Scienti Tales, v. 1, issue 1, January 1939
Page 9
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VERSUS THE MIND MASTER SCIENTI-TALES PAGE 9.... "Naw, it's been dead up there lately; I betcha' the Master's up to some-thing!" "Here's your food boys! Come and get it!" The three quickly stopped talking and started to gulp their food down. After having eaten their fill, they all lay back on the soft couches and chair. Spats a sharp, thin featured person with a high intelligent forehead, topped by coal-black h-hair, lit his pipe and turned on the vision-radio. Crossing his legs he sighed, "Ah this is the life." "Yeah! But it wont last long. We will have to go up in a few minutes." "Yah Squeeky! your a joy killer. It's guy............" he broke off as the b-buzzer sounded twice, showing that their time was up. "Well, that's that. So-long sweetheart. I'll bysinia!" Putting on their suits and helmets, Squeeky went out with Spats after saying goodbye to Luna. Hawk was the last to go out. Arriving at their ships, Hawk and Squee-ky waved goodbye to Spats, as he entered his ship. It was a small ship this number two, smaller than nu-mber one. It was a one man ship, intended mostly for speed. The idea being, that since the first time the Space Patrol was tricked on a false S.O.S. and had taken a week before it found out it was false, the small would find out in twelve ho-urs. It would then notify wither wayi it stood. Meanwhile, the big ship, although really not so big would keep on patrolling space. Waiting till all was clear and the small ship had taken off, they finally shot off into space to ke-ep their lonely vigil with the stars. Hours later, th-eir ship automatically set, they were busily occupied. Squeeky was reading an old copy of a back number scie-nce-story magazine. John was reading THE ROCKET TABLOID, which gave dates of import-ant liners which would take off during the month. Excitement showed on his face, as be read of one ship. A glimmer of an idea began to form in his head, as he kept reading it over and over. Calling his co-mate, he showed him the paragraph. "So what?!" he questioned. "Can't you see? Look it's not a new idea, and it has always worked before, so, why not now? I have a way ofn how we could trap THE INVISIBLE MASTER, and if not trap him, give him the trumping of his life, listen....." And the plan unfolded be-fore the amazed Squeeky. "Gee! That's a pip! It can't fail, let's go now." .................................................................. CHAPTER TWO# FOILED .................................................................. Fifteen million dollars is a tempting prize. But also a trap for anyone w-who have the daring and the nerve to attempt it. Anyone! Except, The Invisible Master. That's why suspense ran high on the ship AMERICANIA. Everyone, passengers and crew alike, knew and expected The Invisible Master to attempt it. For, he would not let a cache like that alone. True! guards would be all over the ship, watching any suspicious movements a person would make. But could they watch a person they could not see, a person who was not known, by face, or race, or planet? A grim, hawk faced, visaged person stalked the corridors and pleasure rooms of the ship. Scanning every individual face in the liner, man or woman, he knew that even if the Space Patrol did not capture the master, they at least would win one rou-nd on The Invisible Master. For a plan had been put under way, and only five people knew of it. Grin faced, Captain John Hawk, handsome Squeeky Dorsan, the Space Patrol,
VERSUS THE MIND MASTER SCIENTI-TALES PAGE 9.... "Naw, it's been dead up there lately; I betcha' the Master's up to some-thing!" "Here's your food boys! Come and get it!" The three quickly stopped talking and started to gulp their food down. After having eaten their fill, they all lay back on the soft couches and chair. Spats a sharp, thin featured person with a high intelligent forehead, topped by coal-black h-hair, lit his pipe and turned on the vision-radio. Crossing his legs he sighed, "Ah this is the life." "Yeah! But it wont last long. We will have to go up in a few minutes." "Yah Squeeky! your a joy killer. It's guy............" he broke off as the b-buzzer sounded twice, showing that their time was up. "Well, that's that. So-long sweetheart. I'll bysinia!" Putting on their suits and helmets, Squeeky went out with Spats after saying goodbye to Luna. Hawk was the last to go out. Arriving at their ships, Hawk and Squee-ky waved goodbye to Spats, as he entered his ship. It was a small ship this number two, smaller than nu-mber one. It was a one man ship, intended mostly for speed. The idea being, that since the first time the Space Patrol was tricked on a false S.O.S. and had taken a week before it found out it was false, the small would find out in twelve ho-urs. It would then notify wither wayi it stood. Meanwhile, the big ship, although really not so big would keep on patrolling space. Waiting till all was clear and the small ship had taken off, they finally shot off into space to ke-ep their lonely vigil with the stars. Hours later, th-eir ship automatically set, they were busily occupied. Squeeky was reading an old copy of a back number scie-nce-story magazine. John was reading THE ROCKET TABLOID, which gave dates of import-ant liners which would take off during the month. Excitement showed on his face, as be read of one ship. A glimmer of an idea began to form in his head, as he kept reading it over and over. Calling his co-mate, he showed him the paragraph. "So what?!" he questioned. "Can't you see? Look it's not a new idea, and it has always worked before, so, why not now? I have a way ofn how we could trap THE INVISIBLE MASTER, and if not trap him, give him the trumping of his life, listen....." And the plan unfolded be-fore the amazed Squeeky. "Gee! That's a pip! It can't fail, let's go now." .................................................................. CHAPTER TWO# FOILED .................................................................. Fifteen million dollars is a tempting prize. But also a trap for anyone w-who have the daring and the nerve to attempt it. Anyone! Except, The Invisible Master. That's why suspense ran high on the ship AMERICANIA. Everyone, passengers and crew alike, knew and expected The Invisible Master to attempt it. For, he would not let a cache like that alone. True! guards would be all over the ship, watching any suspicious movements a person would make. But could they watch a person they could not see, a person who was not known, by face, or race, or planet? A grim, hawk faced, visaged person stalked the corridors and pleasure rooms of the ship. Scanning every individual face in the liner, man or woman, he knew that even if the Space Patrol did not capture the master, they at least would win one rou-nd on The Invisible Master. For a plan had been put under way, and only five people knew of it. Grin faced, Captain John Hawk, handsome Squeeky Dorsan, the Space Patrol,
Hevelin Fanzines