, turned over in their rotary operations. And then, with a flash and a roar it shot into the sky. A cheer arose from the crowd as the first of the Space Patrol disappeared into the azure blueness of the heavens. CHAPTER # TWO $. O. $. The Universe sparkled with myriad pinpoints of light. It was vast this Universe. Vast an beautiful. But also cold, cold, with the malignant forces of th unknown. Captain John Hawks cursed this lonliness of space. Two men alone, in one ship, a never ceasing monotony. They had been roving space for two months with no unusual happenings or excitement. His co-partner Squeaky Dorsan muttered under his breath. But not low enough so that Hawk did not hear. Suddenly his voice rose higher, his eyes dilated, he shrieked. "Why did I ever take this accursed job?! Why couldn't I stay where I was? On the giant liners, where you're not alone! There, you can hear the laughter of people. The companionship of men. The strains of music. And all of the things to be with a guy like you? Do you always have to be grim, hard? Can't you crack a smile, tell jokes, sing? Can't you holler, holler...Hollerrrr..." Sssmmack!! Hawk's fist connected against Squeaky's face. "Shut up you fool. Can't you see you're cracking? Get a hold onto yourself." Dorsan, his face red and blood streaming from a cut on his cheek, stood mouth agape. Then once more his eyes dilated, a growl onsued from throat and he advanced towards Hawk. Suddenly a spark crackled from their transmitter and a feminine voice spoke from the microphone. "S.O.S. Ship Cosmic calling.. Ship Cosmic calling. Private cruiser Cosmic in distress. Location: Saturn. Longitude and latitude unknown. But watch for fires. Can't hold out much longer. S.O.S. S.O.S. ........" This timely interruption pulled Squeaky Dorsan. Timely interruption, but a catastrophe. He looked at the set as it continued over and over. "Ye Gods!" he squeaked, "Of all places to be marrooned! An unexplored planet". "Yep! A heck of a place." was the clipped answer, "But we might as well be heading there. It's a good way to start the Space Patrol." And so a little ship in a vast Universe headed for the ringed Saturn.
SPACE PATROL SCIENTI-TALES PAGE...5.. Squeaky Dorsan. The First Space Policemen in the history of the world. Reaching the ship they opened the great ultraimaine door and entered. Suddenly, the crowd stilled as they sensed the great moment come. A slight tremor shook the as it's great, Diesel powered engines, turned over in their rotary operations. And then, with a flash and a roar it shot into the sky. A cheer arose from the crowd as the first of the Space Patrol disappeared into the azure blueness of the heavens. CHAPTER # TWO $. O. $. The Universe sparkled with myriad pinpoints of light. It was vast this Universe. Vast an beautiful. But also cold, cold, with the malignant forces of th unknown. Captain John Hawks cursed this lonliness of space. Two men alone, in one ship, a never ceasing monotony. They had been roving space for two months with no unusual happenings or excitement. His co-partner Squeaky Dorsan muttered under his breath. But not low enough so that Hawk did not hear. Suddenly his voice rose higher, his eyes dilated, he shrieked. "Why did I ever take this accursed job?! Why couldn't I stay where I was? On the giant liners, where you're not alone! There, you can hear the laughter of people. The companionship of men. The strains of music. And all of the things to be with a guy like you? Do you always have to be grim, hard? Can't you crack a smile, tell jokes, sing? Can't you holler, holler...Hollerrrr..." Sssmmack!! Hawk's fist connected against Squeaky's face. "Shut up you fool. Can't you see you're cracking? Get a hold onto yourself." Dorsan, his face red and blood streaming from a cut on his cheek, stood mouth agape. Then once more his eyes dilated, a growl onsued from throat and he advanced towards Hawk. Suddenly a spark crackled from their transmitter and a feminine voice spoke from the microphone. "S.O.S. Ship Cosmic calling.. Ship Cosmic calling. Private cruiser Cosmic in distress. Location: Saturn. Longitude and latitude unknown. But watch for fires. Can't hold out much longer. S.O.S. S.O.S. ........" This timely interruption pulled Squeaky Dorsan. Timely interruption, but a catastrophe. He looked at the set as it continued over and over. "Ye Gods!" he squeaked, "Of all places to be marrooned! An unexplored planet". "Yep! A heck of a place." was the clipped answer, "But we might as well be heading there. It's a good way to start the Space Patrol." And so a little ship in a vast Universe headed for the ringed Saturn.
Hevelin Fanzines